Omerta is ... Definition, concept, code of silence, mafia rules and reflection in literature and cinema

Omerta - this is translated from Italian as “mutual responsibility or mutual concealment”. This term is taken from the vocabulary of criminal groups of Italian origin, which we, as a rule, are aware of from literature and cinema. We will talk more about this, as well as about the book Omerta by Mario Puzo, today.


Among the general public there is a view, which is mainly taken from books and films about the mafia, that omerta is the so-called law of silence. That is, information about the affairs of the "family", about the people included in it, should in no way go beyond its borders. Otherwise, the traitor, regardless of the circumstances under which he announced secret information (voluntarily or due to insurmountable circumstances), faces imminent death.

This idea is true, but only partially, since in reality the concept we are considering is much broader. In fact, for gangsters omerta is a set of rules, an unwritten law by which mafia structures live and operate.

Mystery as a basic principle

Book of Omerta

The basic principle of the mafia is its isolation from society, the decision of affairs in an exclusively mafia circle, in an atmosphere of complete secrecy. According to some reports, the birth of the mafia in Sicily dates back to the period of the 18th-19th centuries. Then Italy was fragmented and was under Spanish and then Austrian rule.

To confront the invaders, the people needed to unite. And since it was impossible to act openly, a strict conspiracy was needed to prepare armed actions.

As a result, structures began to be created that, on the one hand, were subversive, and on the other, were responsible for the self-organization of communities in rural areas. This was the beginning of secret criminal-patriotic groups, some of which later transformed into the mafia.

Life "by concepts"

From here it becomes clear why the main slogan of the Omerta Code is the strictest secret. All cases should be decided only exclusively within the organization, without outsiders, including local authorities. And it was not only public affairs, but also interpersonal relations, on which problems were solved among "their own".

Later it became a strict installation - everything that happens between clan members is a purely internal affair. And if a crime is committed against a member of the mafia by his “colleague”, then no one will resort to the help of the authorities. Punishment is appointed by the “leadership” in accordance with the existing “concepts”, and not according to the law existing in society.

Kara for betrayal

Revenge for betrayal

Another important principle of the life of the mafia clan is the inadmissibility of betrayal. This is the most terrible crime for which merciless punishment threatened. It consisted in the fact that the traitor had to be subject to death.

But at the same time, not only himself, but also members of his family, up to the most distant relatives. And it doesn’t matter whether the confession was made voluntarily or whether the person was forced to do it, for example, under torture, under the threat of life to him or his relatives.

There are no former mafiosi

Another principle of omerta is the unquestioning subordination of subordinates to higher ones, and for life. The mafia is, as they say, "the concept of the clock", and it is impossible to get out of it. It is impossible to take a vacation or resign. Mafiosi can not be a former, he is either a mafiosi alive, or a mafiosi dead.

All these principles are united by the general principle of "one for all, and all for one." Which, in fact, is mutual responsibility, that is, mortified.


Mario puzo

One of the most famous authors who described the Italian mafia is the American writer Mario Puzo. Omerta is one of his novels on this subject. Information about illegal structures he received from the revelations of D. Valachi - taken under arrest by mafiosi. It was he who was the first time openly violated the law of Omert.

In 1962, he was arrested for selling heroin. While in prison, he feared that he would be killed due to disagreements with boss V. Genovese. In an effort to obtain state protection, Valachi decided to testify publicly. He spoke about the foundations of the Sicilian mafia “Goat Nostra” and the structure of its activities.

Criminal Hierarchy

Mafia members

According to the gangster, the structure of Italian mafia "families" has similarities with the hierarchy existing in other criminal groups. For example, such as the Yakuza in Japan or the Triad in China. The “family” is led by a “godfather” who has a strategy adviser, the concilieri.

The rank-and-file participants of the criminal group are directly supervised by captains or caporegimes. They subordinate separate units or entire territorial districts.

The head of the mafia himself is not in contact with its participants. He transmits his instructions to ordinary performers through a specially appointed proxy. This face to face transmits an order to caporegime, which brings it to ordinary "fighters". This scheme is very effective if someone will be required to testify to give an order to the killer to eliminate objectionable.

Commandments "Goat Nostra"

The film "Omerta"

In addition to these principles, omerta is also a series of more specific rules, which, for example, for “Cosa Nostra” look as follows:

  • No one can introduce themselves to the mafia on their own, this must be done by one of the friends of the "family".
  • It is unacceptable to be seen in the company of policemen.
  • You can not appear in bars and clubs.
  • You should not look at the wives of your friends.
  • It is always necessary to be at the disposal of the mafia, even during the birth of a wife.
  • At meetings you must always be on time.
  • Wives need to be respected.
  • True questions must always be answered by managers.
  • Do not appropriate funds that are the property of other members of Cosa Nostra or their relatives.
  • The following cannot be members of the group: those whose closest relatives are police officers; differ in cheating in marriage; whose behavior deviates from the observance of moral principles.

Deceitful romance

Modern Mafiosi

At first glance, these are rules that call for order and moral behavior. However, do not idealize omerta. Puzo, like other writers and filmmakers, often portrayed the principles of mafia in a romantic way. However, in life everything is much more prosaic.

The purpose of observance of the omerta is full control over members of the mafia, intimidation of its ordinary members and their relatives. And in such a situation, it is much easier for bosses to manage them, sending them to commit crimes and at the same time staying on the sidelines.

It should be noted that this code is often violated. Members of the mafia cooperate with the police, write denunciations to each other. Within the groups themselves, disassembly occurs and intrigues are woven.

All this is used by law enforcement agencies to combat these criminal structures. So, for example, on the night of January 20, 2011, mass arrests were carried out, prepared on the basis of information received from the arrested gangsters, who went to cooperate with the authorities.


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