Why is Jewish nationality determined by mother? Most Popular Versions

Each nation has a number of features that distinguish it from others. One of these is the definition of nationality, which for some peoples is determined by mother, and not by father. One of these peoples is the people of Moses. Residents give many reasons why Jews have a nationality transmitted by mother. The article will consider the most popular versions.

why Jews have nationality determined by mother

How is the nationality of the child determined?

Before considering the above question, whatit is to learn about how the nationality of a person is determined. Nationality is a conditional belonging of a person to a certain ethnic group, whose representatives speak the same language, have a common history and culture, and observe the same traditions. How is Jewish nationality determined by father or mother?

Logically, the child from birth belongs to the nationality to which his parents belong. If they are representatives of different nationalities, then nationality is determined in accordance with traditions. For example, in Russia, if the father is Russian, the mother, for example, is Jewish, then the child will be Russian in Russia and a Jew in Israel.

Why do Jews determine nationality by mother, and Russians by father? In many nations, a man is a successor to the clan, and the wife and child adopt the traditions and customs by which he and his clan live. And since representatives of the same people observe the same customs, it is natural that the child adopts the father’s nationality. There is another explanation: thanks to the man, a new life is emerging, and it is logical that his child is a representative of one nation with him.

how Jews determine nationality

There is another way of determining nationality - the physiological one, according to which a person’s belonging to any ethnic group is determined by their appearance - the type and color of hair, skin, eye shape and physique. But this method will not work if the person’s parents are representatives of not one, but several nations. But in this case, he has the right, having become competent, to choose the nationality to which he relates himself or even become a representative of several ethnic groups, a multinational.

But there are times when a child does not know his parents. Then he belongs to the ethnic group in whose territory he lives and whose traditions he respects.

It is also worth noting that the issue of nationality in European countries is less important than in Russia and Israel, where it means citizenship. So how do Jews determine their nationality? Consider the most popular versions below.


The first answer to the question of why the Jews determine their nationality by mother is that, according to representatives of this people, the body and soul of the child are formed in the womb. Therefore, a woman who is not Jewish from birth cannot give the child a Jewish soul.

why among Jews, nationality is determined by mother and among Russians by father


Similar to the previous version, the one according to which it is believed that the main of the characteristics of the Jewish people is its culture. And since the mother is more involved in the upbringing of the child than other family members, his nationality is transmitted through the mother.


According to Halacha, a code of laws based on the Torah, Talmud, and other rabbinical literature, a Jew cannot marry a woman of a different nationality. This is explained by the fact that for a long time it is the mother who influences the formation of the personality of the child and therefore not the Jewess will be able to raise a true representative of the people who observe all traditions and customs. Therefore, marriage to a stranger was not only condemned in society, but was also considered a crime against God. But it is worth noting that if a woman accepted Judaism and complied with all his requirements, she and her children were recognized as Jews.


Another answer to the question "Why is Jewish nationality determined by mother?" it sounds like this: Jews, like other nations, took part in wars and, as a result, many men remained on the battlefield. In order for the nation not to disappear from the face of the Earth, the Jews decided to consider the children of Jews from representatives of other nations their compatriots.

Jewish nationality is determined by father or mother


This version is similar to the previous one, but the reason was the war with the Romans. During the conflict, many Jewish women were captured by the Romans and were their concubines. In order for children born from the union of Romans and Jews to be considered representatives of the Jewish people, a law was passed by which the nationality of the child was determined by mother.


Another answer to the question "Why is Jewish nationality determined by mother?" - This is the legal version, according to which, the law adopted by the rabbis is a reflection of the law from Roman law. According to it, if the spouses were not married, the child inherited the nationality of the mother, not the father.


Ancient Jews treated women of other tribes with distrust and caution, since they believed that even if a child was born in marriage, you can not be completely sure that he is yours, since there is always minimal risk that a woman can change. But in motherhood, on the contrary, it is impossible to doubt. Therefore, those who are interested in why the Jews determine their nationality by mother should know about this version.

why do Jews have a nationality transmitted by mother

How to become a Jew?

If suddenly a person discovered that among his relatives there are representatives of the Jewish people, and he wanted to become one of them, then he must go through a special rite - the giyur, which includes four stages:

  • a conscious and sincere desire to become a true Jew and to keep the commandments sent by the Almighty - mitzvot;
  • pass the test of sincerity and knowledge of the Torah at the rabbi;
  • circumcise if it is a man;
  • Immerse yourself in a mikvah - a special pool of water that is filled according to religious requirements.

If a person has gone through all these stages, then he becomes a Jew.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35500/

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