Public administration. Object and subject - features and content

Management is one of the essential elements of a person’s daily life. Its occurrence is due to the development of society, the formation of the state and its organs. One of the main reasons for the separation of management is the need to regulate the relationship between people. Further in the article we will talk about the content, subjects and objects of government.

The main subjects and objects of government

The essence of the concept

Management in a broad sense is considered as the use of a combination of methods and means of influencing an object that change its position, properties and behavior. The result of this activity is to achieve the goal set by the managing entity. In this regard, it is necessary to say about the reality of the intended result and the effectiveness of management.

It should be understood that not every object is manageable. Accordingly, to implement certain measures (means, tools) in relation to an improper object is impractical, meaningless. In addition, far from always, subject to key management principles, the impact produces the desired results. Moreover, cases of the directly opposite effect are not excluded. This is the main feature of subjects, objects and the mechanism of public administration. This pattern is observed at all levels of economic activity and in any social stratum of society.

Impact Features

In public administration, the concepts of subject and object are considered one of the key. It is through them and the specifics of their relationships that the essence of governance at the state level is revealed.

The effect of the impact, the achievement of the goal is largely determined not only by actions committed by subjects of state (municipal) government. Objects and their reaction also play a significant role in the process.

Typically, management exposure is seen as a one-way direct relationship. However, there is also a reverse interaction, during which the object affects the subject (often very significant). Consideration of this feedback is extremely important in public (state) administration. The subject and the object in the course of interaction may very well change places. For example, first the management of the enterprise determined what the working conditions should be, but subsequently the employees went on strike, and the administration was forced to raise their salaries.

It should be noted that in the field of public relations, the term “management” is not used to characterize feedback. The interaction of the subject and the object in state bodies is perceived mainly in the form of a single-line command influence of the first on the second.

Subject and object of government briefly

Interaction models

In general, public administration is based on one simple truth: there is not a single element in it that can separately solve any problem. That is, there is an interaction between all the elements. For a better understanding of the features of objects, subjects and the essence of public administration, we will consider the basic schemes for the formation of relations. It should be borne in mind that the impact can be not only on an external object, but also on different parts of the control system itself. Between them, in fact, there are vertical or horizontal connections. In the first case, there is subordination, subordination, and in the second - the relative equal rights of the parties.

Feedback Types

Obviously, under the influence of the subject of public administration, the object and its behavior change, that is, a certain reaction arises. It can be active or passive.

The object sends the subject information about the effects. Efficiency of its processing, assessment of the reliability of information, data analysis allow us to identify changes and formulate conclusions. Changes may well correspond to the will of the subject of management, the objectives of the impact. In this case, they speak of a reaction of consent, of submission. For example, the subject and object of government is the IFTS and the payer. If the changes correspond to the will of the manager, the payer submits reports, deducts the necessary amount of taxes, etc. However, the reaction of the object may not correspond to the management objectives. In our example, perhaps the payer does not want to report on the movement of his financial assets, but is forced to do so. If the subjects do not wish to fulfill the requirements of the control object, protests, rallies, and strikes may begin. In these situations, a direct connection dramatically changes the character and takes the form of coercion (suppression of discontent, establishment of a military dictatorship, etc.). Decisions made in such cases by subjects and objects of government change the original direct and feedback.

Subject object and content of public administration


The type of feedback and the nature of the reaction are of great importance for assessing the quality of the impact and its improvement. Particular attention should be paid to monitoring the flow of information in both the forward and reverse directions, as well as measures to prevent distortion of information. Its absence can lead to a crisis of public administration: the subject and the object radically change their behavior. The first begins to make decisions that do not correspond to the behavior of the second. As a result, an active negative response of the object occurs.

Subject classification

A structurally organized formation (community) acts as a control subject, which performs a leading function. His actions are aimed at changing the state of the object.

The list of government entities and their powers is quite wide. The list, in particular, includes:

  • The president.
  • Government.
  • Departments.
  • Ministries.
  • Heads of departments, etc.

Public administration structures are classified according to various criteria: by function and purpose, authority, content of activity, industry criteria, etc. The photo below shows the governance structure in Russia.

The essence of the subjects and objects of government

Common features of subjects (briefly)

In public administration, facilities and authorized structures (officials) are in constant interaction. Different types of subjects use different ways and methods of control, exercise certain powers. All these differences arise and are determined by law. Accordingly, it is possible to identify common features that are endowed with both subjects and objects of government. The main features of the former can be defined as follows:

  1. Each subject is endowed with specific functions that reflect the intrasystem division of labor.
  2. Any authorized body or employee serves the interests of a particular community.
  3. Subjects have common systemic qualities and traits, and the principles of their formation and activity are the same.

Management Objects

They are social communities with a certain structure and functioning under the leading influence of managing subjects. By their activity, their behavior, objects contribute to the achievement of the common goals of the administrative system. It can also be said that the objects of management are relations that arise between national, social and other communities, the behavior of organizations, individual citizens and their associations, which has social significance.

Public administration facility and subject

Key Features

Public administration objects are endowed with a number of features:

  1. Independence and activity. All objects are able to move independently under the influence of motivating internal causes. Self-activity can be realized in various forms. This may be a change in the surrounding relationships and conditions, the establishment of relationships, adaptation to the situation.
  2. Target focus on specific phenomena, results, relationships, processes.
  3. Adaptability (adaptability) to factors, conditions of social and natural life. It manifests itself in the development of a habitual reaction to what is happening, in the formation of stereotypes of actions and actions.
  4. Self-management. It represents the ability to independently regulate their livelihoods, their development. Self-management is seen as a response to changing living conditions.
  5. Objectivism, i.e., dependence on objective factors of social life.

The significance of these properties lies in the fact that they determine the measure of impact on the part of the control subject. The more perfect the objects, the less control they need. Accordingly, management should be reduced exclusively to a coordinating, soft impact, and not to force.

Subjects objects of state municipal administration

Types of objects

The formation of many different teams is determined by various social roles of people. These collectives, in turn, are united into larger communities: classes, social strata, nationalities, trade unions, etc. There may be territorial associations (districts, cities, republics, regions, etc.) and public associations (parties, movements and etc.).

Taking this into account, 3 levels of objects are distinguished in the structure of the administrative system:

  1. Individual. This is a man in all manifestations of his behavior, consciousness, activity. At the individual level, specific social roles are realized.
  2. Collectives, associations. They are considered as the primary form of communication and collaboration. Accordingly, at this level certain common interests are realized, activities are carried out.
  3. Society, its structural elements, processes, relationships, relationships, the appearance of which is determined by the social activity of people and their groups. At this level, the implementation of forms of social relations.

Classification of government objects can be made on different grounds and grounds. For example, depending on the field of activity, spiritual, social, economic, political and other communities are distinguished.

The interaction of the subject and the object of government

Organization Objects

This category is considered the most sustainable. Among the objects of organizations include:

  1. Manufacturing enterprises.
  2. Organization of life and services.
  3. Scientific and technical institutions.
  4. Socio-cultural associations.

Their status is enshrined in law.

The group of objects-organizations includes state bodies that operate on a legal basis and participate in relations of subordination.

The specifics of relations between subjects and objects

When considering the interaction of participants in the public administration system, the following aspects are distinguished:

  1. Social. It involves the use of power, politics, their institutions to express public interests.
  2. Informative. Within the framework of this aspect, the possibilities of scientifically based, systematic managerial impact are expanding.
  3. Organizational. It involves the identification of new types of objects and entities, as well as their relationships.
  4. Legal. In the framework of this aspect, management systems and properties of objects and entities are being improved in the legislative framework for the subsequent development of the democratic foundation of society.

Management classification

As you know, social relations are very diverse. They have a different nature, which is caused by the diversity of spheres of human activity. To regulate such a variety is quite difficult. Obviously, different relationships require different modes of exposure and specific regulatory approaches. Accordingly, this leads to a variety of types of management. The classification of administrative activities is carried out for various reasons. Taking into account the spheres of the life of society, allocate management:

  1. Whole society.
  2. The economy.
  3. Social sphere.
  4. By politics.
  5. Spiritual and ideological sphere.

Based on the nature of the managing entity, the following types of management are distinguished:

  1. State. The subject is the state.
  2. Public. In this case, the subject is society and its institutions.
  3. Management. The subject here is the entrepreneur, the owner.
  4. Territorial (local). Subject - the population living within the boundaries of a particular municipality.

There is also a classification according to the structure of social relations. It distinguishes the management of political, economic and socio-spiritual development of society.

Subjects and objects of public administration list

Principles and signs of management

The general principles of public administration include:

  • Democracy.
  • Science.
  • Objectivity.
  • Continuity.
  • Efficiency
  • Efficiency.
  • Publicity.

Public administration ensures the implementation of generally significant functions, has an executive and administrative character. The use by constituent entities of their powers is carried out exclusively within the framework of the law, and the impact is continuous.


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