Children's recreation camp "Zhigulevsky Artek" in Samara (Molodetsky Kurgan): description, photos and reviews

In the Soviet Union, children's camps were extremely popular. In the 21st century, there are not as many institutions like these that organize summer activities for schoolchildren. But still, some are still actively functioning, for example, the Zhigulevsky Artek camp in Samara.

According to reviews of parents and children, this is one of the best places in the lap of beautiful nature, where the atmosphere of friendliness and complete harmony reigns. Such a rest will fill with a mass of delightful emotions and vivid impressions. In addition, it will benefit the child. The article provides complete information about the conditions and features of living.

Introductory part

Zhiguli Artek

Children's camp "Zhigulevsky Artek" was founded in the Soviet era - in 1963. The main advantage is its location: the complex is literally buried in lush vegetation. There are no industrial plants and motorways nearby, which is a significant advantage.

Nearby are the Zhiguli mountains and the Kuibyshev reservoir. Your child will have the opportunity to improve physical and emotional health, as well as fully spend holidays in nature. As for security, it is at a high level: the territory is under round-the-clock protection, the entrance is by passes. Children from 6 to 18 years old are admitted to the Zhigulevsky Artek children's camp.

Terms of Accommodation

camp Zhiguli artek

Surrounded by beautiful nature, cozy one-story brick cottages with a private outdoor terrace are located. Inside there is a bathroom with shower and living rooms for 6-8 people. The house has beds and wardrobes.

Food concept

Zhiguli Artek Samara

According to parents, in the camp "Zhigulevsky Artek" a balanced meal is served 5 times a day. There is a spacious dining room. The menu is carefully thought out, includes meat, vegetable and dairy products. Juices, fresh pastries and seasonal fruits are also included in the diet.

Offered service and internal infrastructure

In the recreation camp "Zhigulevsky Artek", the photo of which is presented in the material, friendly counselors who look after the children work. Every day, children will have a fun morning warm-up in the fresh air to the music, tempering, swimming in a pond, interesting cultural and educational events. River excursions to the amazing corners of Samara are organized.

Zhiguli Artek photo

In addition, bus tours are arranged for historically significant objects of the city. Having a rest in the Zhigulevsky Artek complex, the child will learn to make decisions independently, contact with peers, and interact in a team. Socialization is an integral attribute of a summer camp. According to psychologists, in a strange environment, even closed and shy children show abilities and reveal themselves as individuals.

For the development of creative potential in the territory, various sections are opened where each child can find an occupation of interest. A lot of time is devoted to physical education: sports competitions, competitions are held. In addition to active games, they organize intellectual competitions in a playful way.

Before the start of each shift, counselors plan educational programs in an entertaining format so that the child feels comfortable and takes an active part in the project. Thanks to interesting events, children are liberated and take initiative. A disco is always open in the evenings. The guys dance, sing, fully relax. The infrastructure of the complex includes:

  • sports grounds;
  • tennis court;
  • horizontal bars, swings;
  • video show;
  • the library.

For an additional payment, qualified medical treatment is provided in the neighboring sanatorium “Molodetsky Kurgan”.

Digest from young tourists

The camp "Zhigulevsky Artek" (Samara) has repeatedly received enthusiastic exclamations from satisfied children and adults. Vacations spent in the summer complex have a beneficial effect on the state of health. Picturesque nature, clean air, mild climate, the presence of educational excursions - these are the main components of an unforgettable vacation. The children liked the active events, the abundance of entertainment contests and the friendly attitude of the counselors.


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