Popular Save and Save Tattoos

Tattooing is a technique of applying a decorative pattern to the subcutaneous layer of the body with coloring pigments that are harmless to the human body.

A bit of history

save and save tattoo
The history of tattooing has several millennia, and no one will reliably tell where they first appeared. Some historians conclude that the first tattoos arose at the dawn of humanity and meant belonging to the genus, determined social status and had magical powers. Until now, in some parts of India, the custom of tattooing has remained to determine whether a person belongs to a particular caste.

In ancient times, it was not just a drawing - each image carried a different kind of information. Only after the first round-the-world voyages did sailors begin to apply a tattoo on their bodies that was not associated with rites and a certain kind of information. Seeing on the natives tattoos-amulets that were supposed to protect their owners from diseases and dangers that await hunting, sailors began to tattoo themselves with Christian symbols.

On the back, sailors depicted a crucifix; the Save and Save tattoo should have helped to avoid the corporal punishment to which they were often subjected in the navy.

Tattoos in Russia

tattoo save and save photo
It is believed that tattoo art in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, but this is not so. In ancient pagan Russia, pectoral drawing occupied a place in magic rituals and rites. Later drawings began to be applied by Russian soldiers and princes; they carried information about exploits, nobility and status. After the advent of Christianity, the church rejected tattoos, which were a reminder of paganism and magical rites.

Drawings with the inscription - “Save and save” tattoo - were one of the first after the revival of the art of tattooing in the country. But until now, Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, have mixed feelings about tattoo art.

I must say that some people choose the expression "Save and save" for the body painting. The inscription of the tattoo in this case can be considered a tribute to the magical rites and spells, which have always been condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church explains its rejection not only of such inscriptions, but also of all other images on the human body. A body created by our Lord and bought at a high price should not be subject to mutilation. The symbol of the Christian religion is a crucifix, and as a sign of fidelity to Christ it is enough to wear a pectoral cross. The inscription on the tattoo "Save and save" is inappropriate, since it is already on the cross.

Modern body drawings

save and save tattoo inscription
In our country, only in the nineties of the last century the tattooing industry began to develop rapidly, they immediately became fashionable among different segments of the population, especially among young people. And in recent years Christian symbolism has come into fashion in drawings on the body. The inscriptions of a different nature became popular. Tattoo "Save and save" in different languages ​​of the peoples of the world is full of different parts of the body of our youth. Such inscriptions are mainly applied to the forearms of hands and wrists. Often there are images of the cross with the inscription on the tattoo "Save and save." Photos of various options for this attribute, as a rule, are in the album with examples of the work of one or another master. The image of the Celtic cross with ornament and sayings became especially popular. Another hobby of young people is the application of hieroglyphs, although few know what they mean.

It’s worth it to think, before you become the owner of the tattoo, again weigh whether you need it or not, imagine how it will look on your aged skin after many years. And if you are sure, try to choose the tattoo that suits you, so you don’t look for ways to get rid of it later.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35593/

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