How to make a plasticine cake

Modeling from plasticine is not only fascinating, but also very useful for children. She develops fine motor skills, makes fingers and hands stronger, develops spatial imagination and promotes the development of creative skills.

Now sold ready-made kits with plasticine in several colors, various molds and accessories, making the molding process more creative.

What devices are needed for making a cake

Perhaps one of the most interesting options for sculpting from plasticine will be the construction of a cake. After all, all the kids love big, beautiful and tasty sweets. Your child will surely like to `` cook '' the cake, especially if you help him with this.

make plasticine cake

So, to make a cake from plasticine, you need to take a few colorful pieces of the latter. For simplicity, you can purchase a ready-made set, such as "Play Doh." It includes many molds for biscuits, molds for decorating a cake, a pastry syringe, and the clay itself is very soft, bright and has a pleasant smell.

However, you can do without special additions. We already have multi-colored plasticine. In addition to it, we will need:

  • ordinary plastic caps, such as those that cover jars of lotions, shampoos. It is desirable that they be round in shape, although no one bothers you to make the cake oval, square or rectangular;
  • special knives for plasticine (you can take a few so that the plasticine does not mix);
  • toothpick;
  • beads, beads or sparkles;
  • rolling pin;
  • good mood.

Making Cake Fantasy

When everything you need is in front of us, you can start making a cake from plasticine:

  1. We take a pink sausage from our modeling material, roll it and wrap it around the lid, gently pressing it.
  2. The remains of this plasticine cover the top of the lid.
  3. We cover the extreme bottom line with a thin blue stripe.
  4. The same should be laid between the two upper parts of the pink plasticine.
  5. Squeeze the blue lines with a toothpick, giving them a relief shape.
  6. Roll out four small red pieces with a rolling pin, roll them into four rolls so that they resemble flowers. To do this, make one end three times narrower than the second. Decorate the cake with flowers.
  7. Roll out green plasticine and use a knife to cut out the leaves.
  8. With a toothpick, draw lines on the leaves and complement them with the design of your "pastry" product.

This is a wonderful plasticine cake for children. So I want to taste it!

How to make a Rainbow Cake

plasticine cake

Many people know the famous cake `` Rainbow '', which looks very impressive, and, perhaps, some already decorated the holiday table. If you bake a real "Rainbow" - a very laborious task, then to mold this plasticine cake will be much faster and more interesting.

So let's get started:

  1. Take the clay of seven rainbow colors (as many as possible, as few as possible), and roll round pancakes of medium thickness from them.
  2. Put the resulting cakes one on top of the other in the right order (at the same time teach the baby to name the colors).
  3. Roll white plasticine into a cake no more than 5 mm thick.
  4. Using a knife, cut it into several strips of equal width.
  5. Put the resulting ribbons on the finished cake, intertwining them with each other.
  6. Alternatively, simply cover the cake with a layer of white plasticine, as if it were cream.

Our plasticine cake is ready! Tall and colorful, he will delight everyone who sees him, especially those who worked on him.

plasticine cake for children

A simple cake for the little ones

A plasticine cake for children, the photo of which is given in our article, a child can make on his own, having previously made a cake `` Rainbow '' together with his mother. Here the same concept, but the decoration itself will not be so difficult for the little creator. For him, you can take beads or beads or do without any jewelry at all. Such a "confectionery" product will help the child to train in order to make the Rainbow on his own in the future.

plasticine cake for children photo

Plasticine molding is a serious creative process for a child, so do not limit his imagination. Let the baby make the craft as he imagines it.


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