"Agusha" sour milk from 6 months: composition, rules for the introduction of complementary foods, reviews

Currently, there is a huge amount of baby food. One of the types is fermented milk mixture. They are intended for feeding babies in the first year of their life. Such a product is close to breast milk and retains all the positive properties. The most popular option for feeding is sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months.

"Agusha" sour milk from 6 months: reviews

Product Description and Composition

Sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months includes vitamins, minerals and prebiotics. Such a mixture is ideal for starting feeding. It is supplied in special sealed packaging that protects the product from the effects of adverse external factors.

The fermented milk mixture is as close as possible to breast milk. It contains a proven formula necessary for the development and growth of babies.

This product includes:

  • water;
  • lactose;
  • vitamins and minerals: iodine, calcium, potassium and iron;
  • milk serum;
  • cream;
  • vegetable fats (corn, rapeseed, coconut, soy);
  • prebiotics and other components.

The proportion of fat in the Agusha fermented milk mixture from 6 months is 3.4%. This product is intended for complementary foods or as the main type of food.

How to introduce "Agusha" sour milk from 6 months

The Russian company Agusha is releasing this product. The company is not limited to the manufacture of fermented milk mixture only. In their line there is mineral water for children, special compotes, cereals, mashed potatoes.

Age category

Sour-milk mixture is used for feeding children from six months of age. On the photo of sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months it is clear that this product is allowed to be used up to 1 year. Then parents should buy other products from this company made for older children.

The correct introduction of complementary foods

Many young parents are wondering how to introduce sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months. Before you start feeding your baby, you need to learn a few rules. Adhering to them, you can understand how to properly organize the process, as well as contribute to better digestibility of the new product in the baby.

  • The first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months, and the fermented milk mixture can be used as a main meal or supplement.
  • A new product must be given during the second feeding.
  • You need to start with small portions. For the first time, no more than 2-3 tablespoons. This will enable the child to first try out the product, and then begin to get used to it.
  • After such a meal, it is recommended to give the crumb the usual food (breast milk or the main infant formula).
  • If the child refused the first dose, then it is worth offering him again after a while.

Parents should carefully monitor the health of the child after the first feeding with a new product. So, if a rash has been detected or the stool has changed, then you should immediately stop using. After introducing such a product into the diet, the child cannot have weight problems. He must develop in his age group.

If the child feels well, then gradually the portions of the new product can be increased. Experts say that it will take 7-10 days to get used to it.

sour milk mixture "Agusha" from 6 months: reviews

How to make a mixture

If parents buy ready-made sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months, then you can immediately give it to the baby. The main thing is to check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date.

It is enough to heat such a product in a water bath to a temperature of +35 ... + 38 degrees. Be sure to mom should check the temperature on a gentle area of ​​her skin (for example, on the wrist).

Mixtures for babies should not be heated in the microwave and heated on a stove. Since in this case, the product is heated unevenly and can burn the child.

How to feed the baby

According to reviews, Agusha fermented milk mixture has been used since 6 months at this age, because it is during this period that the baby needs additional vitamins and minerals.

The feeding process is very important. It creates the atmosphere and mood of the baby. Following some recommendations, mom will always be able to calmly feed the baby.

  • Adults need to take a comfortable position.
  • If a ready-made sour-milk mixture is used in the package, then it must be poured into a plate. And put the child in a feeding chair.
  • Then offer the baby a few spoons intended for the first feeding.
  • If initially the mixture was poured into a bottle, then the child is picked up, holding his head. In the adopted position, the mother should feel comfortable, and also easy to hold the bottle and the baby.
  • During feeding, you should not be distracted and lose eye contact with the baby.
  • It is necessary to prepare a napkin in advance to wipe the baby after eating.

After feeding, the child should be vilified in an upright position so that he gets rid of excess air that has entered the stomach.

sour milk mixture "Agusha" from 6 months

Shelf life of the finished product in the package

As soon as the parent has opened the package with the mixture, its shelf life is drastically reduced. It is necessary to use it for 1 day. Before feeding a child, an adult needs to try it. Since even in such a time the mixture may turn sour.

The composition of sour milk "Agusha" from 6 months

Experts recommend storing it on a separate shelf in the refrigerator. Even open dry mixes are best stored in the same place. This is due to the fact that after a breach of tightness, pathogens can also begin to develop in them.

How to understand that a product is suitable for a baby

There are a number of signs by which you can understand whether the Agusha fermented milk mixture is suitable for the baby.

  • Regular stool. If, after the introduction of a new product, the child begins diarrhea (defecation more than 3 times a day) or constipation, then parents should not rush and immediately remove the product from the diet. Some experts argue that this is a natural adaptation period. It is better to observe the well-being of the child for 3 days.
  • The absence of allergies. No product should cause a baby rash on the body or similar negative effects.
  • Normal weight. After the introduction of a new product, the child should not experience sudden jumps in weight gain or weight gain.
  • The emotional state of the child. After the baby has tried a new product, it should not become irritated or too active. If the baby behaves as usual - then the sour-milk mixture suits him and you can continue to use it.

Parents should remember that the best food for the baby is breast milk. Therefore, you should not abuse such a mixture and replace it with basic meals.

"Agusha" sour milk from 6 months: photo

Parent reviews

Sour-milk "Agusha", used for feeding since 6 months, has established itself as an excellent product. One group of people uses it as the main meal to solve the problems of digestion in children on artificial feeding. And the reviews are always positive. These people have tried many similar products from other brands. However, only this mixture was suitable for their babies and did not cause an allergic reaction in them.

Another group started using this product on the recommendation of pediatricians. According to reviews, the sour-milk β€œAgusha”, which can be given to children from 6 months, was to the liking of babies, and parents began to constantly use it as an additional feeding. They note that their children have improved stool and digestive system.

Some parents note that at first the child did not like this mixture at all. However, constantly offering it, parents were able to instill the baby's love for fermented milk products.

Adults claim that using this mixture is very convenient. Since this product has convenient packaging and is sold ready-made.

Sour milk mixture "Agusha"

Sour-milk "Agusha" is an excellent product for feeding from 6 months. It is used both for constant feeding and for additional feeding. With this mixture there is nothing complicated in the introduction. The main thing is that each parent should pay attention to the condition of the child and how he perceives the new product. The baby's body may simply not be suitable for some components. And in other cases, the fermented milk mixture will become a favorite crumb product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35526/

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