Proper watering of orchids is the path to success

Just a couple of decades ago, growing orchids at home seemed very difficult or even impossible. Today, orchids of various types can be found in any flower shop, they adorn many homes. As it turned out, orchids are not so capricious and feel good in our apartments. Caring for these plants is not complicated, but it has some features, the observance of which is guaranteed to bring success, and orchids will long delight with their lush flowering. Especially important in the care of watering orchids, which differs from the watering of most indoor plants.

Orchids belong to the group of epiphytic plants. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they grow on other plants, mainly on trees and shrubs, using them as a support, but at the same time not being parasites. The root system of epiphytes consists of a large number of aerial roots with which plants absorb, like filter paper, water and nutrients. The aerial roots of orchids need constant access to fresh air.

Methods of watering orchids

Excess moisture for orchids is even more dangerous than its lack. To provide the roots with an inflow of air, orchids are planted in a special loose substrate, consisting mainly of tree bark. When watering, water easily penetrates through pieces of bark, but with excessive watering, liquid accumulates in a flowerpot or other container, which can cause root decay. Therefore, the usual method, which is suitable for indoor plants, is unacceptable for orchids. Water them with a thin stream of water along the edge of the pot, trying not to get into the center of the plant, where the growth point is located. After that, you need to drain all the water collected in the pan. If water gets on the growth point, it must be carefully removed with a napkin.

It is better to water the orchids by immersion. This method is especially good for orchids growing in baskets or pots. The basket with the plant is immersed in water for a couple of minutes, and then let the water drain and return to its place.

Two or three times a month, orchids can arrange baths, which very well affect their general condition, stimulate growth. You can bathe plants under a warm shower. So that hard tap water does not get to the roots, the pot can be placed in a plastic bag. After taking a shower, the plants are left in the bathroom for a while, so that the glass of water and the leaves dry. Such bathing replaces watering orchids and well cleans the plant from the accumulation of dust, microorganisms and pests.

Water needed for irrigation

Watering orchids should be carried out in the morning. To do this, use well-settled water at room temperature. These plants do not tolerate hard water, since in nature they use soft rainwater. Hardness reduction is achieved by boiling water with subsequent sedimentation. Some use distilled water, but it does not contain any salts, and watering orchids with this water can only be done after adding a portion of ordinary tap water or adding special fertilizers.

For orchids, it is very important that watering is regular, without long dry periods. Of course, plants can withstand the lack of watering for several days, but this will inevitably affect the growth of plants.

We should mention the intensity of irrigation in different phases of plant growth. During the whole time, watering should be approximately the same in intensity, with a frequency of once every two to three days. They slightly increase the watering of orchids during flowering, since the plant requires a large amount of nutrients. Transplanting orchids during flowering is undesirable and can be performed only for some urgent reasons. During the dormant period, watering plants are reduced to once a week.


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