Heroes of Dota 2: Visp. "Dota 2": how to play for Visp

Below we will consider the abilities of such a hero as Visp. “Dota 2” offers the player several dozen support, but it is the defender Visp who is one of the best for team play.

visp dota 2
Along with Wenga, it can be considered the most optimal assistant for your carry and tanks. The universality of the hero allows him to become one himself if necessary in the late. For all its advantages, IO (another name for Vispa) is a rather complex character and requires the player experience and certain skills.

Skills of Visp

The first skill is called "Tezer" and is the fundamental ability of the hero of Visp. "Dota 2" is arranged in such a way that almost every hero has a certain skill, on which his playing style depends. The teaser allows you to connect the AI ​​with the union unit with a special force line. After applying the ability, both participants increase the speed of movement. This is very useful when chasing an enemy or running away.

visp guide
If Visp replenishes health or mana, then the unit associated with it also replenishes these indicators, but half as much. During a fight, this can be applied as follows: Visp is located behind the tank and replenishes lives with the help of a tango or a bottle. At this time, the hero associated with him is participating in the battle. Vispa cannot be brought down by the hill due to the fact that it is far away, and the ally receives a crazy health regen or mana. Of course, such a trick can be applied only in the early stages of the game.

Ligament Features

After binding between Visp and the selected hero, a connection thread appears. When passing through it, an enemy unit will be stunned. At the last level of pumping, the camp will last almost two and a half seconds. This is one of the strongest camps in the game. The thread is useful both during the escape, and during the attack on the "walking" alone enemy.

visp dota 2 story
True, getting a thread into an enemy hero is not so easy, especially if the fight takes place in narrow passages.

Power thread

If Visp moves away from the connected unit, then the thread breaks. Allowed distance increases with each ability level. But the range of application is much greater than the range of work. After using the ligament, the AI ​​flies to the ally with great speed, ignoring all the obstacles. This is one of the best escape skills that Visp has. Dota 2 offers several artifacts that allow you to quickly move around the map. For example, Blink Dagger. However, in a sudden attack, it is simply useless, since it does not work three seconds after receiving damage from the heroes. Therefore, “Tezer” is a very good skill for both escape and quick inclusion in the battle.

Attacking second skill

The only ability directly causing damage is the second skill of the AI. After its activation, Visp invokes five spirits that circle around the hero. When confronted with an enemy hero, the spirit explodes and deals one hundred points of damage to both him and all enemies around.

wisp dota 2
After activation, the player gains the ability to increase or decrease the radius of the circle around which the spirits rotate. By default, it is adjusted using the E and D keys, but the hotkey abilities can be changed in the settings of Dota 2 (game).

Spirits also deal damage on creeps. But at the same time they do not explode, and the damage itself is reduced. This is a good way to farm. Spirits can be used both during the battle, and during the pursuit of an enemy hero with low HP. At first it may seem that managing spirits is extremely difficult, but any video guide to Visp will convince you of the opposite. With proper use, you can inflict five hundred damage to the enemy, which is quite a lot at any stage of the game.

Hero Abilities: Overchage

The third skill is considered the most necessary in the arsenal of Wisp. Dota 2 slightly changed this ability compared to the first version of the game. After using the ability, the AI ​​increases attack speed and damage. Also reduces the damage that the hero receives. All these bonuses apply to the unit with which Visp is associated with the first skill. But after use, the character loses four and a half percent of HP and mana per second, and the hero associated with it does not receive such damage. Extremely useful skill during the fight. You need to have time to squeeze it before the enemies begin to use their abilities.

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This will minimize the damage from the most powerful spells, which are usually used first. The ability is almost recoilless. But its long-term use will seriously hit Visp's lives and mana. Therefore, you must include the third skill exclusively in fights and for a short period of time. Collecting the Bloodstone IO will maximize the productivity of Overlook.


Of course, one of the best AI skills is ult. This is a universal ability that can be used for completely different purposes. It allows you to teleport to anywhere on the map. The ability can be applied in different ways, depending on the connection with Visp. "Dota 2" makes it possible to scan a small section of the territory at any point on the minimap (except for the Roshan cell). You can scan the enemy forest and, after finding enemies there, teleport there with the allied carry for 12 seconds. After this time, you will be returned back. During this period, you, together with Kerry, will be able to kill the enemy hero and return back until help arrives at him. Therefore, you should always follow the minimap. If you find an enemy fleeing to the base with low HP, you can teleport to him and try to kill alone. It is impossible to bring down the ultimate casting, which, of course, is a serious plus during the escape. For example, you entered into a fight, and enemy nukers inflicted huge damage on you. You can associate any ally with low lives and use the ult on the base. You replenish HP and mana at the well and return to the battle. At the same time, enemy heroes will no longer have abilities or mana, and you can easily drain them.

Hyde on Visp: purchase

Expensive artifacts do not need AI for a productive game, such as Spectra or Furion. But the right purchase, of course, is an important component. The style of play in late depends largely on what kind of Visp things are. "Dota 2" is constantly updated, adding new items. But the standard procurement of AI is practically unchanged. At the first levels, he needs a boot, which then turns into an Arkana.

Dota 2 stuff
Mecca is also needed if you are going to play pure support. In this case, do not forget about the wards. The flexibility of the hero allows you to make him carry in the middle of the game. To do this, he needs the Dominator and Armlet. Under Overchage you can deal damage at great speed. Passive waste of health is replenished thanks to vampirism. If you are going to make a tank from an IO, then at the first levels you should collect Wangward, and then Tarascu. Only games with different strategies will help you understand how to play for Visp. "Dota 2" may surprise even the most experienced players for AI. The best example is the latest International.

Visp, "Dota 2": the story of the hero

Each character in "DotA 2" has its own story. According to her, Visp is a product of some strong energy from other universes. It existed even before time appeared. AI is simultaneously in several dimensions that are inaccessible to the eyes of mortals. It can appear in any of them. It is not clear to anyone how he appeared and what his motives are. It is only known that in essence he is extremely kind and can share his strength with allies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35505/

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