How to insulate the walls from the inside? Choose material

When constructing residential buildings, many different materials are now used - bricks, foam blocks, prefabricated panels and many other materials. However, no matter how good the properties of a brick or a foam block, the house will still not be as thermally insulated as possible. Therefore, when constructing houses (and this applies not only to cottage, but also to multi-storey apartment buildings), there is a need for thermal insulation of walls. Often, construction companies only care about the external processing, forgetting about the internal. But this is fundamentally wrong. What is the importance of this thermal insulation and how to insulate the walls from the inside? Learn the answers to these questions in today's article.

how to insulate the walls from the inside

Why is it worth processing both sides of the house?

It is worth noting that only with double thermal insulation this or that building will be maximally protected from temperature changes, which, in turn, affects heating costs. In summer, there is practically no need to turn on air conditioning in such a house, and in winter heating systems can be used to a minimum. Thus, this action will not only save substantial money on utility bills, but also make your home more cozy and comfortable.

How to insulate the walls from the inside?

Today, there are two main types of materials that are used for thermal insulation of walls. It can be mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Before deciding how to insulate a brick wall from the inside, we will consider in detail each of these types.

Mineral wool
how to insulate a brick wall from the inside

This material is in great demand since the days of the USSR. Then it was the main method of effective thermal insulation in private homes. Now mineral wool is used absolutely in any premises, and not only on the walls. This material has practically no drawbacks in its properties. She keeps the heat very well, and regardless of whether it is a brick house, a prefabricated switchboard or some other. And if you want, for example, to insulate the walls of a wooden house from the inside, as an option, mineral wool can be considered. However, do not forget that when installing this cotton wool, you should take care of additional precautions in advance, such as a respirator, rubber gloves and long-sleeved clothing. Breathing without special means near this material is very dangerous for health, and you should not touch it with your bare hands.

It is worth noting that in common people this material is also called glass wool. Using these words, in the context they mean the same material. Therefore, do not be alarmed if in the store instead of mineral only glass wool is sold.

How to insulate the walls from the inside? Choose polystyrene foam
insulate the walls of a wooden house from the inside

Polyfoam today is the most popular heat-insulating material, as compared with glass wool is not so dangerous and to all this very fast to install. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it minimizes the penetration of water and steam, while mineral wool perfectly performs only the first function. Therefore, when installing polystyrene boards, you provide the walls with not only thermal, but also waterproofing.

As practice shows, polystyrene foam wins in the question “how to insulate walls from the inside”. Due to its advantages, it is the most versatile and practical material for thermal insulation of walls.


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