Grow pineapples at home - feel in the tropics

The masterful combination of the useful with the pleasant is to grow something in your own home in order to talk about you. Well, growing plants at home is a common thing; you won’t surprise anyone with this. Although in this you can find your highlight. Even if it weighs up to 15 kg.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit, quite finicky, in our scales familiar only as a product in a store, but not as a garden crop. And he does not shine to survive in the garden. Therefore, we can only grow pineapples at home.

We will propagate in a vegetative way. To do this, we go to the store and "get" the seller, requiring him to choose one or more fruits there:

a) unfrozen;

b) intact;

c) immature (take root better);

d) with large, fresh and not affected by pests leaves in the outlet, as well as with an intact green "crest" in the center.

Pineapples at home
We cut off the top of the selected fruit, departing 2 cm from the lower leaves. We clean all the flesh from the trunk so that there is no rot. The section we injured must be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with finely crushed charcoal, left alone for several hours.

There are two ways to root the apex. The first is to land it in clean sand (preferably river) by 3-4 cm. Covered with a film, the pineapple must be kept at +15 ... + 25, moisturizing daily from a spray bottle. The second is simpler: the tip is placed in a container of water so that its tip only slightly touches the water surface. Be patient: the roots of a pineapple can reach a length sufficient to land in the soil after only a month.

Growing plants at home
The diameter of the pot, where our pineapples will grow at home, should be equal to the diameter of the crown of the outlet. Composition of the soil mixture: sand, humus, sod land (1: 1: 2). Mandatory drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm at the bottom of the pot (coarse sand or fine gravel). When the top gets roots of a two-centimeter length, it is time for the future pineapple in the pot.

He will be growing on the windowsill facing the south of the window. Eliminate any drafts! The soil mixture should not dry out; maintain its moderate humidity by periodic irrigation with warm water. In spring and summer, pineapple is always watered directly at the outlet, and the water should be there constantly, at least once a month, updated to fresh. In winter, water more carefully, about weekly, and only into the soil.

Also, in spring and summer, pineapple should be fed with fertilizers for bromeliad every two weeks. Fertilizer must be diluted with water for irrigation and pour into the outlet.

Window sill cultivation
The temperature in the room where pineapples are grown at home should not fall below +15 in winter and be in the range +22 ... + 25 in summer. If central heating dries the air, especially in winter, the plant must be regularly sprayed. About a year after planting, pineapple is best transplanted into a larger diameter pot.

Pineapples at home begin to bear fruit in 3-4 years. After flowering, the ripening of the fetus begins, lasting six months. Then another 2-3 years is spent on the release of new "kids" -runs, and the plant dies. But the "kids" and take root better than the "parent", and bloom earlier.

In conclusion, I remind you: pineapple is a tasty and healthy product, but it is not recommended for those who suffer from stomach diseases.


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