The municipal program is ... Content, development procedure, mechanisms of formation and implementation

One of the main mechanisms for implementing the goals of social policy is the development of municipal programs and their implementation. These programs allow you to focus the available resources of the municipal level on solving the most important social problems in the region, developing the educational municipal level and increasing the degree of development of other areas in a certain territory (sports, healthcare, youth policy, education, etc.).

The essence of state and municipal programs

Targeted municipal programs are a set of measures that are agreed upon by timelines, goals, performers and material and technical base. The definition of municipal programs includes the focus of activities on solving the tasks and goals regarding economic and social development at the local level.

Local government bodies approve the procedure for the creation and execution of targeted municipal programs. These programs are divided into medium-term, departmental, long-term and others.

Municipal programs are constituent elements of relevant regional and federal social development plans. They may relate to current or future plans. The funds spent on the execution of targeted programs form the appropriate budget.

Municipal housing

The development of municipal programs depends on socio-economic problems at different levels. In this regard, local government bodies are required to own various technologies for the development, coordination and application of targeted programs that have different statuses.

Sections of municipal targeted programs

Municipal programs of municipal districts include several sections that collectively reflect the purpose of the programs and methods for their implementation. There are eight of them:

  1. Description of a specific problem that this targeted program is designed to solve.
  2. The social and economic situation and the basic ways of development of this municipal territory, which are the rationale for the need to implement this program.
  3. Goals, goals based on them, stages of implementation of municipal programs, indicators and indicators that characterize the achievement of program results.
  4. The system developed as part of the program of events.
  5. The mechanism for implementing the program.
  6. Providing resources for the municipal program. This is also specified in the estimates made by the planners.
  7. Assessment of the social, environmental and economic effectiveness of the plan.
  8. Organization of control over the implementation of the plan and options for checking the municipal program in action.

Each purpose-oriented program, in addition to the indicated sections, should include data on the passport, which is compiled in the form of a special sample. The passport reflects the third section (targets and indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the plan). It also helps optimize budget spending.

Directions for the implementation of targeted programs at the municipal level

The main directions of the municipal programs of the municipal district are only seven:

Program development
  • creating a good business and investment climate in the territory;
  • regulatory transformations;
  • creating a climate that favorably affects people's activities and healthy lifestyles;
  • conducting recreational activities to improve the quality of the environment, as well as to prevent emergencies;
  • facilitating industry reforms;
  • development of transport infrastructure and communications, as well as maintaining the work of housing and communal services without interruptions;
  • development of relations of the municipal territory with other regions and countries.

In some regions, there is a connection between the developed municipal programs and culture, in connection with which a separate cultural direction is also being developed.

Program Content

The content of municipal programs is a combination of their elements (sections, subsections, etc.) in each separate direction.

The program for creating a good entrepreneurial and investment climate on the territory of the municipality involves institutional changes that are aimed at developing the infrastructure of the financial sector: creating branches and divisions of business centers, insurance and consulting companies, various funds on the municipal territory, attracting these companies from outside; Simplification of registration and licensing procedures for medium and small businesses.

The definition of municipal programs in the field of regulatory reforms includes the settlement of the characteristics of relations in the world of work; creation of stable and transparent rules for carrying out work in the economic sphere, which will help stimulate the development of entrepreneurial initiatives; de-bureaucratization of the economy (streamlining the work of control and audit and regulatory bodies at the local level, reducing the degree of administration interference in the activities of entrepreneurs, increasing the level of effectiveness of control over the management of municipal property).

The formation of municipal programs in the social sphere includes the construction and re-equipment of facilities related to health care; development of services specializing in the protection of childhood and motherhood; implementation of measures related to the fight against diseases dangerous to society; improvement of material support of educational facilities; construction and re-equipment of cultural and sports facilities, etc.

Environmental municipal programs are a set of planned activities related to improving the world around us, preventing emergencies, monitoring crisis zones and stimulating investments that are aimed at reducing the negative burden on the outside world.

Administration meeting

The assistance of the subjects of the industrial sphere and administration in municipal programs of technical reform is expressed in the re-equipment and modernization of municipal organizations and enterprises.

Plans for the development of transport infrastructure and communications, as well as maintaining the work of housing and communal services without interruption, include the development of a set of measures to introduce energy-saving types of technologies, increase the operability of systems in the field of life support and prevent technological accidents and disasters.

Each of the indicated areas of municipal programs and the procedure for their development and implementation are evaluated according to several criteria: set goals on the basis of the identified problem, planned production volumes, terms of implementation of plans, sources and volumes of financing, performance indicators in each direction (payback periods, budget payments, number new places of employment, etc.).

Problem selection

After reviewing the forecasts of social and economic development and setting priorities, proposals are formed to identify problems to be addressed. They are voiced and considered based on the concept of development of the socio-economic sphere of the municipal territory and the possibilities of resource and financial support for its implementation.

When selecting problems, the following factors are taken into account:

Program discussion
  1. The significance of the identified problem.
  2. The impossibility of a comprehensive solution to the problem in objective terms using the current legal regulation mechanism, the need to support its solution at the municipal level.
  3. Fundamental novelty and high efficiency of organizational, technical and other activities that are necessary for the wide dissemination of progressive scientific and technical achievements; increasing production efficiency based on the applied innovations.

Stages of development of draft programs and their approval

The approval of municipal programs goes through five stages:

  • Development of the conceptual basis of the program by its initiator. It may be the branch, functional or territorial body of the municipal administration, which, within the framework of the competency provided, must solve the tasks facing it within the framework of the proposed program using program-targeted methods. Then, the initiator submits the plan for consideration by the responsible body, which makes a decision on targeted municipal plans on behalf of the head of the municipality.
  • Consideration of the concept provided at the preliminary stage.
  • Approval of the adopted program with the subsequent detailed development of its project, setting deadlines for the development of the plan in stages. Another solution would be to refuse to develop the proposed program.
  • Development of a software project by stages.
  • Preparation of the project and its approval in the manner prescribed by law by the publication by the head of the municipality of a resolution approving the program.

Sections of the concept of the developed municipal program

The effectiveness of municipal programs largely depends on the correct preparation of the general plan and the design of its sections. The main sections of the programs are thirteen:

  • The justification that the problem being solved and the goals of its implementation correspond to the tasks of the priority type within the framework of the social and economic development of the municipal territory.
  • Confirmation of the need to solve the problem by the method of program-target type.
  • Characterization and projected development of the situation (problem) in this area if the target program is not adopted.
  • Consideration of solutions to problems, assessment of risks and benefits of various solutions to the identified problems.
  • Stages and deadlines for solving a problem situation using the program-target method.
  • Proposals for the goals and objectives of the program being developed, its target forecasts and indicators that will allow us to evaluate the progress of the program on a quarterly basis and at the end of the year.
Stadium construction
  • Options for determining the volumes, sources and methods of financing developed programs in different directions; substantiation of the need to use financial and other resources; the study of indicators that are basic for calculating the amount of funding sufficient to implement the program. As part of this section, design estimates are studied, specific capital investments for each unit of capacity, cost estimates for similar types of work with allocation based on inflation. Also, the initiative group is studying the level of provision of the district with the relevant facilities, services and equipment, which are necessary in connection with the specifics of the plan. The possibility of using federal or regional funds as elements of co-financing a project is also subject to consideration.
  • The mechanism of analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program.
  • Evaluation of the municipal program in terms of the expected effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method for solving the identified problem.
  • Proposals for attracting administrative bodies of the municipal territory for the implementation of the project.
  • Proposals for candidates for places of developers, coordinators, municipal customers and performers of various program items.
  • Proposals for basic funded areas, stages and terms of the project.
  • Suggestions on the use of mechanisms for the formation of various phased project activities.

Aspects of the program concept

The software concept is tested on several grounds, the compliance of which allows us to conclude the feasibility of its implementation. The criteria for evaluating the program plan are as follows:

  • compliance with strategic objectives and priority areas for the development of the municipal territory for the medium term perspective, the ratio of the number of resources used and planned results, the quality and depth of the problem, the social and economic effectiveness of the plan, the absence of other similar programs;
  • compliance of the program with the goals of protecting and ensuring the safety of residents, protection in the fire field and emergency situations;
  • compliance with Russian and local legislation;
  • assessment of the possibility of implementing activities identified by the program.

Based on these points, a general assessment of the proposed program is made and a conclusion is made: either refuse to develop the program, or agree on its development (determine the performers, developers, controllers, implementation dates, sources and amounts of funding). The customer of the program, as a general rule, is the municipal administration, and the basis for its development is the decision of the legislative municipal authority.

Program sections

The program under development should include the following sections:

Area improvement
  • passport;
  • the content of the problem under consideration, an explanation of the need to solve the problem using software methods;
  • goals, objectives, stages and deadlines for the implementation of the program;
  • list of planned activities;
  • substantiation of the need to use a specific list of resources;
  • assessment of the economic and social effectiveness of the developed program;
  • criteria for the implementation of program items.

The content of each section

The passport of the program being developed includes brief information about the program itself, its parameters (name, problem grounds, customer, developer, coordinator, executor, goals and objectives based on them, implementation deadlines, sources and amount of funding).

The content of the problem under consideration, an explanation of the need to solve the problem using software methods contains a detailed description of the problem, the rationale for its choice to solve and the reasons for its occurrence, connection with the goals of social and economic development of the municipal territory, measures previously taken by the authorities to solve the problem over a three-year period, options her decisions.

The goals, objectives, stages and deadlines for the implementation of the program contain a detailed description of each item. All items must meet the standards of reachability, measurability, and the adequacy of the deadlines.

The list of planned activities is indicated in the form of a table as annexes to the program being developed.

The rationale for the use of a specific list of resources contains general information about the amount of funding for each area and justification for the size of the required funds. It also provides indicators that are the basis for calculating planned financial resources, and options for raising funds or federal or regional budgets.

An assessment of the economic and social effectiveness of the developed program contains a forecast of economic and social results that are planned to be achieved after all points of the program are completed. Their quarterly and annual dynamics, the budgetary aggregate effect of the implementation of the program and the overall contribution of the developed program to the further development of the municipal territory are also indicated there. In the same section, specific numbers are indicated - indicators, sources of receipt and methods of their calculation.

The criteria for implementing program items include specific results to be measured. Approximate results are distributed by quarter and year-end. Based on them, the implementation of the developed program is monitored. The planned results, which accurately reflect the goals and objectives of the program, contain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the stages.

Many documents

Municipal programs are developed in almost every region. Many of these programs do not receive approval due to underdevelopment. Thanks to the implementation of well-developed and approved programs, the social and economic level of the municipal territory is growing, and the population of the municipality receives a higher level of development of various spheres of life.


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