DIY pitched arbor made of wood

If you started the construction of a single-pitched gazebo, then first you need to determine its size. It is important to choose the type of foundation, as well as decide what design features the roof and walls will have. The construction process begins with laying the foundation, then the frame and roof are assembled. The last step will be the roof sheathing. If you do not have experience, then it is recommended to make a small building. It is desirable that it has the correct shape, which will facilitate the task.

Determined with design features

A gazebo made of wood with a pitched roof can be closed or open. The latter option is a lightweight summer design that is not intended for use in the fall or winter. As for enclosed gazebos, they are capital structures, quite often with one blank wall.

pitched gazebo

Garden arbors can also have different shapes, among them:

  • square;
  • circle;
  • rectangle;
  • polygon.

Foundation selection

For a pitched gazebo, any foundation is suitable, it can be:

  • columnar;
  • stovetop;
  • tape.

All of these structures can be shallow, as the wood frame will have a small weight. Sometimes arbors are installed on logs laid flat, or cinder blocks. The more impressive the dimensions of the structure, the more solid the foundation should be.

Material selection

As a material for the walls can be:

  • boards;
  • Reiki
  • wooden beam;
  • whole logs.

In order to determine the design features, you need to understand the purpose of the gazebo.

DIY pavilion

If you need it for a family vacation, then an open design of small size is suitable. The basis may be brick pillars, cinder blocks, as well as a columnar foundation of logs or pipes. If the gazebo will be used not only for gatherings with friends, but also for celebrating events in the family circle, you should pay attention to the more spacious design, which is desirable to make it closed.

The base in this case can be tape or slab. The construction of a rectangular or square arbor will be easier than multifaceted or rounded. The use of boards and logs for walls simplifies the process, but lattice curly walls will look more attractive.

Foundation construction

If you started the construction of a single-pitch gazebo, then at the first stage it is necessary to equip the foundation. To begin with, a suitable place on the site is selected. The territory should be flat and open, remote from the toilet and outbuildings. The place is on an elevation, then the foundation can be protected from moisture and flooding.

penthouse pavilions photo

Large stones and vegetation should be removed from the territory by marking. The simplest solution will be a columnar foundation, which will cost less than others. For its construction should prepare:

  • a shovel;
  • roulette wheel;
  • solution;
  • roofing material;
  • level;
  • supporting posts;
  • fittings.

If you do not want to work with a shovel, you can use a garden drill. With its help, work can be completed in a shorter time. In the corners of the future gazebo are supporting pillars, which should also be under the supporting walls. The distance between them should be 2 m.

For reference

If the supports will be trimming logs or metal pipes, then holes for them can be prepared using a drill. The diameter should be 10 cm larger than the diameter of the posts. They need to be deepened by 70 cm. For supports made of cinder block or brick, pits can be dug with a shovel, because they will have a square shape. The depth of such pits will be approximately 50 cm.

do-it-yourself gazebo with a pitched roof


Shed gazebo should be built on a certain technology. At the next stage, it involves filling the bottom with sand and gravel, the thickness of each layer should be 10 cm. Metal pipes should be cut into equal parts so that after installation they are 20 cm visible above the surface. If you have to work with metal, it should be treated with anti-corrosion mix and dry. Supports descend into holes and align. A piece of reinforcement is inserted inside the pipe, which should be 10 cm longer than the column length.

At the next stage, concrete is poured into the pipes, while the space between the walls should be filled with stones and soil, and then rammed. Building a gazebo with a pitched roof, instead of pipes you can use dense, dry logs, covering them with an antiseptic and coating with bituminous mastic.

After drying, the supports are lowered into the holes and poured with concrete mortar. Sometimes the role of pillars is played by bricks or blocks, in which case the bottom of the pit should be filled with sand and gravel, driving a piece of reinforcement into the center. Its length can be equal to the limit of 70 to 80 cm. Then the pit is filled with mortar to the top, and after the concrete has dried, its surface is covered with roofing material, a cinder block or brick is laid on top. The fittings should be located in the center of the column and protrude 10 cm above the surface.

Floor device

After hardening the foundation, you can begin installation of floor slabs, for this the following materials are used:

  • timber;
  • nails
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • edged board;
  • hammer;
  • level.

When purchasing a beam, you should prefer a square material with a side of 10 mm. Edged board should have a thickness of 2 cm or more. If the gazebo is rectangular in shape, then you will not have problems with the installation of the floor. The beam should be covered with an antiseptic and dried, cut to width. The first to fit the bars around the perimeter, for this you should apply reinforcement, which will act as fasteners. Holes are drilled in the tree, rods are threaded there and bent with a hammer.

wooden pavilions

At the next stage, you can proceed with the installation of intermediate lags, the distance between which will be 40 cm. It is important to make sure that they are correctly positioned horizontally. When the arbor with a pitched roof is built, the logs are fixed between each other with self-tapping screws or nails. The beam is sheathed with boards laid with a continuous sheet. They must first be primed.

Wall construction from logs

If you decide to build a log arbor, then the frame from the beam will not be needed, you can start laying the walls. The roofing material is spread on the base, the first row of logs is strengthened from above. They should be located along the perimeter, as an exception there is only a doorway.

At the ends of the logs, grooves should be prepared to secure the corners. Logs should dock at the corners, in this case, the appearance of the future structure will be more attractive. After laying around the perimeter of 4 rows should go to the corners. The logs must be divided into pieces, each of which will be 0.5 m long. Elements are laid at the joints of the walls after preparing the grooves.

As soon as the structure reaches the desired height, the logs are laid around the perimeter, the upper end is fixed with metal brackets, they can be replaced with spacers. Between adjacent corners the space is filled with a figured lattice of wood. At the next stage, you can proceed to the construction of the roof.

Roof mounting

You can build a shed gazebo with your own hands. At the next stage, the technology involves the installation of a roof. Initially, it is necessary to prepare rafter legs, the length of which will assume a margin of overhang of 50 cm on both sides. One rafter rises up to mark the drink for mounting to the frame strapping. This element will act as a pattern for installing steel rafter legs.

pitched gazebo

The front and rear rafters are fixed with metal corners or nails to the strapping beams. It is important to observe the angle of inclination. To do this, a twine or fishing line is pulled, which will determine the level.

Shed pavilions, photos of which are presented in the article, necessarily assume the presence of rolled waterproofing on the roof. It is cut into strips and fixed without tension on the rafters with a construction stapler. The overlap between the sheets should be 15 cm. With an increase in the angle of inclination, the overlap should be made wider.

gazebos with a pitched roof photo

The crate is made of unedged boards, the distance between the elements will be approximately 30 cm. If you plan to use ondulin or metal tile as a covering material, the crate should be less common. Installation of roofing material implies the presence of an overlap between sheets of 10 cm. Wind boards are fixed at the ends of the arbor, in addition, the roof should be supplemented with a drainage system.

Shed Roof Recommendations

If you build a gazebo with a pitched roof with your own hands, then the inclined plane can be fixed on the walls with a certain height. The ramp is usually directed towards the windward side. In order to distribute the load of snow in the winter, it is imperative to use rafters when building the roof.

For additional rigidity when using inclined rafters, struts from the beam should be installed. They are fixed to the crossbar with nails. For the reason that in single-pitched arbors from a tree often there is no ceiling, any element will be viewed. Therefore, wooden struts should be aesthetically pleasing.

The choice of the angle of inclination of such a roof will depend on several factors, among them:

  • wind power;
  • roofing material;
  • rainfall in the region.

This parameter is usually equal to the limit of 5 to 60 °. When building a tile, the following indicators should be taken into account: for a metal tile, the angle of inclination can be 30 °, while for slate this parameter is equal to the limit from 20 about to 35 about . For roofing material, the angle of inclination can be 5 °, for corrugated board - 8 °, while for the folded roof - the limit is from 18 to 30 °.

If you build a gazebo with a pitched roof, a photo of which is recommended to be considered before starting work, reducing the minimum values ​​mentioned above, it is more likely to say that this will cause trouble. So, a single-pitched roof made of galvanized metal or corrugated board can bend under the weight of snow.


For the construction of a wooden gazebo, it is best to use beams made of coniferous wood. It is important to ensure that all wood elements are well dried and treated with fire, moisture and pests. Recently, home craftsmen quite often build gazebos with their own hands from a tree with a shed roof.

At the final stage, when it is time to erect the roof, it is necessary to establish the supporting structure. It is as the main element of this part of the gazebo that the inclined rafters will act. They should be as strong as possible, as they take on the main load created by the roof, crate, wind pressure and snow weight. If you have enough experience, then you can build a gazebo even of a polygonal shape, in which case the technology will be more complex. The design can be made half open, but in this case it can only be used on warm summer days.


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