How to teach a child to read: rules and effective ways, tips for parents

Many parents are seriously worried about how to teach their children to read. The fact is that modern children prefer to spend much more time at computer screens or watch cartoons on TV. Not everyone is interested in plunging into the world of fictional characters, making extra efforts in order to understand the meaning of what they read. Smartphones and tablets have become integral attributes of a happy childhood. Parents themselves note that it is rarely possible to find a daughter or son with a book. Reading becomes more a necessity than a process that delivers true pleasure.

girl reading a book

It is unlikely that with such an attitude one can expect that a love of fiction will appear on its own. All the same, the kid will need to be constantly guided along the right path, to somehow correct his behavior. You need to know how to teach your child to read books, what methods you need to use. Below are current recommendations that are designed to help build interest in the word of art.

Personal example

Every caring parent knows that you can teach your child something only when you yourself are constantly in the process of studying and knowing the surrounding reality. In other words, an adult must be interested in everything that happens around. It is necessary to try to read more, pay attention to all the changes that are taking place. The more parents are interested in their own personal development, the more they will be able to give an adult baby. A personal example is always inspiring, acts much more effectively than any notations and persuasions.

dad reads to daughter

If you like to read regularly, then most likely the child will also want to adopt this useful habit. It's just that he will be interested in imagining himself intelligent and all-knowing, imitating a loved one. Children love when they are proud of them, sincerely interested in their achievements, praise and encourage. Having secured the support of a significant adult, they can come up with amazing results, overcome any difficulties that arise.

Show Reading Benefits

This point is often overlooked when parents wonder how to teach their children to read. It will be very useful to demonstrate to him the benefits of this lesson. For example, if a child sees that due to a new habit, his study indicators have improved, his attitude to books can change for the better. Be sure to strive to reveal the system of characters, to help realize the essence of what is read. This is how memory, thinking, imagination develops, all cognitive processes are involved. The brighter the picture a child can make in his head, the better. Remember that the love of books does not arise instantly. Rather, it is an internal need that still needs to be formed. Often adults have to work hard to make this happen.

Reading experience

To achieve the desired result, the child should experience positive emotions, holding a book in his hands. If there is no any interest in the plot and the characters of the story, then the process cannot be easy. Much depends on what kind of reading experience is laid in early childhood. If the mother constantly tells the baby tales, gives books to her hands, then the offspring gets used to this rhythm of life, for him immersion in the literary world becomes the norm. Over time, he needs to learn something himself, because a favorable beginning has already been laid. Thinking about how to teach a child to read, it is necessary to try to form his love for the sounding word almost from birth.

child with a book

Only in this case, in the future, he will not give up literary evenings, and the book will become for him the best gift. A reading culture needs to be educated. Sometimes it can take years to achieve a satisfactory result.

Character game

It is a very entertaining technique that allows you to answer the question of how to teach a child to read books. It is worth remembering that the story described in the work can always be revived. This requires only a little imagination and the desire to spend time profitably. Together with a small son or daughter, it is very interesting to come up with decorations and action figures. If the child will be directly involved in the "project", then his interest will not fade away, but rather increase. He has a unique opportunity to play with characters, find an individual explanation for everything that happens, letting the events of the work through his heart.

children with a book

The story, which appeared before his eyes in the form of a home mini-performance, will never be forgotten. Ultimately, all this teaches how to instill in a child a desire to read, to treat literary works with trepidation and due respect. The more games an adult organizes, the better. Such activities can teach a lot, help to realize their strengths.

Useful Traditions

In families where there is a daily reading ritual, children are much more easily accustomed to books. All because such a pastime becomes the norm, a good habit. If mother and son have their own tradition of immersing themselves in the literary world before going to bed, most likely, the child will do his best to support such an initiative. For a child, contact with an adult is important, and through joint reading he gets a lot of pleasant impressions. No need to puzzle over how to teach a child to love to read, if you yourself are not going to devote enough time to this process. Useful traditions must be formed in advance.

adult with child

It is necessary to try to create favorable conditions for his heir, which would allow him to fully enjoy the literary world. Trying to devote more time to his own offspring, the parent invests in his future, contributes to the creation of strong and harmonious relations.

Discussion read

After the ritual of reading has been established, you can make such a thing as thinking about what you learned from books a part of daily communication. Discussion of what is read is a very important component that should not be neglected. If parents teach their son or daughter in time to share their thoughts, then they form a person who knows how to express their own position, has an individual judgment about everything. In addition, a systematic exchange of experiences is the best answer to the question of how to teach a child to read.

Your child will have an amazing opportunity to gain an individual opinion. It is important that the adult must listen to the thoughts of the little man, and not dismiss them. Only in this way will the baby begin to realize its unique value in childhood, and in the future he will be able to avoid many psychological problems.

interested reading

Buying books

It used to be that in a decent family there must have a large library. Now only highly educated people keep such values. If a parent seriously thinks about how to teach a child to read, the baby must have his own books. The more copies he will have in his personal use, the better. So the need for reading will begin to take shape, the confidence that books cannot be dispensed with in everyday life. It is better to purchase the necessary copies with a frequency of at least once a month.

Visiting libraries

This is an option for those who do not have enough funds for the systematic purchase of books. Of course, the financial side is of great importance. Not every adult can afford to constantly buy books for his child. Visiting libraries provides an opportunity to get acquainted with a large number of works.

difficult learning process

Thus, advice to parents on how to teach a child to read can be very effective. The main thing is to make a decision to make your child an educated and self-sufficient person. You need to try to interest your son or daughter with fascinating stories.


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