House-Museum of Ermolova M.N .: review, history, interesting facts and reviews

In the literal translation, the word "museum" means "temple of the muses." This value is directly relevant to the Ermolova Museum, because the contribution of Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova to the development of the Russian theater is difficult to exaggerate. Her work inspired and made you think about important issues in the life of every person. Muse for many directors and associates in the acting workshop. The actress gathered on the theater stage a whole collection of amazing images, creating her own, a virtual museum. That is why the organization of the museum named after M. N. Ermolova herself is more than logical, and very important.

Where is?

The house-museum of M. N. Ermolova in Moscow is a museum, which is an illustration of one of the brightest pages of the theatrical life of the city and Russia. It is located in the center of the capital, in its historical part, on one of the most famous and old streets - Tversky Boulevard. The exact address of the Ermolova House-Museum in Moscow is 11 Tverskaya Boulevard.

This place is located very close to three stations of the Moscow metro: Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya and Pushkinskaya. The Ermolova House Museum is only part of the large constellation of theatrical museums in Moscow. Along with it, a large number of other branches are included in this "constellation": the Theater Museum named after Bakhrushin - the main house and the carriage shed; house-museums of Shchepkin and Ostrovsky; museum-apartments of Meyerhold, Ulanova and Pluchek; Mironov-Menaker Museum-apartment, etc.

The history of the creation of the house-museum of M. N. Ermolova in Moscow

The house on 11 Tverskoy Boulevard dates back to the 1770s. It is believed that here was the headquarters of one of the Masonic lodges, and its owner was himself a freemason.

Under the first of the well-known owners - the state adviser Zvyagintsev, the house was rebuilt, at first it was two-story, then it increased to three floors, it was supplemented with a mezzanine and a glazed bay window.

Under the next owner, Captain-Engineer Romeiko, an additional outbuilding was built on the estate, which had a balcony and connected to the main building with a covered passage.

In the 19th century, a house with a mezzanine passed into the possession of lawyer N.P. Shubinsky, husband of Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova.

Museum Interiors

This house connects the history of Freemasonry with the tradition that exists among Muscovites about ghosts. It is believed that Shubinsky was buying a house already with him. But the origin of the ghost is associated with the murder that happened in the mansion. Some believe that it was a suicide. But all agree on one reason: unhappy love. Well, what is not the plot for the tragedy? But Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova was a tragic actress. Perhaps this story found an echo in her soul.

The actress lived in a house on Tversky Boulevard until 1928 (almost 30 years). Then her daughter lived here. And in the 70s of the twentieth century, Ermolova’s house-museum settled in three rooms. After 16 years, the house was transferred to the possession of the museum in full.

Ground floor exposure

... entering through the main entrance to the house, you immediately find yourself in the last century ... Waxed parquet. A floorboard creaks ... a table under a lampshade ... silver cup holders ... chairs in covers ... it seems that they just sat here and had a tea. (From visitor reviews)

The rooms of little Masha and her parents were in the basement. And by accidental (or nonrandom) coincidence, an exposition dedicated to the childhood and adolescence of the future actress. It exhibits materials related to the life of the Ermolov family, with Masha's years of study at the Theater School.

Second floor exposition

The ensemble of rooms on the second floor is the ceremonial premises in which Ermolova received the most famous representatives of the culture and art of her era. The most beautiful rooms from the ceremonial interiors are the "Yellow Living Room" and the study.

All rooms were recreated with historical accuracy, but the cabinet, which was photographed during Ermolova’s life, has the greatest similarity, and this photograph was preserved intact. It was on it that the restoration of the premises went.

On the same floor, according to descriptions and photographs, the dressing room of Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova was recreated in the Maly Theater. This recreation was simply necessary, because most of the actress's life took place in her and on the stage. It was her "star kingdom" and her nook, where the actress could tune in, think about the role and listen to her feelings, feelings, experiences.

Dressing room Ermolova

Behind the dressing room is the actress’s husband’s office. There was his workspace. There is an exit to the Winter Garden from the office of N. P. Shubinsky. Through the garden, visitors enter the “White Hall” - the place where Maria Nikolaevna hosted a secular society, spent holidays and evenings for her guests and friends.

The exposition of the Ermolova House-Museum on Tverskoy Boulevard contains materials on the creative take-off of the great actress. And the first room of the enfilade is dedicated to her debut performance.

Exposition of the third floor

On the third floor, where the old wooden staircase leads, the dining room was recreated almost authentically, where M. N. Ermolova and N. P. Shubinsky organized friendly evenings. This usually happened on Saturdays, when the theater had a day off. Further up the floor is the Green Living Room and the actress’s bedroom.

Green living room

In the living room stands, miraculously preserved, the piano on which Maria Nikolaevna played music. This room also has a balcony that overlooks Tverskaya Boulevard. Maria Nikolaevna was very fond of watching from this balcony the processions that took place on Tversky Boulevard during the holidays. In the Ermolova house-museum, the bedroom is the place that in the last years of the star’s life was a corner from which the actress almost never left. There she died.

Star fate: the one whose name ...

Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova is a star of the domestic scene of the 19th century. A native of Moscow, she was born in the family of an employee of the Maly Theater.

She began her vocational training with mastering the art of ballet. But teachers did not find any special dancing talents in it. However, everyone noted her vivid dramatic abilities, manifested in amateur performances. She and her friends staged performances in their free time.

A special role in the formation of dramatic skills was played by the environment in which Mary revolved. Participating in mass ballet scenes, the aspiring actress had the opportunity to observe the work of the titans of the dramatic art of her time.

Maria Ermolova played her first dramatic role at the age of 13 in her father's performance. And at 17 years old - in the performance of Nadezhda Medvedeva. It should be noted that the girl’s first appearance on the stage was not noticed. The second was very successful. After graduating from the Theater School, Ermolova acts as an actress in the service of the Maly Theater. In the 1870s wrote, texts for creative meetings with famous figures of culture and art and led them. These meetings attracted special attention of critics to M. N. Ermolova.

Maria Ermolova

In the last decade of the 19th century, she played in performances staged according to the plays of the Symbolists. One of the most striking roles of this period can be called Vass Zheleznov from the play by A. M. Gorky.

In 1902 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters, and in 1920 - People's Artist of the Republic. In parallel with her acting career, M. N. Ermolova was engaged in teaching acting.

Maria Yermolova was lonely: her husband, the lawyer N.P. Shubinsky, whom she met in the 1870s, died early. Ermolova lived with her daughter. She died at 75, and was buried in Vladykino, and later reburied.

The basis of the collection

The exposition of the Ermolova house-museum consists of genuine things that belonged to the famous tragic actress and her husband. Some of them were preserved, thanks to the daughter of Maria Nikolaevna M.N. Zelenina. This part is the furnishings of as many as three rooms on the third floor and many items of exposure. Probably, these are things of family and personal life.

Things on display

In addition, there are also objects from the theatrical life of Ermolova: her costumes, props, props, etc. The exposition of the first and second floors displays authentic posters reflecting the theatrical life of the actress and photographs telling about her family. Genuine furniture has also been preserved. Stacked flooring in the mansion is no less interesting than furniture, and very well preserved. In Yermolova’s office, for a long time, they kept the old lilac stained glass, inserted into the frame even with the first owner of the house. Later it was replaced with the usual one.

Museum today

In the historical "White Hall" of Ermolova’s house-museum in Moscow, concerts and creative evenings, performances and theatrical meetings are held now.

White Hall

According to visitors' reviews, chamber performances are very homely in atmosphere and are held in the amazing “Green Living Room”. The play of the actors taking part in them corresponds to the classical performing manner of the times of Ermolova.

Like moving in a time machine. Great exposure, lots of interesting things. Everything was preserved as if the hostess had recently left the house and was about to return. (From visitor reviews)

On New Year's Eve, the event "Christmas in the House of Ermolova" is held annually with dressing up and decorating the Christmas tree. And for children, a home tree is organized, such as it was in noble families until 1917.

In the summer, free concerts are held in the cozy courtyard.


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