The Hunza people are centenarians. Hunza lifestyle and nutrition

The Hunza people live in northern India. The tribe was located on the banks of the river of the same name. The conditions in which these people live are quite severe. The nearest settlement is a hundred kilometers away.

Longevity is the main phenomenon of the Hunza tribe. Life expectancy exceeds one hundred and ten years. Some residents even manage to live up to one hundred and sixty, which cannot but surprise.

hunza people

At the age of forty, many in the tribe look like boys or girls. Some women manage to give birth to children at the age of sixty and at the same time have a slim and attractive figure.

general information

The Himalayas on the map represent a system of mountains, where the Hunza tribe is located. These people are Indo-Europeans. The population is about twenty thousand. The exact places of residence are the highlands of Kashmir, which is controlled by Pakistan. The Hunza River, namely its banks, play the role of a home for this nation. Around is a huge valley, which is characterized by indescribable beauty. Because of its appearance, it was called Happy.

The main activity that the Hunza people are engaged in is working on land. In addition, residents make long ascents to the mountains. By the way, the basis of their longevity the hunzakuts (as they call themselves) consider vegetarianism, constant physical activity and an intense lifestyle.

Himalayas on the map

The Hunza people are endowed with an attractive and friendly appearance. Residents are always happy to welcome new guests and demonstrate their warmth in every way, despite the fact that living conditions are harsh. They live in small houses that have only a hole for the exit of smoke. Together with people in the dwellings are pets, which are separated by a partition. Perhaps, due to such cramped conditions, they are warmer, since houses are practically not heated due to the small amount of firewood. And the cold period is generally about two to four months. The Hunza people spend the rest of the time outdoors, working and resting directly in the fresh air. Residents wash themselves in cold water, which is very clean in those areas.

People's life

The councils of elders are the foundation of a nation. Residents practically do not commit crimes, so there is no need to form prisons. Hunzakuts are extremely rare, so there are no hospitals either. The Hunza people are the only ones that are not susceptible to cancer. The strongest epidemics also did not harm the population, while many other peoples simply died out.

It is curious that the tribes living in the neighborhood under almost the same conditions cannot boast the same health. Toothache for the hunzakuts familiar to many civilized people is something unusual. The loss of vision of this nation is also not familiar. Even the oldest residents do not suffer from decrepit skin, bone pain and other inconveniences that are common to many old people.

long-livers of the world

In addition to disease resistance, long-lived people are very hardy. It is common for a man to go, for example, to a bazaar for one hundred kilometers along impassable paths and return in a day. Often residents act as guides for tourists. The Himalayas on the map occupy a huge area and are a place of visit for many climbers, who also often resort to the help of local residents.

The reason for longevity and health

The first mention of the people appeared in the stories of a doctor from Scotland, who worked for about fourteen years among these people. Long-livers of the world impressed the doctor with their features. Many scholars and travelers subsequently began to study the tribe. The result of research was the conclusion that the secret of longevity is in special nutrition.

Of course, many immediately objected that whatever diet you resort to in the metropolis, you still can’t achieve such results. Most people believe that in order to have such health, you must live in this valley. However, other nationalities that live nearby cannot boast of such a strong body, and their average life expectancy is several times less. For a long time, a variety of specialists could not explain such a phenomenon.

The hunza tribe had only one difference from its neighbors - the absence of proteins in the diet. This is explained by the fact that the hunzakuts are vegetarians. In whatever conditions a person lives, the right diet is considered the basis of health . Therefore, the difference in life expectancy of these tribes is not surprising.

Mack Carrison, a doctor studying these people, returned to the UK and decided to conduct several experiments on animals. He divided them into two groups. The first part of the animals ate food, which is familiar to most human families. The second received the nutrition of the Hunza people. The result of the study was the appearance in the first group of diseases to which people are exposed. The second part of the animals, which ate just like the Hunza tribe, remained completely healthy. And that was a miracle.

hunza tribe

The Hunza people often faced a lack of food, so they always tried to save. In the valley grow mainly vegetables and fruits, which are the basis of the diet. Livestock is presented only in the form of those animals that bring one or another benefit. They kill him only in case of old age, that is, when the cattle ceases to be beneficial to the owner. It is in such rare cases that residents can eat meat. However, this product is extremely low in fat.

Scones and various soups are the daily food of the people. They are made using grains. Also, a fairly large number of vegetables and fruits are added to this. The people have milk, but they rarely consume it and in small quantities, since in this area there are practically no meadows where animals can be grazed.

Salt is used in food in small quantities; sugar is not produced at all. Nevertheless, even such meager food is enough for a full life of the people.

Basic food

  • Fruit. The main and most beloved is apricot. Residents use it completely, that is, together with the skin, and they extract special oil from the seeds. Apricot occupies the top line in their diet. This Indo-European people even came up with a proverb about this fruit, which says that a woman will not marry a man who lives where there are no apricots. They also eat apples and some other fruits. In summer they are consumed fresh, and in winter - in dry form. Apricot is very useful because it contains a special substance that promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body.
  • Vegetables. They occupy, one might say, the second position. Also used in a fairly large amount. Very often they eat potatoes without peeling them. Thanks to the husk, people get a large amount of protein and minerals. Potato is the main vegetable that the tribe consumes. He even sat above the bread.
  • Cereals. Almost every day, hunzakuts eat various grains, but mostly wheat and barley. They use cereals in the most diverse form. Often they eat whole grains. Most often, of course, in the form of bread, which is made using bran. It is thanks to the grains that the people who do not know the diseases receive the necessary amount of proteins.
  • Meat. As mentioned above, this product is rarely found on the hunzakut table. Calcium and protein, which is necessary for the body, residents get from grains. If they eat meat, it is often beef or lamb.
    long-lived people
  • Milk is consumed quite rarely and is very much appreciated by residents. Of these products, cheese can be distinguished, which is made from sheep’s milk.
  • Legumes Many probably know that this food contains a huge amount of useful substances, especially proteins and minerals. The Hunza people in the Himalayas and the surrounding area can grow mainly beans, which are especially rich in protein. Since residents get squirrels from cereals, they don’t need to use a number of legumes in food.
  • Greens are included in the diet in large enough quantities. At the same time, there are a lot of diverse greens in the valley. In summer, people eat it fresh, and in the winter they add dried leaves to many dishes.

Moderation is the basis of health

Due to hunger periods, hunzakuts have to distribute food so that it is enough for a long time. The land that can be successfully cultivated, the people have quite a bit, so in many ways the diet depends on natural conditions. If in summer people rarely encounter problems of lack of food, then in the cold season they often have to save.

Especially hungry are months closer to spring. At this time, residents are forced to fast. This continues for about two months. This period is indicated by an almost complete lack of food. The basis of the diet is a drink that is made from dried apricots. Over time, such a post has grown into a cult that is very strictly enforced.

Basic nutrition

So, having considered what products the long-livers of the world consume, we can identify the basic principles that the hunzakut adhere to. They can even be called a set of rules. Why does this people live so long? Raw foodists, according to statistics, have better health. This is precisely the main reason for longevity.

  • Eating meat is allowed only in religious or very important celebrations. A particularly important detail is that it must be prepared immediately after the killing of the animal. The meat is not stored for a long time.
  • The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. They are used raw. Vegetables can occasionally be stewed.
  • The consumption of salt, sugar and other seasonings should be in limited quantities.
  • Only black bread is used in food. Flour, like meat, is not stored for a long time, it is used immediately after receipt for baking. It is recommended to add sprouted grain to the diet.
  • Milk and any dairy products should not be consumed in large quantities.
  • The use of alcohol is especially prohibited. The population only in some special cases drinks wine that is made from grapes grown in the valley.

How do longevity hunza live?

The Hunza Valley has no wealth, so the people live very poorly. No one wants to voluntarily exchange their usual life and go there. The hunzakuts live in rocky areas, where there are neither fertile soils, nor forests. In addition, there is often a lack of moisture. It rains mostly in cold weather and in small amounts. In general, the water there is very much appreciated, and they are treated very carefully.

Animals due to lack of pasture do not grow very large. Cows give some milk, which is almost fat free. Mostly goats and sheep do not please their owners with milk. The meat of this cattle contains many veins and low fat.

Therefore, people often simply have to survive, and especially in the winter. At this time, the population is mainly located in their small dwellings, which are even deprived of windows, since it is very important to keep warm. It is rather difficult to stock up with firewood - there are no trees nearby. The Hunza tribes heat their stoves mainly with small branches and leaves. On them they cook food. You cannot find the usual furniture in such houses. Almost all family members sleep and eat together. Livestock is also forced to live in neighboring rooms, which are separated by thin partitions.

people who do not know disease

Already this will scare away many. Even providing hygiene in such conditions is quite problematic. Due to lack of fuel, it is necessary to wash and wash in cold water. Those who wish to live in the valley will have to forget about soap. Due to the lack of fat, there is simply nothing to make it from.

Well, to all of the above, it is worth noting that this people has no education. Most residents do not know how to write and read. Literacy can only be received by children of high-ranking families. The people do not have their own expressed culture, poetry, and painting, which are even endowed with neighboring tribes. These people are quite uneducated. The Hunza people can boast of only a few musicians who come from other tribes.

It is not customary for a tribe to marry between members of the same family. In general, in accordance with the history of the people, the blood of others does not flow in their veins.

Health concept

The above are the conditions and food, which, according to the Hunza people, are important for long life. But now it is necessary to determine what health means for this tribe.

  • High level of work. They demonstrate it not only at work, but also in entertainment. The Hunzakuts are very hardy, they show themselves in every way during labor. The people of this tribe can effortlessly travel vast distances. No problem for him to climb the rocks to the mountains.
  • Love of life. Despite the difficult living conditions and hard work, the hunzakuts are not discouraged. Even after a difficult climb to the mountains, they laugh and tell jokes.
  • The fortress of the spirit. Residents never get angry or quarrel among themselves. It is very rare to see someone nervous or impatient with their family. Local people are very resistant to pain.


The first to come to the valley were mostly doctors and researchers who wanted to understand the secret of longevity. It is believed that the place was opened for ordinary people thanks to hippies, who in the 70s of the last century began to actively visit Asian countries in search of something new. Especially popularity spread across Western countries. For example, Americans call apricot today Hunza Apricot. However, hippies, first of all, did not come here for exotic fruits, but rather for Indian hemp.

Grass is not grown here for smoking, but to be added to various dishes. Most travelers come here to taste juicy apricots, which are not found in other countries. A popular destination also for many climbers and history buffs.

Interesting about the people

One of the legends is the story that this tribe was founded during the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great. The commander’s fighters formed a small state here. They lived in accordance with strict rules. Residents always had weapons with them and did not part with them even during food and entertainment.

In our country, little is known about this people. The Hunza Valley has been the subject of a dispute between Pakistan and India for over sixty years.

The Soviet Union tried not to get into a dispute and kept its distance. For example, in the dictionaries the name of the area is, but where it is located is not indicated. On many world maps you can easily find the designation of the area, but not on maps issued in the USSR. Accordingly, references to the nationality and the media were avoided. Nevertheless, almost everyone knows about Russia in Hunza.

It is rather difficult to prove whether Alexander the Great really had a hand in the appearance of this nationality. According to other sources, the foundation was due to the once united Russian people. Nevertheless, there is still some mystery in the appearance of this tribe.

The language considered popular is burushashi. So far, scientists who study the Hunza people have not been able to find any similarities with any language. Besides him, many residents speak English.

hunza valley

Religion, which is professed by more than ninety percent of the population of the valley, is Islam, but with some peculiarity, which includes many mystical and mysterious aspects. Being in Hunza, a tourist will not hear a call to prayer. This is a voluntary matter, and everyone chooses the time for worship on their own.

The Hunza River in the old days represented the dividing line between the principalities of Nagar and Hunza. Often there was enmity between them. It was especially manifested by the theft of children and women, followed by their sale into slavery.

In 1963, the valley was visited by an expedition of doctors from France, which was struck by the health and life expectancy of the population. Soon, a conference on cancer was held in Paris, at which it was stated that the people were not susceptible to cancer. This is a special organization that conducts research in all regions of the world.

In 1984, an amazing incident occurred. One of the residents of the Hunza Valley arrived at the UK airport. When he presented his passport to the emigration service, he left everyone at a loss. The document indicated the year 1823 of birth, respectively, the old man was one hundred and sixty years old. The attendant said that the elder is considered a holy hunza people. At the same time, he had no memory lapses, and he perfectly remembered his whole life.


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