Mixture "Nestogen 1": reviews of pediatricians, instructions, composition. Baby food

The appearance of the baby is the important event that the family is waiting with such excitement and trepidation. But no less responsible is the establishment of lactation. Doctors say that for a child there is nothing more useful than breast milk. Its composition is truly unique.

But what about mothers who have problems with natural feeding? The “Nestogen 1” mixture, which is only positive about pediatricians, can help out in this situation. Why it is worth choosing this particular brand of baby food, we will talk in the article.

how to dilute the mixture is not built 1

Why is natural feeding so important?

If the mother can’t establish lactation, it is necessary to purchase the “Nestogen 1” mixture. Reviews of pediatricians about her are only positive. She is famous for its composition. But is it as unique as breast milk? Scientists around the world still can not solve the mystery of milk. The fact is that its composition varies depending on various factors: time of day, number of feedings, and much more.

Another important point is the establishment of psychoemotional contact between mother and baby during natural feeding. Therefore, a woman needs to make every effort to establish lactation. Relatives should also help and participate in the process: to walk with the baby so that mom has time to relax and sleep, rocking, bathing, changing diapers and much more.

Remember, no matter how marketers advertise formulas, they cannot replace natural feeding.

uncomplicated price

In what cases can not do without a mixture?

There are cases when it is impossible to breastfeed a baby:

  1. Complications caused by childbirth.

  2. Taking medications.

  3. Infectious disease of mom.

  4. Lack of fat and milk production. This can be noticed by a doctor or foster sister during the examination. The baby in the first month should gain at least 600 grams.

In the latter case, doctors may recommend switching to mixed feeding (breast and mixture at the same time). But how not to get confused and get the right and wholesome food for the crumbs? The most important thing is that the mixture is fully adapted and suitable for age. Forget about cow's milk, applying it will ruin your baby’s stomach. Milk mix Nestogen 1 is ideal for healthy children who do not suffer from colic, severe constipation, and profuse regurgitation. A balanced set of nutrients, affordable price, affordability - these are its main advantages.

Doctors recommend

If after the birth of the baby there is no way to establish natural feeding, you can use the mixture "Nastogen 1". Reviews of pediatricians about her are only positive. And this is not at all surprising, there are many points that distinguish it from other mixtures:

  1. Can be used from birth.

  2. Low price.

  3. Availability. It can be found on the shelves of any major store and in pharmacies.

  4. Thanks to the prebiotics that make up, babies do not have problems with stools.

  5. All vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for the normal development of the baby are included.

  6. Palm oil is not included.

  7. Proteins are split, therefore easier to digest.

  8. Ingredients: preservatives, GMOs, colorants, flavorings.

  9. Pleasant sweet taste like kids.

  10. The mixture is nutritious, so children gain weight well.

Buying a mixture of Nestogen 1, the reviews of pediatricians about which are positive, you can be sure that the child will not remain hungry. It is not for nothing that leading experts offer this adapted mixture even to newborn babies, if the mother has problems with lactation. Do not chase for cheaper products, you need to understand that the first year of life is very important for a child. It is at this time that immunity is laid. Do not save on the health of your crumbs, choose the right, adapted mixture.

the mixture is not built 1 pediatrician reviews

Why is it necessary to choose a mixture of "Nestogen"?

Before you purchase baby food, you need to carefully study the components that go into it. The composition of the Nestogen 1 mixture is fully adapted for the child's body. You can apply it from the birth of the crumbs.

The composition is as close as possible to breast milk. This allows the child to receive all the necessary nutrients for proper physical and mental development.

We study the composition

One of the important components are prebiotics. They are able to normalize the intestinal flora, to establish digestive processes.

Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids are also part of the Nestogen 1 mixture. Thanks to them, the child is actively developing.

Separately, I would like to highlight iodine and iron, which are responsible for the development of the nervous system. Thanks to these elements, the baby becomes calmer, nerve fibers form faster.

An integral component is calcium. He is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and the laying of teeth.

Doctors believe that this mixture is as close as possible to breast milk, so choosing it, parents can not worry about the health, immunity of their baby.

the composition of the mixture is unstable 1

How to apply the mixture?

Many parents ask: "How to breed a mixture of" Unclean 1? ". To do this is quite simple:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  2. Process the bottle and pacifier in the sterilizer. If there is no such device, you can boil them in water.

  3. Boil baby bottled water ("Kid", "Agusha", "Theme).

  4. Cool it to a temperature of 37-38 ° C.

  5. According to the instructions, pour the right amount of water into the bottle (pay attention to the baby's age).

  6. Add with the measuring spoon included in the kit the right amount of mixture without a slide.

  7. After closing the bottle with a pacifier, shake well until the mixture is completely dissolved.

  8. Once again, check the temperature of the prepared drink by dropping a couple of drops on the back of your hand.

Doctors recommend using artificial feeding of babies “Uncleaned 1”. The instructions are described in detail on the packaging. Before you dilute the mixture, you must again carefully familiarize yourself with it.

baby formula is not built 1

Are there any contraindications?

Many parents, when choosing a mixture, prefer "Unclean." The price for it is small, while it is sold in almost any large supermarket. But can all children use it?

Doctors say that there are practically no allergic reactions to this mixture. But for those kids who have discovered lactose deficiency, it is forbidden to give it. In this case, you need to see a doctor and choose the mixture individually. As a rule, pediatricians prescribe goat milk based formulas. They cost a lot (600 - 800 rubles) per can, but mom simply has no other choice.

milk formula is not cooked 1

Note to parents

Choosing the “Nestogen” mixture, the price of which is not very high (in the range of 300 - 400 rubles per package), I would like the parents of the baby to pay attention once more to the following points:

  1. Before using this or that mixture, be sure to consult your doctor.

  2. Use only boiled baby water to dilute the mixture.

  3. Unsterilized bottles and nipples should not be given to the baby.

  4. When buying a mixture, pay attention to the appearance of the package, the date of manufacture and expiration date.

  5. For each feeding, breed a new portion of the mixture. You can not feed the child with the drink that remained after the previous time.

  6. Strictly follow the instructions. Do not increase the dose yourself. The number of measuring spoons of the mixture is strictly calculated according to the age framework.

  7. Store the dry mix in a dark, cool place.

  8. When feeding, hold the baby correctly so that he does not choke.

    the mixture is not built 1 instruction

Remember, for children there is nothing better than breast milk. Nature herself made sure to give the crumbs all the best from birth. It is in the mother’s milk that contains the necessary vitamins, nutrients, acids, which are responsible for the immunity and proper development of the baby. If it so happened that it is not possible to establish a lactation process, buy only the best nutrition for crumbs. Baby formula “Nastogen 1” will be a good substitute for breast milk. Due to its proper composition, reasonable price and availability, it will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35537/

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