Lifting a house on screw piles: features of work

If you decide to lift the house on screw piles, then the complexity of the work can be affected by some factors, among which are:

  • the presence of a fireplace or stove;
  • terrain
  • rejection of communications.

At the first stage, marking is carried out, then the piles are twisted along the perimeter of the building and the house is hoisted. The next step will be the installation of heads.

Marking and lifting

For the reason that it is no longer possible to install screw piles after building a house under the building, screw them in along the perimeter, deviating from the old foundation by about 50 cm. This value sometimes decreases to 40 cm. Quite often, recently property owners raise the house on screw piles. To replace the base, the building is raised.

lifting a house on screw piles

For this, hydraulic or screw jacks are used. Depending on the weight of the building, jacks in the amount of up to 10 pieces are placed under the support beams. Their minimum number is 4 pieces. Each side of the house comes off with the help of levers from the old foundation and rises by only 5 cm. Boards that have an appropriate thickness are laid under the beams. Lifting a house on screw piles involves working with walls alternately. At the final stage, the house is raised to the calculated height.

Installation of an I-beam and head

Once the house is at the required height, you can cut the screw piles, given the level. The pipes are filled, usually concrete is used for this. Heads are mounted on their surface. An I-beam has been set up for construction . The whole structure is scalded.

lifting a house on screw piles

Lifting a house on screw piles necessarily involves applying a primer to the welding site. After completion of the work, the old foundation can be removed, while the building itself can be lowered to the logs made of I-beams.

Why you should choose screw piles for lifting

Before starting work, it is important to read the tips. Lifting a house on screw piles, according to experts, has many advantages. Among others, it is necessary to highlight the reduction in the time of manipulation compared with other methods of lifting. In addition, such work is usually carried out in just a few days. True, sometimes the rise lasts for 2 weeks - everything will depend on the mass of the structure and its area.

lifting houses on screw piles Yaroslavl

This technology has some disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the fact that the method is suitable only for lifting light houses, this is especially true for timber and wooden houses. In order to solve such a problem with multi-story and stone buildings, other technological solutions are used.

The cost of work

Lifting a house on screw piles in St. Petersburg will cost 150,000 rubles if the building has dimensions equal to 6x9 m. By reducing the size of the house to 6x5 m, the consumer will be able to save, because you will have to pay 110,000 rubles for the work.

lifting a house on screw piles tips

Lifting houses on screw piles in Yaroslavl will cost slightly less - 100,000 rubles. In this case, we are talking about a building whose dimensions are 6x6 m.

Process tricks

It is important that the jacks during the lifting process are able to undergo the load from the house. This opportunity can be provided if you know in advance the density of the material at the base of the walls and the dimensions of the building. To make the structure easier, furniture should be taken out of it. Even the total weight of household utensils is quite substantial. All extensions before starting work are disconnected from the house or disassembled, because otherwise they can interfere with the rise. Among such structures, it should be noted:

  • the veranda;
  • porch;
  • lumber room.


If the foundation is broken, cracked and begins to collapse, this indicates that it is time to replace it. Quite often, an alternative solution is a pile foundation, which is quite cheap and is installed in a short time. The distance between piles should be equal to 1.5 m.

The depth of their laying is usually greater in comparison with the average level of freezing of the soil. If this recommendation is neglected, the foundation during operation will only repeat the fate of the old foundation. Its elements will be affected by heaving forces in winter. The most difficult stages of the process are the preparation and lifting of the building. As for the repair of the building itself, sometimes such work takes only one day, which is true if specialists take up the matter.


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