Weaving rose - where and how to plant

Weaving rose is a real find for decorating and decorating arches, arbors, columns, walls and fences. The shoots of these plants reach a length of five meters, covered with dark green glossy leaves and curved thin spikes. The flowers are usually medium-sized, collected in brushes or small inflorescences. There are terry, semi-terry and simple. The weaving rose blooms profusely for 30-35 days, covering the entire length with clusters of bright buds.

In order for the rose to grow well, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting. Choose a site that is lit in the morning by the sun: the dew will dry quickly, which will prevent the pests from multiplying. In the afternoon, it is desirable that the weaving rose be in the shade - the sun is hot at this time and can scorch the tender beauty. She does not like drafts either - she grows poorly in this case, and gives few flowers.

For the normal development of the plant, the soil must have good water permeability. This means that the water must quickly and without interference go into the ground. If the subsurface water is close or the water runs off for a long time, root rot may occur. In this case, the bush may die. If on your

there is no suitable place in the plot, you can get out of the situation as follows: dig a hole that does not reach the level of subsoil water in depth, put a large flat stone on the bottom or concrete the bottom, and pour fertile soil on top . Such a solution will not allow water to rise up, and the roots of the rose will not be waterlogged. In addition, stone or concrete will not allow the root system to develop deeper, and the rod roots will go horizontally.

The best-woven rose grows on light loam. Both clay and sandy soils are not suitable for her. But one can also find a way out of such a situation: in the place where the rose is supposed to be planted, you need to take out part of the original soil and β€œdilute” it with another. So, sand can be added to clay, and clay can be added to the sand. To ensure a sufficient level of fertility, add humus or humus, phosphorus fertilizers to the soil .

Weaving roses should be planted at a distance of not less than a meter from each other, and 1.5-2 meters should be left between the rows. If planting is in several rows, then observe the checkerboard pattern: this way the plants do not obscure each other. Prepared seedlings are lowered into dug holes (they must be large enough so that the plant can spread its roots - rooting cannot be bent), deepening the neck by 10 centimeters. The roots are carefully leveled (for this, you can pour a mound of fertile land in the center of the pit, around which the roots are placed), cover it with earth, which is well compacted.

During spring planting, additional measures are required: cover the seedlings with foil (a kind of mini-greenhouse). This will create a zone of high humidity around the plant, which will contribute to an early engraftment. But that is not all. Curly roses are very moody . Care will be required further: daily need to ventilate the plants. To do this, raise the edge of the film. First for a short time, then daily increase the duration of being in the air. After two weeks, you should completely remove the film.

Read more at Sadovnikam.ru .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35631/

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