Aviary for large dogs with their own hands: features, drawings and recommendations

Owners of dogs living in the country or having plots there, one day begin to think about acquiring an aviary for their beloved pet. In specialized stores, enclosures for dogs of large breeds can be purchased, but you will have to pay a round sum for such a house. Buying materials for self-construction will cost several times cheaper.

large dog enclosure

It is not necessary to have a diploma of a builder or architect to make a do-it-yourself aviary for a large dog. Drawing, patience, desire and the necessary tools - that’s all you need. This article will help owners in construction. Here you will find everything you need to know before you begin.

What is an aviary for?

So you have a big dog. If you have never thought about installing an aviary, then you should read this section. Here you will find all the arguments to include in your immediate plans the development of a separate enclosed space for a pet:

  • If the dog is kept in the yard, as it is too large for living in the house, it will be much more comfortable for him to be in his own room, which will protect him from the wind and hot sunlight.
  • If guests and outsiders, such as workers or builders, often come to the house, it may be necessary to temporarily isolate the dog. It seems that everyone will agree that many are simply afraid of large dogs, even if they know their owners well, the pet itself. A dog is a beast, and you can never be sure that he does not want to attack a stranger to him.
  • If the pet is kept for protection purposes, then it will be much more humane to place it in the aviary, and not put it on the chain. Here he will be able to move freely, not embarrassed by the leash. Such content will not affect the quality of home security.

Perfect place

The enclosure for large dogs should be in the most optimal place, where the dog will feel calm, and the owners. Aviaries should not be placed away from home, in a place separate from all residents. If the pet does not see, hear and know what is happening in the house, he will become anxious, constantly whining and barking. Such an existence will not be comfortable for the dog owners, nor for the neighbors, nor for the dog himself.

large enclosures for dogs of large breeds

Aviary for large dogs should not stand close to the fence surrounding the site. People passing by him will constantly disturb the dog, he will bark and feel uncomfortable. Also in winter, with the help of snowdrifts, a large pet will be able to climb to the top of his house, jump over the fence and run away to enjoy freedom. The ideal part of keeping the dog in the aviary will be the front of the site, where the path leading to the house and the gate will not be far.

We calculate the sizes

The size of the enclosure for a large dog should be calculated in detail, the comfort of the pet depends on this. The minimum area of ​​the house is calculated based on the size of the dog. If the dog at the withers does not reach fifty centimeters, then she needs at least six meters in a square to stay. Dogs up to 65 centimeters need at least eight squares, and giants whose height at the withers exceeds 65 centimeters will need housing larger than ten square meters.

large dog enclosure drawing

Separately, it is worth calculating the height of the aviary. It should be such that the dog could freely stand on its hind legs and at the same time not reach its head to the top. If puppies were born in the dog, or the owners got another animal, it is necessary to increase the size of the room one and a half times. If the dog does not live permanently in the aviary, and it is used only for temporary isolation, the sizes may be smaller.

Project and drawing

Before you start building aviaries for large dogs with your own hands, you need to design a job and create a drawing. You can use ready-made drawings, but there is also the opportunity to create them yourself. Based on the place where the aviary will be located, and the materials prepared for its construction, consider the main points.

do-it-yourself aviaries for large dogs

If the house is being built for a bitch, then include in the project a separate maternity ward and a vestibule, where it will be located when raising offspring. A vestibule is also necessary for the full growth and development of young animals, their games, shelter from the weather. If the aviary is for a male, then consider installing a booth in it.


The floor can be made of concrete, wood or asphalt. In no case do not cover it with cement, as this material is too cold and can cause the dog to develop rheumatic diseases and inflammation. When covering the floor with concrete or asphalt, provide a wooden bench that is ideal for winter time. Under the deck there should be a ventilated space of at least half a meter in depth. If the floor will be wooden, then choose tongue-and-groove boards, well-dried and processed from knots and chipping. It is important that there are no signs of mold on the tree.

large dog enclosure size

For the front of the enclosure, select a trellised fence that provides the dog with a good view of the area. Exclude nets, since dogs often squeeze them and break their teeth about them. For the lattice element, profile metal pipes will be the best option. They can be both round and square. Do not use powder and galvanized pipes, they are contraindicated in dogs. All materials for the grill must be primed, free from rust and various burrs, and they should also be coated with hot-painted enamel.

The back and side walls are usually made of wood panels (sheathing wood is not thinner than two centimeters). All boards should be well treated with wood-protective antiseptic agents. They should be applied in two layers. Make sure that all wooden parts of the enclosure do not come into contact with the soil. The roof is made of standard materials - corrugated board, metal tiles, ondulin or soft tiles. Features of the manufacture of a roof for an aviary - the absence of nails.

How to make an aviary for a large dog? The key to success is the foundation

Starting to erect a serious building for a pet, take care of strengthening the supporting base. So that the aviary is not spoiled by the effects of natural moisture, you need to make an appropriate flooring for it.

large dog enclosure

The simplest foundation consists of two concrete pillars laid parallel to each other. And in order for the pet to live in comfort, think about simple waterproofing.


The enclosure for large dogs should have a strong base. The channel must be welded around the perimeter with the foundation. On the lower shelf you need to lay the board, cover it with roofing material and sprinkle with gravel. In the future, all this is poured with concrete. When hardening the material, every half meter it is necessary to lay wooden logs, and only then the boards, which will become the floor. In appearance, a simple wooden floor has a good, solid base.


For large dogs, it is necessary to create a strong structure, so the profile pipes used to create the grill are welded to the channel or fastened with tight bolts. When working, do not forget to leave enough space to install the door.

how to make an aviary for a large dog

Wooden side and rear walls should also be attached to metal parts with quality bolts. Provide additional insulating foam or mineral wool cladding. It will help to keep warm in cold weather, and this will be a huge plus of the aviary.

Door and feeder installation

This is the final stage, which will take only a couple of hours, and for the entire construction, if desired, you can spend no more than three days. So, in order to protect others and avoid the escape of a four-legged friend, the doors must be made of all the same profile pipes and open inside the house. The feeder should also stand on the front side and be placed at a height of 20-30 centimeters from the floor. So the dog will not tip over the cup, and when feeding its paws will not deform and the back will bend.

DIY aviary for large dogs: reviews

Not yet skilled craftsmen! Many owners of large breed dogs prefer to build aviaries on their own. There are comments that in the initial stages it was difficult, it seemed that nothing would come of it. But everything worked out, and now they are proud of their work!

large dog enclosure do it yourself reviews

They write about the simplicity of the structure, which initially seemed to be an incredible work of architects. They say that a home-made aviary for large dogs is cheaper than a purchased one, and you have to answer personally for the quality of the structure. There are records that aviaries are very convenient. Dogs like to own their own living space, and guests are not afraid to calmly move around the site.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35612/

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