Alcohol in Thailand: types, names, fortress, permitted amount of imported and exported drinks

Thailand is a very popular tourist destination among our compatriots. An exotic country invariably attracts lovers of beach and sea recreation. Leaving the resorts, each tourist tries to acquire memorable gifts for himself and his family.

The selection of all kinds of souvenirs in the country is quite large. Very often alcohol is purchased for males in Thailand. The choice of alcoholic beverages can be considered quite diverse. Tourists are attracted by the exoticism of local products. In our article, you will learn about what you can purchase and how much alcohol you can export from Thailand.

Thai drinks

The range of alcohol in Thailand is very wide. Here you can buy a variety of drinks. But this does not mean that there are no imported goods in the country's stores. As in any other place, both foreign products and local drinks are sold here.

For tourists, the most interesting is the alcohol of Thailand. After all, this is a great opportunity to taste national drinks. In the country's stores you will find not only strong alcohol, but also low alcohol products. An interesting fact is that a Buddhist country, despite its religiosity, occupies the fifth place in the world in the use of strong drinks per person. Of course, there are some restrictions regarding the place and time of their acquisition. But we will learn more about this later.

Alcohol sales time in Thailand

High humidity at the country's resorts and intense heat make any alcohol strong enough. Even the most harmless beer drunk on the beach can affect you no worse than pure whiskey.

Thai beer

Food and alcohol in Thailand is something that all tourists want to taste. Food and drinks in the country are as exotic as the local nature. Therefore, everyone wants to try unusual food and alcohol. Moreover, you can bring your favorite drink as a gift.

It is worth noting that alcohol in Thailand is represented not only by strong drinks. Low alcohol products are no less popular here. Beer is very popular not only among the local population, but also among our tourists. This is not surprising, because all drinks of local production are of excellent quality and bright taste.

How much alcohol can I take out of Thailand?

The most famous brands of Thai beer are: "Elephant", "Leo" and "Tiger". Let's dwell on each product:

  1. Singha beer (5% strength), translated as "Leo". This trademark is considered the oldest in the country. This beer is most popular. The cost of the drink is much higher than similar products of other brands. On average, a bottle of beer costs 55 baht (150 rubles). Leo is considered the best and softest mass-market drink.
  2. Leo (5% strength). This brand is a subsidiary of Singha. Such drinks are cheaper, their taste characteristics are lower. The brand is very popular among the local population, but our tourists do not really like it. If you are visiting Thailand for the first time, be sure to try the drink. You might like it. The tiger is painted on the trademark labels.
  3. Tiger (in translation means "Tiger"). This brand is familiar to our consumers, as its products are sold in our country. Not everyone likes the drink, because it has a slurred smell and a bitter specific taste. In Russia, the cost of a bottle is 45 rubles. In Thailand, a drink can be bought even cheaper.
  4. Chang (5% strength). The brand name in the translation means "Elephant". It is worth saying that this brand "works" under the leadership of the famous Carlsberg brewery. Therefore, beer has a more familiar taste for us. It does not have sharp notes, it is soft and has a delicate finish. In general, the product is very similar to similar European drinks in the mass market category.

According to reviews, alcohol in Thailand has a specific taste, which is not entirely familiar to us. All varieties of Thai beer, in the opinion of our compatriots, seem a little watery. But this is a matter of taste. Please note that in the country there are practically no low-alcohol drinks in 0.5 liter bottles. The most popular containers are 0.32 liters and 0.64 liters. Beer must be consumed immediately after purchase, otherwise it quickly loses its taste and aroma.

Siam Sato - Rice Wine

Since alcohol can be exported from Thailand, original gifts can be made to friends and relatives by bringing unusual drinks. Among these, it is necessary to highlight rice wine. In the vastness of our country, you definitely will not find anything like it.

Many tourists call this wine a hybrid product. Perhaps they are right, because the drink has a unique taste and aroma. It resembles a mixture of wine, cider and beer. In general, it is difficult to characterize in words; wine must be tasted. It is sold in Thailand at every corner, in any small alcohol shop. The aroma of a sparkling drink contains notes of sweets and rice. In appearance, it resembles champagne, but its taste is more reminiscent of cider.

Thailand food and alcohol

An interesting fact is that on the product labels the inscription "beer" flaunts. For our tourists this is not entirely clear, since we rank the drink as a wine. Such a product is stored in refrigerators. There are no analogues of such a drink in Russia. Only flavoring notes compel tourists to classify the product as wines. It began to be produced in Thailand over 300 years ago. With the advent of a large number of tourists, the production of the drink was put on stream. The cost of rice wine per bottle is 40 baht (84 rubles).

Other wines

In Thailand you will find an amazing selection of New Zealand, Australian, Spanish, Chilean wines. Each restaurant also offers local drinks. The cost of a glass depends on the manufacturer. The average cost is 120 baht (250 rubles). As for supermarkets, in them a bottle of wine can be purchased for 200-300 baht (600 rubles). Such inexpensive drinks should not be taken. In fact, this is not wine, but fruit hybrids. A quality imported product in a supermarket costs 500-600 baht (1000-1200 rubles) for one bottle. Buying wine is better in large stores.

It is worth noting that winemaking began to develop actively only 30 years ago. At that time, the king of the country gave the command to actively plant vineyards. In 1995, the first Thai wine of the Chateau de Loei brand appeared in stores. It was produced for export to Europe and Japan.

Vineyards are located in the north of the country. And the production of drinks is led by French and Australian experts. The winemaking market began to develop more actively only in the last four years. The industry's most famous brand is Siam Winery. In stores you can buy fruit wines (apple, strawberry, white, berry) Fresco brand. The most popular drinks include Chateau Vendome, Peter Vella, Mont Clair, Kookaburra.

Strong alcohol

Especially popular among our tourists is the Sang Som rum. Such a love of our compatriots for him is due to the fact that the drink has a more familiar taste for us and is easy to drink. It is sold in all shops and is inexpensive. Thais themselves almost all the spirits are called whiskey. We also distinguish rum.

According to tourists, Thai rum meets the ratio of price and quality. Its strength is 40%. In local bars, guests are offered rum-based cocktails. The cost of a bottle of 0.3 liter reaches 155 baht (320 rubles), and a bottle of 0.7 liter - 300 baht (620 rubles).

How much to drink in Thailand

No less popular is the whiskey β€œHong Tong”. Its strength is only 35%. However, the drink has a hard taste. Like other alcoholic drinks in the country, it is made on the basis of rice, adding yeast. It is difficult to drink this product β€œpure”, it is better to prepare cocktails on its basis.

Another strong drink in Thailand is called "Lao Khao." Whiskey is obtained by distillation of natural rice wine. It is widely represented in bars and shops, it is considered very useful. It is used to make tinctures from scorpions and snakes.

The strength of the drink can be determined by the color of the label on the bottle. The blue sticker indicates that whiskey has a strength of about 40%, red and yellow - 28%, pink - 35%. The last type of drink is made with the addition of Asian herbs. Many tourists believe that the taste of "Lao Khao" resembles good quality cognac.

how to export alcohol from Thailand

Moonshine Thais called yadong. The strength of the drink remains a mystery (approximately 34-45%). Very often the product is offered to guests in cafes and bars. The drink is prepared based on Thai herbs. Each family has its own secrets that are passed down from generation to generation. Please note that such products are not sold in stores.

Thailand also produces rum. The plant is located on Koh Samui. Currently, Magic Alambic produces five varieties of the drink: lemon, pineapple, natural, coconut and orange. Rum can be purchased at any store in the country.

Regency is a good quality local brandy. Its strength is 38%. However, the drink is not popular with tourists. Quality brandy is exported to European countries. An alcoholic beverage is best disclosed when mixed with mango juice.

What is alcohol in Thailand

Blend 285 is a Thai whiskey. There are two types of it; externally the bottles differ in labels. It is difficult to use such a drink in its pure form. Thais prefer to breed it with cola or mineral water. Whiskey has a characteristic aroma and taste of oriental spices.

Low alcohol cocktails

Tourists in the country are offered a wide selection of drinks. What alcohol is worth buying in Thailand? It's a matter of taste. If you do not like strong liquids, pay attention to low-alcohol cocktails. Their variety is impressive. They are sold in all stores and supermarkets. On average, the cost of a bottle ranges from 35-60 baht (70-130 rubles). In bars, a cocktail will cost three times as much.

How much can I bring to Thailand

In supermarkets you can buy such mixtures with the taste of lychee, strawberry, grapefruit, lemon, blueberry, lime. Low alcohol drinks are represented by the brands: Spy Black, Spy Classic, Spy Red, Kamikaze, Mai Tai. According to tourists, they are distinguished by excellent taste. Therefore, they are certainly worth a try.

Time to buy hard liquor

You will be surprised, but some time is allocated for the sale of alcohol in Thailand. Drinks cannot be purchased anytime you want. It is strictly forbidden to sell from 00:00 to 11:00, as well as from 14:00 to 17:00. Thailand does not sell alcohol to people under 18 years old. It is worth saying that Thais are law abiding and abide by all the rules. Therefore, you will not succeed in acquiring alcohol at inopportune times. As for age, it is extremely difficult for local residents to determine it by eye. Therefore, alcohol may well be sold to Russians, even if you are not yet 18.

How much alcohol can I take out of Thailand?

Tourists, of course, would like to bring something interesting and unusual from memory in an exotic country. A strong drink can be a good gift for the stronger sex. In this case, travelers always ask the question: "How much alcohol can I take out of Thailand?"

Official sources say that duty-free export of alcoholic beverages is possible up to two liters per person. But in practice, Thais never arrange a harsh search of tourists' bags and do not select extra bottles. In general, it is beneficial for them to visit their goods. Thais are very loyal to tourists. According to the rules, for exceeding the norm of transported alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to pay 10 dollars per liter. But in practice, no one pays attention to this.

Most often, problems arise with Russian customs officers, who are forced to fill out declarations. According to Russian laws, up to five liters of strong drinks can be brought into our country.

By the way, Thai alcohol can be purchased at Duty Free. Its cost is practically no different from the store prices of Thailand. If you did not manage to get a "strong" gift at the resort, do not be upset, you will have time to do this at the airport.

Import of alcohol

Some tourists go on vacation with their spirits. Therefore, you should definitely know how much alcohol you can bring to Thailand. When crossing the border, there are restrictions on import. It is allowed to carry with you no more than a liter of alcohol per person, moreover, we are talking about people who have reached 18 years of age.

According to experienced tourists, in Thailand it makes no sense to take strong drinks with you. There are so many of them that you can buy in any store.

Instead of an afterword

Wherever you relax, you can buy alcohol everywhere. The most widely represented alcohol in Phuket. In Thailand, this resort is in high demand among our tourists.

It is worth noting that strong drinks are very popular among Thais. It is not considered shameful in the country to drink a couple of glasses of rum after work. Alcohol is consumed by all segments of the population.

Among the advantages of local drinks can be identified quality and reasonable prices. Thai alcohol cannot be poisoned. Counterfeits are not for sale here. Nevertheless, it is necessary to use strong drinks with caution, since hot weather has a certain effect on the body. We hope our article will help you understand the diversity of Thai national drinks.


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