Original egg crafts - unique DIY souvenirs

how to make an egg out of an egg
What gift will be the most pleasant for family and friends? Of course, a DIY gift. But in order to create a unique work of art, which is not a shame to present to friends in honor of the holiday, it is necessary to choose the best materials that are inexpensive and suitable for various crafts. For original souvenirs, you can use natural materials that people usually throw away as unnecessary. Let's figure it out together, for example, how to create wonderful crafts from an egg.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the egg for the creation of the original creation. Using a standard needle, we make two small holes in the base and top of the product. Then quickly mix the contents of the egg and blow it out of the shell. It remains only to rinse the inner surface, and the shell will be ready for use as a material for creative activity. The shell, as you know, is a very fragile substance, therefore, so that the egg crafts do not break, you should fill the mold in advance with foam through one of the holes and let it freeze.

crafts from eggs
What egg shell crafts can you create? The most diverse. First of all, you can make excellent figurines in the form of animals, which are perfect for decorating a children's room. To do this, you will need plasticine and colored paper. Note that with the help of an egg shell it is possible to make figures by no means of all representatives of the fauna, but only those whose body shape resembles an egg. So, thanks to this natural material, it is possible to create a pig, a bird, a hare, an elephant, a hedgehog, a bear, a cat and fish.

How to make these egg crafts? In fact, everything is quite simple. First of all, the shell must be painted in the desired color, corresponding to the coloring of the animal. The hind and front legs, as well as the beak, patch or trunk, tail is best made from plasticine. Thanks to these details, the figure will become stable and with some refinement will be able to turn into a unique work of art. Ears, wings and eyes are best made from paper, because these details do not play a significant role in the entire structure. We decorate the resulting figurine using paints and transparent varnish.

What other egg crafts can I create? This is a unique little thing that will be an organic and very sophisticated accessory. In order to make such a souvenir, you will need special equipment - feather calm. Prepare the shell for this craft should be the same as for the creation of figures. The only difference is that you do not need to fill the egg with mounting foam. So, when the preparations are completed, with a simple pencil we put the desired pattern on the shell and use the tool to cut out its sections. As a result, the surface will look like light lace.

Now you know how to make an egg out of an egg that you can present to someone you know for a holiday. Such a gift will become not only one of the most original and memorable presentations, but will also be an excellent decoration of any interior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35563/

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