Beautiful and romantic statuses about tenderness

Tenderness is a special feeling that needs to be valued. This is an expression of true sincere feelings. Unlike passion and tenderness, vivid manifestations of emotions are not needed; she needs sincerity and understanding that a loved one is happy. This is a feeling that gives people comfort and warmth in their hearts. Below are the statuses about tenderness with meaning.

Sayings of poets

Most of the statuses about tenderness can be taken from poems. After all, who else but poets should be familiar with this feeling, because for them human feelings are a source of inspiration. Especially love.

"You cannot confuse real tenderness

With nothing, and she is quiet. "

Anna Akhmatova.

This feeling is not flaunted. Tenderness is shown only to loved ones; it cannot be applied to everyone. This is care, joy for a loved one, support and the desire to always be near. They try to cherish it, especially in modern society, when people try to show everyone their relationship.

"Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love."

Hope Teffi.

Most often they say this feeling when they talk about love. In this status about tenderness, it is said that this is one of the highest manifestations of love. But at the same time, this feeling is modest, and that is why people value it.

Open book

About love

Writers, like poets, talk about human relationships. Love has always been an inspiration to people. Love is a feeling that encourages people to change for the sake of a loved one.

"When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love."

A.P. Chekhov

Love is one of the most mysterious, but wonderful feelings. When a person truly falls in love, he notices in himself that which he had not previously noticed. This is stated in this status about tenderness. For the sake of their second half, people try to become better. It is not in vain that they say that a rude and uncommunicative person with his beloved becomes different - caring, affectionate. Because he is ready to give all the wealth of his inner world only to the closest person.

Beautiful flower

"Love is a disease of tenderness."

Al Kruglov.

Tenderness is a desire to protect another, to make him nice, not expecting anything in return. This is precisely the manifestation of true love. Passion is a manifestation of vivid emotions, a desire to have another person. But tenderness, care and affection are the manifestation of sincere love.

"Oh, that tenderness! How much more powerful than power!"

S. Bronte "Jane Eyre".

It is said that a woman is strongest when she loves. And in the status about the girl’s tenderness, it is often said that the desire to protect is not a manifestation of weakness, but an internal strength. After all, every person wants to feel that someone needs him, that they are waiting for him somewhere. And it is tenderness that makes it possible to feel the full power of love.

Couple in love

About woman

The concept of tenderness is associated with a woman, because it is women who are more emotional. If such concepts as “masculinity”, “strength” are associated with men, then with a woman it is “tenderness”, “affection”. With the help of tenderness, you can conquer even the strongest man.

"Love, beauty, tenderness and care - all this is a real woman."

Any woman, no matter how strong and independent she is, wants to feel defenseless and give her care and affection. A tender woman in love is always beautiful, but not only externally, but also internally. All these good feelings seem to illuminate her from within, giving others joy and light.

Statuses about a woman’s tenderness state that she needs to give her affection and love. This is her strength. But tenderness is not given to everyone in a row, which is why this feeling is so valued. Such a woman wants to protect and preserve, such a woman gives her man wings and inspires him. That is why a man should be careful about the feelings of his woman.

Romantic picture

About house

Of course, statuses about tenderness and love can be found much more often, but this feeling arises not only when two people love each other. It is human nature to take care of dear and important things to his heart.

"Yes, it’s not a miracle that the house shelters us and warms that these walls are ours. The miracle is that it imperceptibly transfers to us the reserves of tenderness - and it forms in the heart, in its very depths, unknown layers, where exactly water spring, dreams are born ... "

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Dear things that remind a person of important events for him or people close to him, can also be a source of special emotions for a person. For any person, a house is its fortress, its stronghold. A house is not just a building, walls, but also a place in which a person feels comfortable and happy. That is why a person also carefully and with tenderness treats the house.

Butterfly on a tree branch

About maternal tenderness

Separately, it is worth highlighting maternal feelings, because they never weaken. Below are the statuses about the tenderness of mothers that they give to their children, even when they grow up. Therefore, adults again feel like children next to their mothers.

"The hands of mothers are woven from tenderness - the children sleep on them with a calm sleep."

Mothers are ready to do everything for their children, always ready to protect them. Because for them, even when they grow up, they still remain small. It is to their mothers who seek advice, share their innermost, because they will try to understand them and help.

"Maternal hands are the embodiment of tenderness."

V. Hugo.

For children, maternal tenderness is a lullaby that calms and gives harmony. Mother's hands support a person when he is small, when he is just crossing the threshold of adulthood and when he is already creating his own family. And a person always feels this maternal tenderness and support.

About words

It is difficult to express human feelings in words, because each person understands and feels in his own way. Also, tenderness - a person understands what he feels, but can not explain.

"Tenderness is something that is so difficult to explain in words, but so easy to feel with your heart."

Lovers are always distinguished from others not by what they say to everyone around them about their love, but by how tender they look at each other and how touching they care for each other. Tenderness is manifested not in words but in deeds.

Tenderness does not need loud statements or vivid manifestations of feelings. It is not publicly displayed, it is intended for only one person. Tenderness is manifested not only in actions or words, but also in gaze. This feeling gives a person warmth and understanding that a person is dear to someone and needed. Tenderness is one of the main manifestations of love.


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