Pashmina - what is it? Types of Pashmina

In the distant Himalayas, high and high in the mountains, calmly calm animals graze. Their bodies are covered with so long and thick hair that it is often difficult to recognize goats in them. Locals call them chuangra, Europeans call stone, or cashmere goats, but science - Capra hircus laniger. Oddly enough, but the fact that these horned creatures allows you not to freeze on the tops of the mountains, down there, is an object of admiration for fashion lovers around the world.

pashmina is

Cashmere goats

Stone goats annually on the eve of a harsh winter overgrown with warm and light undercoat. Shepherds combing it in the spring, collect raw materials for the production of cashmere, which is one of the most valuable materials in the world. At the same time, on the body of the chuangra, the main areas are the neck and underbelly. It is in these places that the warmest, lightest and finest wool grows. Pashmina is subsequently made from it - this is an elite cashmere variety that consists of raw materials with a thickness of about 14 microns. And this is 6 times thinner than human hair! Woven and knitted products are made of material. The most popular, one might even say, cult of them is a pashmina shawl.

So, the word comes from the Persian pashm, which translates as "wool". At the moment, pashmina is a relevant material, almost a trademark. Every self-respecting fashionista seeks to have a scarf or a shawl from it. But there are some difficulties in choosing a real, really high-quality thing, which we will discuss below.

pashmina stole


These shawls have been made in Nepal and Tibet for a very long time: as far back as 3000 years ago our ancestors flaunted in pashmins, which, of course, were slightly different from modern designs.

Pashmina is wool that has been known in the Middle East and Asia since time immemorial - maharajas, sultans and emperors bought the best shawls and cloaks for their court, which served as ceremonial vestments, and also passed on by inheritance (this material with proper care can serve very long). This toilet item from shepherd's clothes turned into a royal one.

pashmina which serves as a scarf

The French, as usual, introduced fashion to this material in Europe: Napoleon Bonaparte received a huge number of gifts during his trip to Egypt, among which was the warmest and thinnest of pashmina wool stole. He sent it to Josephine Beauharnais (his wife), who was delighted with him. In the future, she began to collect a collection of pashmina, as a result, their number exceeded 1000 pieces. Guides were sent to manufacturers about the pattern and color of shawls and stoles, so that they corresponded to the current fashion.

pashmina which serves as a scarf


Today shawl, stole and scarf, pashmina for which serves as raw materials, have become a true must-have of a fashionable wardrobe. The last two hundred years they are mainly produced in the Kathmandu Valley (in Nepal). Spin them by hand. Pashmina - wool, which has the following basic colors - white, brown and gray, while the dyeing technology makes it possible to give the fabric any pattern or color. Now in production the material is softened, although you can buy non-softened, natural pashmina, which, however, is less comfortable. Softening the natural qualities of this elite thread does not worsen - it remains as warm and thin (almost ten times warmer than sheep’s wool!), While making the finished wool uniquely silky and smooth.

Often, manufacturers make material from a mixture of silk and wool (in different proportions - 80/20, 50/50). Such pashmina is not considered fake, although it should be noted that the more wool in the product, the higher its price. The fabric with the addition of silk has a light shine, lighter, warms slightly and stretches slightly.

pashmina wool

Pashmina products have standard sizes: scarf - 175 x 31 cm, stole - 200 x 71 cm, shawl - 200 x 92 cm. The methods of wearing such products are limited only by the imagination of their owner. By the way, men also appreciated this subject.


Pashmina, which serves as a scarf, stole or shawl, is available in different variations in size and thickness. Its cost can reach several thousand euros. The minimum price of a small such shawl is about $ 35. Each accessory made from unique pashmina wool is a truly wonderful gift!

Buying Pashmina

Large stores, well-known brands are interested in maintaining their reputation. They cannot afford to trade fakes, so it’s best to buy pashmina wool from them. Cashmere as a whole is also better to get there. Be careful with unknown small shops. If you suddenly decided to buy such a thing in one of them, ask the seller where the material is made, and also ask to explain the difference between pashmina and cashmere. If the seller in response to the first question calls any state other than Mongolia, Nepal or India, most likely this is a fake product.

How to wear pashmina

You need to know how best to wear pashmina, as well as how to care for it. This warm and incredibly pleasant to the touch shawl can be worn in different ways.

You can wear such a shawl, draping it on the back of the neck, while throwing the free end over your shoulder, securing it with a thin belt at the waist. So you get something like a bolero or jacket.

The easiest way to wear such a product is to wrap your shoulders. The graceful pashmina thrown over a cocktail dress looks incredibly good.

If you prefer a classic style in clothing, then a scarf made of this wool can be worn like this - put it on your neck, and throw one of the ends behind your back.

If your pashmina, which serves as a scarf, is long enough, then you can try to tie it in front in the form of a large bow. This is a very quick way. So you can decorate a regular sweater or t-shirt.

pashmina cashmere

The shawl can be wrapped several times around the neck. This method is more suitable for warming in cool weather. The ends of the shawl can be left hanging down from the back.

Fans of Hollywood old-fashioned glamor pashmina can be tied to the head, while leaving the ends hanging down to the shoulders.

It can be worn in the summer. For example, you can tie a shawl around the bust, thus replacing the top. This option will look especially original with a skirt with a high waist.


When it comes to unique outfits, then nothing beats the richness of chic pashmina wool shawls. The stole of this material is appreciated for its very warm and thin fabric.

The presence of such a thing in the closet indicates a good taste, wealth and luxury of a person. And since this shawl is incredibly expensive, it needs delicate care, which is not so complicated as it might initially seem. Basically, people prefer to give pashmins to dry cleaning, although at home you can tidy up your favorite shawl.

Since pashmina is made from the most delicate and finest cashmere wool, it must be understood that it cannot just be washed in foamy water. It is advisable to wash it in shampoos, not powder. Add a little of it to a little warm water, and then rinse the thing in it. Then you can dip it in water with hair conditioner, and then rinse in clean water.

pashmina shawl

The bleaching fabric can ruin, the shawl will cease to be soft and soft to the touch. Also, do not twist and never squeeze pashmina, as this can disrupt its shape, the thing will stretch, losing its original appearance.

Next, lay the shawl on the surface and leave to dry. Keep it away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. When you iron it, the iron should be slightly warm, while the shawl should be ironed on the wrong side and still wet.

How to store pashmina

You should know that a shawl made of such wool is very sensitive to moisture and the sun. Therefore, it is better to store it in a cool and dry place. Before storing pashmina, make sure that sunlight does not get on it and that moisture does not penetrate. Gently fold it, and then put it in a tight-fitting plastic bag or linen dry bag.

pashmina is

Before storing the shawl for storage, it is advisable to clean it of all contaminants, especially from stains that were left by food. If you leave stains on things, they can oxidize, becoming fixed on the fabric, and this will attract moles to it. In order for the mole to not damage your shawl, you can put special tablets from it or sawdust of cedar in the bag. You can also sprinkle some favorite perfumes on a piece of paper and put it in a bag next to the shawl.

Some tips

If you like to wear pashmina, you need to know that it needs to be given a little rest. So, 2-3 days of respite for her will be sufficient.

Do not wear the shawl with coarse fabrics, leather or metal accessories. All this can harm the finest cashmere.

pashmina stole

To buy real pashmina and not make a mistake, remember that pashmina is not only incredibly warm, but it is also gentle and soft material. Touch it to your face - you should not feel any scratching or rubbing. Inspect the seams carefully. This shawl should be woven by hand, because the finest wool cannot be knitted. You can moisten pashmina with water. If she keeps her color and wet, then this is actually a real shawl.


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