Onion "Bamberger": variety description, reviews, cultivation features and productivity

Agronomic science does not stand still. Thanks to the development of scientists, new varieties of plants appear. Some summer residents prefer proven varieties. However, new varieties are distinguished by improved characteristics. Therefore, their popularity is constantly increasing.

A striking result of modern selection was the Bamberger bow. Description of the variety, reviews of experienced farmers will help to form an idea of ​​this plant. Due to its advantages, the presented variety is very popular among domestic summer residents.


New developments by German breeders have led to the emergence of a vegetable such as Bamberger onion. The description of the variety, reviews of which are left by domestic summer residents, speaks of the mass of its advantages. It should be noted that it has a good taste. "Bamberger" refers to sweet varieties of onions. He does not have the sharp pungency and bitterness that is inherent in many modern varieties of vegetables.

Onion bamberger grade description reviews

Thanks to its special palatability, Bamberger onion is ideal for mouth-watering salads and preservation. It goes well with cucumbers and tomatoes when they are rolled into jars. It is also used for making squash caviar.

In addition to its palatability, the variety presented has high performance during storage. It can be harvested for the winter. It is planted in the ground in the spring on a turnip or greens. The inner fleshy part is milky white, and the outer dry layers are yellow-orange.

The period of germination and storage

Onion varieties "Bamberger", the cultivation of which is actively happening in our country, has a certain period of germination and storage. These characteristics are affected by the climatic conditions of the area. This feather throws out a green feather rather early. By this indicator, the vegetable is assigned to mid-early varieties.

Onion bamberger grade description care

Turnip of this plant ripens longer. According to this indicator, the vegetable belongs to the class of mid-ripening or even mid-late plants. This indicator is affected by the number of sunny days in the region, precipitation and temperature indicators.

It is possible to store the presented variety for a very long time. It retains its palatability almost until a new crop. At the same time, the onion flesh does not dry out and can be used to prepare fresh salads at almost any time of the year. This fact explains the high popularity of Bamberger among domestic farmers and summer residents.

Shape and taste

The Bamberger onion set possesses a recognizable form . Description of the variety, reviews of which are provided by our summer residents, speaks of a very elongated form of turnips. Some inexperienced farmers may confuse it with other varieties. However, this vegetable has the most elongated shape, which is not inherent roundness even at the bottom of the bulb.

This form promotes easy cleaning, and also prevents the appearance of decay at the neck.

Onion sevc bamberger grade description reviews

The taste qualities of onions of the presented variety also deserve special attention. There is no bitterness in the pulp. It still has burning notes, but they rather give the onion a flavor. This is ideal for fresh salads. It is soft and crispy. The pulp is very juicy. According to experienced farmers, this variety is superior in taste to many other salad varieties.


Farmers claim that the super-grade "Bamberger" is highly resistant to adverse environmental influences and microorganisms. Derived onion varieties previously selected through selection are susceptible to various diseases and deformations. The new variety does not have such negative qualities.

Super grade bamberger

The stability of the Bamberger is manifested in three types. It is not susceptible to shooting even with an early landing. Also, the variety is resistant to fungus. He is not afraid of pests, for example, powdery mildew, onion fly larvae, thrips.

Bulbs of Dutch origin are known for greater sustainability. It is suitable even for the cold regions of our country, for example, Siberia. The Chuvash North grows well in regions close to the Volga region. The cost of the Chuvash sevka is less than that of Dutch products.

Farmer Reviews

One of the best varieties recognized onion "Bamberger". Description of onions (Bamberger yellow) allows us to conclude that this is a tasty, healthy and picky vegetable. It grows to medium size. The weight of the bulb, according to reviews by summer residents, is about 100 g.

Onion bamberger description of onion bamberger yellow

The average size of the turnip makes it easy to clean it, cut into the process of preparing various dishes. A good crop is obtained if planting is not very rare. Between the rows should be left at 20 cm. Between each bulb in a row you need a distance of only 8 cm. The yield will be high.

Farmers claim that when planting the seedling is 2 times thicker, you can pull the onion on the feather for salads. This is a more profitable way to land.

Preparation for landing

You should choose the right planting material, wanting to grow Bamberger onions in your area . The description of the variety, reviews of which are provided by summer residents, suggests the need to carefully select sevocs. Bulbs should not have defects, traces of decay. They should be 2 to 3 cm in size. Too small bulbs will not sprout, and large ones will go to the arrow.

Before planting, the seed should be warmed up on a stove or battery. So the shoots appear faster. The soil should warm up. However, delaying the landing is not worth it. This will allow you to insure against plant damage by harmful bacteria and pests.

Onion varieties bamberger cultivation

The beds should not be shaded. The soil should not be too heavy. Fertilizers can be organic. Excess mineral salts in the soil can adversely affect seedlings.


Before planting the soil should be properly prepared. They dig it up, remove all weeds. Then you can make organic fertilizers. The seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the sowing frequency presented above.

After this, it is recommended to mulch the soil. In this case, it is possible to maintain a sufficient level of humidity, which requires the Bamberger onion. The description of the variety, the care of which is not difficult, indicates the need for fertilizing. When the first shoots appear, they should be fed. For this, complex fertilizers are used.

In the next 2 months, seedlings are moderately watered. The soil needs to be loosened periodically. Bulbs are dug in mid-August or early September. They are left to dry under a canopy. In a few days the neck will dry out. After that, you can store onions for a long time.

Having considered the features that the Bamberger onion has , the description of the variety, the reviews of summer residents, we can say that this is a progressive, popular vegetable. Its characteristics indicate good endurance and taste of the plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35571/

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