A lesson for curious naturalists: what mushrooms of the Leningrad region are edible

The environs of St. Petersburg, the former Leningrad, and indeed the entire region - the region, for the mushroom pickers gracious. Here you can find a variety of high-value varieties, as well as those that are usually harvested in lean years when they are glad to any, even the most unpresentable “Earring on one leg”.

Forest excursion

edible mushrooms of the Leningrad region
Before telling about which mushrooms of the Leningrad Region are edible, and which are best avoided, a few words should be said about mushroom places in general. As a rule, such “treasures” can be attacked at the forest edges, in groves where oaks and birches grow, in pine forests and spruce forests. In this case, the areas rich in placers are either sunny or half-shaded, hillocks, as well as former mowings, secret paths. Mushrooms of the Leningrad Region, especially edible, are preferred with abundant humus and moist. And, of course, most species of these plants live near certain tree species.

Mushroom boletus

edible mushrooms of the Leningrad region
So, let's start in order. The mushroom kingdom is diverse. Traveling along it is exciting and rewarding. To all mushrooms, the mushroom is white, it is also mushroom. A handsome man grows only in forests of age, large, solid. Mostly under firs, oaks, pines. Its neighbors are small ferns, heather, lingonberry meadows and anthills. It should be noted that these mushrooms of the Leningrad region (edible, very tasty) are not at all identical in appearance. Classic mushrooms are found under the pine trees. They are with a thick leg, a dark, “tanned” hat and dense white flesh. Their counterparts from the fir tree - with a tall and thin leg, a hat in diameter of a small, reddish-brown. And it’s hard to recognize the inhabitants of shady places at all: the color of their “headdress” is usually white. But you can please those who went to pick porcini mushrooms of the Leningrad region. Edible these handsome men, as a rule, do not grow alone. Where one was found, the second is hiding nearby, and there is a third, fourth ... So, you look, and you collect a whole bucket!


Birch trees are native Russian trees; they grow a lot along roads, in parks, behind village outskirts, in groves and copses. And where they grow, there are such delicious edible mushrooms of the Leningrad Region as boletus. They have ordinary hats if plants appear at the beginning of the summer season, and velvet hats if they are born at the end of August.

And other forest dwellers

edible mushrooms of the Leningrad region photo
Boletus, thrush, oak, mushrooms, butter - all this splendor is found in abundant years. The way the edible mushrooms of the Leningrad Region look , photos will help you figure it out. After all, even one and the same species has several options for coloring, size, shape of the hat and legs, depending on the growing conditions, the proximity of other plants, the season, etc. Mokhoviki, mushrooms, russula, honey agarics, greenfinches, morels, chanterelles, valui - this is not a complete list of everything that can be collected in these parts almost all year round, from early spring to late autumn, until rainy dampness is replaced by frost. It is simply important to know exactly which mushrooms in which forests grow and at what time of the year God is born.

That’s all wisdom! Good luck to you mushroom hunting!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35536/

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