KUDO heat-resistant paint: description, specifications, types, palette and reviews

Kudo heat-resistant paint is widely used today. It is a high-quality organosilicon enamel, which is used for coloring metal products heated during operation to 600 ° C. This includes the components of the exhaust system of the car, the details of the water heating boiler and other equipment, elements of steam pipelines and pipelines. The composition is used for internal and external works, which makes it universal. To apply this mixture is quite simple, this also applies to inaccessible places, because it has good hiding power. Among the additional advantages, we can also distinguish excellent weather resistance. But easy application is supplemented by a small expense, because the layer is thin.


kudo paint

The Kudo paint discussed above is durable and of high quality. With it, you can protect surfaces that have not previously been painted. Application is acceptable on old heating appliances for the purpose of restoration. Scope are:

  • ovens;
  • fireplaces;
  • B-B-Q;
  • barbecues;
  • radiators;
  • geysers;
  • hot pipes.

In order to prevent traces of material from entering, surfaces that should not be painted should be protected. It is not recommended to apply the mixture on hot parts or surfaces. This recommendation is due to the fact that ignition can occur, therefore, before starting work, the elements must be cooled to ambient temperature. Application should be carried out from a distance of 25 cm. Previously, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and rust, dried, degreased, and then applied 2-3 layers, between which should be kept for a period of 15 minutes. In this case, the ambient temperature should be approximately +20 ° . Kudo paint will be dried to tack within 10 minutes, all under the same conditions as mentioned above. The complete drying of the layer should be expected after 2 hours.

Specifications and palette

spray paint kudo

On sale, you can find several shades of the paint described in the article, each of them has a certain heat resistance. For example, silver color can undergo the influence of temperature up to 650 ° , while black - up to 600 ° . As for the blue and red colors, as well as red-brown, the layer with such shades will be able to withstand temperatures up to 350 ° C. The white color of the described paint is the least heat-resistant, because it can withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C. Each value can be changed in both directions by 5 ° .

Kudo paint should be applied to metal surfaces, the average consumption is 2 m 2 . It is on such an area that one 520-ml cylinder will go. There are 12 such cylinders in the box, while the box size is as follows: 270 x 205 x 207 mm. In the mixture:

  • polymethylphenylsiloxanes;
  • fillers;
  • pigments
  • additives;
  • xylene;
  • methyl acetate;
  • butanol;
  • propane;
  • butane.

Paint is produced according to specifications 2388-025-53934955-2010.

Usage Reviews

paint kudo reviews

According to customers, Kudo should only be applied after vigorously shaking the bottle for 3 minutes. In order to achieve a coating that has benzo-, oil-, and salt resistance, it is necessary to carry out thermal quenching of the painted product. This indicates the need to heat the surface before starting operation to a temperature within 300 ° C. In this condition, the product must be left for 20 minutes.

Those consumers who already use this paint note that after completion of work it is necessary to turn the container upside down and spray until enamel ceases to flow. This will eliminate clogging of the spray head.

Varieties of paint

heat resistant kudo paint

Kudo Spray Paint is available in many varieties. Among others, we can distinguish:

  • washable water paint for creativity and hobby;
  • chalk paint ;
  • gun oil ;
  • tinting varnish for wood;
  • paint for aluminum and zinc surfaces;
  • enamel for ceramics.

You may be interested, for example, tinting varnish for wood, it is a composition for repair, construction and decoration works. You can apply paint on baguettes, parquet, wood paneling, etc. These spray can show the natural structure of the material, giving it the appearance of valuable species.

For reference

kudo paint remover

The coating has high weather resistance and is able to withstand external mechanical influences. This Kudo spray paint protects wood from biological damage such as mold, blue, fungus, rot and insect damage.

Kudo paint wash reviews

kudo spray paint

Kudo paint remover is also on sale today. According to users, this is a high-quality tool for removing old coatings. This composition can cope with the removal of paint, even from hard-to-reach places of products that have complex surface geometry. If we compare this composition with traditional mechanical methods, it removes coatings without damaging the surface. According to customers, the wash can affect most coatings, such as alkyd, oil, nitrocellulose and acrylic mixtures. However, it should be remembered that powder coatings for this wash will not be possible.

Features of using a wash

Kudo paint, reviews about which is quite useful to read before purchasing the product, can also be washed off with the above tool. Its application is almost no different from the technology of using the enamel itself. It is first necessary to protect surfaces from which the paint should not be removed. The external ambient temperature should be +10 ° , only under such conditions it is possible to start work.

In hot weather, the workpiece must be covered with a plastic film, with an increase in the temperature of the environment, the evaporation of the composition increases. To combat the most resistant coatings, it is necessary to repeatedly apply the product, between the layers you should wait 5 to 15 minutes, everything will depend on the ambient temperature and the thickness of the coating.

You will notice that the composition worked when the paint swelled and peeled off. This will soften the paintwork. After that, it will be easy to get rid of it with a rag or spatula. Before subsequent painting, the surface must be degreased; for this, a silicone remover from the same manufacturer should be used. Avoid contact with rubber and plastic parts. If the steam components will act for a long time without human control, then the plastic and elastomer can be destroyed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35494/

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