How to remove chewing gum from trousers? How to remove chewing gum from jeans?

For better or worse, chewing gum is an integral attribute of modernity. It is very difficult for the younger generation to do without him today. Moreover, often boys and girls do not always correctly utilize the used “stimorol”, leaving it directly on benches and benches in parks and squares. Chewing gum can also be found on chairs in the school, chairs in the cinema, and seats in the stadium. All this leads to the fact that the chewing gum stays on clothes, most often on trousers. Of course, the situation when you see a white speck of a sticky texture on your new jeans is very upsetting. A completely natural question arises: "How to remove chewing gum from trousers?" With a great deal of confidence, it can be argued that the recommendations described below will come in handy.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers

What to do

So how to remove chewing gum from trousers?

It must be emphasized that there is a whole arsenal of ways to help solve this problem. Those who have no idea how to remove chewing gum from their trousers will be interested to know that in 99% of cases the operation ends successfully. At the same time, the degree of its effectiveness depends on how deeply the chewing gum has been eaten into the material, which happens quite quickly. The sooner you begin to decide in practice how to remove chewing gum from trousers, the better.

Let us dwell on the most common methods.

Cold processing

The most reliable and proven option is to remove the chewing gum from the trousers by putting them in the freezer for several hours, after packing them in a plastic bag. After the substance freezes, you need to remove the trousers from the freezer and with a knife carefully clean the material from chewing gum.

In some cases, ice is applied to the soiled surface in order to scrape off the chewing gum after some time, however, this method is considered less effective than the first.

How to clean chewing gum from trousers

Heat treatment

How to clean chewing gum from trousers in another way? When using it, it must be borne in mind that it is not suitable for all types of fabrics, but only for those that are resistant to high temperatures. To put it into practice, you should place a sheet of paper on the stained area and iron it with a hot iron. The first procedure may not succeed, so it is recommended to repeat it. As an alternative, on how to clean the chewing gum from trousers, you can advise pouring it with boiling water and immediately begin to scrape off the particles, which is quite easy. In this case, one should not arm himself with excessively sharp objects, so as not to spoil the fabric. The cleaning process must be neat.

Chemical treatment

Chewing gum on trousers is removed using alcohol-containing substances, nail polish removers, dishwashing liquids. The cotton pad should be wetted in the above formulations, and then the “problem” spot should be carefully treated with it. At the same time, be careful when cleaning the chewing gum from delicate and colored fabrics, since under the influence of chemical compounds they can discolor and deteriorate completely. This method is secondary compared to the first two. It should be noted that all of the above methods can be combined with each other to achieve maximum results.

How to remove chewing gum with jeans


How to remove chewing gum with jeans? The problem will be solved by ordinary gasoline. The soiled surface should be treated with fuel, using a regular cotton swab or stick. You should wait a bit so that under the influence of gasoline, the chewing gum from the fabric begins to peel off. However, it should be borne in mind that after processing with gasoline, jeans may appear stains. To eliminate them, you can arm yourself with, for example, dishwashing detergent or standard liquid soap. Naturally, after this it is necessary to wash the clothes. Some experienced housewives prefer to use as a means of removing gum, ordinary nail polish remover, only without the content of acetone.


To use the above method, it is enough to stock up on a small segment of adhesive tape, squeeze it as tightly as possible to the place where the chewing gum is, and then tear it away from the material as sharply as possible. Again, the first time you remove all chewing gum may not work, so you will need to do the procedure several times.

Chewing gum on trousers


Another way by which you can solve the problem of how to remove chewing gum from jeans is to use vinegar. This ingredient should be poured into a special container and heated. After this, you need to take a toothbrush, dip it in vinegar, and then thoroughly wipe the problem area. It is very important to do this as quickly as possible so that the vinegar does not have time to cool. The procedure must be done until the chewing gum completely peels off the fabric. Heat vinegar again if necessary. To eliminate the specific smell that vinegar exudes, the jeans should be washed after the procedure.

Some use a hair dryer, and then with the help of the same toothbrush, they clean most of the surface from sticky substances.


If you are outside of civilization and cannot use special tools, then you can try to remove chewing gum without anything, that is, with your hands. One condition: you must have used chewing gum, which you just need to stretch so that it starts to stick to your fingers.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers

After that, you should stick it to the problem place, where there is already “bubble-gum”, and start alternately unfastening, then sticking the sticky mass. Thus, you will be able to scrape off most of the spoiled matter.

If you are afraid or simply do not want to do this yourself, then use the services of professionals: take the item to dry cleaning and you will get it in the best possible way back.

In order to be able to get rid of chewing gum as quickly as possible, you can purchase a special spray in household chemical stores that will eliminate this problem easily and naturally. However, the principle of its action is also based on freezing.

As you can see, there are many answers to the question of how to remove chewing gum from trousers. The choice is yours!


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