Calculation of the time difference between Yekaterinburg and Moscow

When traveling, making business trips and visiting relatives in other cities and countries, people have to shift the clock forward or backward. This is due to the fact that the planet is divided into time zones. There is also a time difference between Yekaterinburg and Moscow. Although these cities are not so far from each other.

What are the time zones?

Time zones can be geographical or administrative. Their indicators may correspond to each other or differ. In total, there are 24 time zones in the world, one zone for every hour of the day. The territory of Russia is divided into 11 time zones (until 2014 there were only 9). They are all complete, that is, the time difference between two neighboring zones will always be exactly one hour. For example, in China there are territories divided into smaller โ€œbeltsโ€. Part of Tibet and the east of Xinjiang are in the time zone +5: 30. This is called the "administrative time zone."

time difference between yekaterinburg and moscow

Time zones are calculated relative to the Greenwich meridian. It serves as a mark of 0. All belts to the left of it will be โ€œminus zonesโ€, and those to the right will be plus zones. So Moscow will be in the UTC + 03: 00 zone, Ottawa (Canada) in the UTC-05: 00 belt, and the time in Reykjavik (Iceland) will correspond to GMT according to its geographical location.

It is worth noting that not all countries are switching to summer and winter time. In total, there are 65 states and 10 territories that are changing their time. Among them are Australia, Iran, Serbia, Bermuda, Jersey and others. South Korea, Uruguay, Laos, Nepal and a number of others do not change the time.

How much from Yekaterinburg to Moscow?

The distance between these two cities is 1,789 km. It takes about 25 hours to overcome this distance by train. By car, you can walk it in a little less time - 23 hours. The fastest way, of course, will be by plane. The whole trip will take no more than 2 hours and 20 minutes. The exact time depends on the selected airline. The flight speed of aircraft may vary to a greater or lesser extent due to the specifics of the functioning of certain models and policies of the transport company itself.

how much from yekaterinburg to moscow

Time difference between Yekaterinburg and Moscow

First of all, the difference in time zones is important for tourists traveling inside Russia or coming from abroad. Correctly translated time on the phone or watch will help not to be late for the flight and plan the day correctly. For example, the time difference between Yekaterinburg and Moscow is two hours. As mentioned above, Russia is changing the time. Since both cities are located in Russia, they switch from winter to summer time and vice versa. The time difference between Yekaterinburg and Moscow will remain the same throughout the year.

If you are flying from Moscow to Yekaterinburg, then the clock needs to be moved two hours ahead. When flying in the opposite direction - back. If you just need to find out the time in Yekaterinburg, you need to add two hours to Moscow time.

time in yekaterinburg

On many devices with GPS navigation, it is possible to independently switch the time to a new time zone, but you should not completely rely on technology. The day before departure or travel, it is better to manually set the clock and other devices. This will save you from possible unpleasant surprises.


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