How to say: Russian citizenship or Russian?

Sometimes people are faced with an “insoluble” problem; they don’t know how to determine citizenship: Russian or Russian. It seems that the question is trifling. Quickly remember the name of the state, everything will become clear. But there is a certain philosophical aspect in it that even the president of the Russian Federation has not ignored. Let's try to figure out what citizenship of our glorious country: Russian or Russian. We will argue in several directions at once, so as not to get completely confused.

Russian or Russian citizenship

Why did you get such a problem?

You say someone just messed up? Not at all. The roots of our question go back in time. Back in the nineteenth century, archival documents confirm this, the indigenous nation of the Russian Empire were Russians. The statement did not feature any Belarusians with Ukrainians. Such nationalities simply did not exist for the then "bureaucrats". And there were Russians. And all the people were divided into Great Russians, Little Russians, according to the territory of their residence. Representatives of other nationalities were usually called official "Gentiles." So it turns out that the question of what kind of citizenship: Russian or Russian, in general, was not. People are not shared on a national basis. It should be added for justice that the concept of such as citizenship did not exist in the Russian Empire. All were subjects of the sovereign. And this is a slightly different system of relations with the state. They did not swear allegiance to the country, but to its head, and maintained relations with it. By the way, the emperor could both give the privilege of citizenship, and select it at his discretion.

Russian or Russian citizenship is

Why are there misunderstandings now?

Often people get confused when they do not have the skills to work with documents. You must admit that a common person does not fill out any questionnaire every day, just as he communicates with official bodies. Therefore, I don’t know how to fill out the line “citizenship”. Russian or Russian to write there? In fact, you need to safely ask the employee for a sample. It is in this paper that the requirements for filling out the document are indicated. In the column "citizenship" should write the name of the country. If you have a passport of the Russian Federation, then indicate "Russian Federation" in any language (which is necessary to fill out). That is, in official papers do not write Russian or Russian citizenship. Rather, it is a philosophical question, for reflection and choosing the path for the further development of society. Do you know what citizenship is and what it gives us? Let’s talk a little bit about this, so that the future will be clear.

Russians get Russian citizenship

Citizen Privileges

To begin with, it should be noted that official relations with the state at the bureaucratic level are determined by the presence of a passport. Many residents of the post-Soviet space seek to possess this document proving that a person has citizenship of the Russian Federation. Recently, we are increasingly hearing that the people of the Western world also desire this. Each has its own reasons. In post-Soviet countries, people know that a Russian passport offers many advantages. You can get a good job, get decent pay, in their homeland, unfortunately, this is still a problem. In addition, Russia has a visa-free regime with many countries, and you can travel easily and calmly. Yes, and people still have the feeling of living in the USSR that a strong power protects its subjects. And this is a great privilege.

Philosophical and Political Problem

Now we come to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. He is very concerned about the situation of former compatriots. He has repeatedly said that Russians are the largest divided nation. It turns out that the country has abandoned part of the people, and this is unfair. Behind these thoughts is practical work. So, it is easier for Russians to obtain Russian citizenship than for people of other nationalities. It is prescribed by law. It is only necessary to prove that a person is a native speaker of the Russian language, and for this to pass the test. The applicant must speak well, read any texts, navigate in speeches and programs in his native language (Russian). If, while performing all test tasks, he also has relatives in the territory of the Russian Federation, he can obtain citizenship according to a simplified scheme. And the petition in this case is considered much faster, about three months.

Russian or Russian citizenship as it is correct

Theme development

We have found out almost everything about what citizenship of the Russian Federation is: Russian or Russian, how to write it correctly in documents. It remains only to think what will happen next. At the end of 2016, a new topic began to be discussed in society. Politicians and scientists thought about the Russian nation. On the territory of the country there are many peoples. Between neighbors in the country at different times disputes and conflicts arose. But we, by and large, are a single people. So the question arose about how to reconcile everyone. What does the draft law on the Russian nation have to do with our topic? It will be discussed in society, probably for a long time. And at this time, people will slowly begin to think about which nation they relate to. And it may happen that in fifty years citizenship will not be Russian, but Russian. But this will be seen further.


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