Can I give a dog a banana: advice from veterinarians

Each owner wants to pamper his pet with a special treat, and often he wonders if it will harm the dog’s health. It turns out that many types of fruits and vegetables are not only harmless to the body of the pet, but also useful, so they just need to be included in the diet. In the article, we consider whether it is possible to give the dog banana and other fruits.

Is this useful?

I would like to immediately notice that bananas for a puppy are not only possible, but also necessary. This fruit contains vitamins C and B6, as well as trace elements such as copper, potassium, manganese and sodium. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, which is especially beneficial for a weaned puppy. Among other things, bananas contain useful carbohydrates, amino acids necessary for normal growth and development, sugar, which provides an active puppy with energy. Enzymes in the fruit have a beneficial effect on the appearance and quality of the dog’s coat. The regular use of bananas in a reasonable dosage normalizes the digestive tract of the animal. In particular, the fruit is useful for puppies who are still just mastering a new diet.

Can I give the dog a banana

All dog breeders know that sweet is bad for your pet. So can a dog be given a banana? It is one of those sweet foods that pets are allowed to give.

How old can I be?

what dogs cannot eat

Banana, along with other vegetables and fruits, begins to give the puppy a shepherd and other large breeds at the age of one and a half to two months, small ones from three. Even if the dog does not initially accept new food, you should insist, because the fruit is a necessary source of vitamins and minerals. The main rule is to give it a little at first, without mixing it with other food, in order to avoid the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction of the puppy’s fragile body. After about a month, it can be considered that the digestive tract of the animal is used to this product.

How to do it right: advice from veterinarians

We have already figured out whether it is possible to give the dog a banana. Now we will consider how to do it safely and with benefit for the pet. In the first few feedings give one or two pieces of fruit. You can offer to eat it just like that, and if the pet refuses, mix it with the main food.

can york puppy banana

Often owners of small breeds worry about the appropriateness of such food for their pets. Is it possible to banana puppy York, dachshunds, pinscher, etc.? Definitely yes. But before giving it to an animal of any breed, some recommendations should be considered:

  1. It is preferable to choose an unripe fruit. Overripe fruit can cause intestinal upset in the dog.
  2. The banana is thoroughly washed and peeled, sometimes it contains substances poisonous to the puppy. In addition, the skin has an astringent taste. Having tried it at least once, the pet can categorically refuse the goodies forever.
  3. The fruit is cut into small slices, since a large piece of banana can cause bowel obstruction, especially in small breed dogs.
  4. An individual serving of food depends on the size of the puppy. For small breeds, a few pieces are enough for one meal and a half banana per week. Large dogs can be given a whole fruit every other day.

If a pet refuses to eat a banana, it is mixed with porridge or cottage cheese. This dish is very nutritious, healthy and easy to digest. You can offer your pet dried treats for dogs. Bananas in this form are also useful for the animal.

dogs love banana

What to do if a dog becomes ill?

It so happens that while a caring owner is looking for information about whether a banana can be a husky puppy or another breed, the pet has already managed to find it and eat it. In this case, do not panic, it is unlikely that the fidget will recover. A cause for concern will be that the puppy has become lethargic or, conversely, unusually active, he has gagging. Such symptoms may indicate individual intolerance to the fruit or poisoning with toxic substances accumulated in the banana peel.

In this case, immediately rinse the pet’s stomach. To do this, a weak manganese or soda-salt solution is poured into his mouth with a syringe (add a teaspoon of soda and salt to a glass of boiled water). After that, the puppy is provided with a plentiful drink and activated carbon is given at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight. If possible, the dog is shown to the veterinarian.

Allergy Symptoms

If the pet began to suffer from constipation or diarrhea unusual for him, bloating and flatulence, while new foods were not introduced into his diet, then most likely the intolerance of this fruit was manifested in the pet. It should be excluded from the dog's diet.

can a husky puppy have a banana

Signs of an allergic reaction:

  • the nose, the corners of the eyes, and the tips of the paws are red;
  • rashes in the form of acne and blisters, peeling on the skin are observed on the body;
  • wool falls out profusely;
  • increased lacrimation.

It is not at all easy to immediately identify an allergen, only a veterinarian can do this, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Before contacting a specialist, it is recommended to exclude banana from the dog's diet. If the symptoms disappear, it means that the puppy showed a reaction to a specific fruit and should be excluded from the dog’s diet forever. With severe signs of an allergy in a dog, up to impaired breathing, it is necessary to immediately show it to a specialist.

Each time after the introduction of a new product, especially an exotic one, into the puppy's diet, it is important to observe his reaction for several hours. When warning symptoms appear, it is necessary to limit the dosage or completely eliminate the product.

Is it possible to give a dog a banana, we found out. And if she is unhealthy?

Is banana possible for diarrhea?

Many dog ​​owners are interested in this issue. The answer is: yes, in this case, this fruit is even very useful. Diarrhea provokes the elimination of electrolytes from the body, for example, potassium. To avoid its imbalance in the body, the dog simply needs to give bananas: they contain plenty of potassium. In addition, this exotic fruit has pectin fibers that eliminate indigestion and normalize the bowel movement.

Can I give a banana for other diseases?

Since this fruit is perfectly absorbed by the digestive tract of dogs, in small quantities it can be given even in cases where animals suffer from kidney pathologies and pancreatitis.

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If we talk about what dogs should not eat, then not only sick but healthy animals are not recommended to give the following fruits:

  1. Grapes Causes serious abnormalities in the kidneys of the animal.
  2. Cherry. Its bones contain cyanide, which has a destructive effect on blood cells.
  3. Garnet. Causes gastrointestinal problems in the dog.
  4. Avocado. This fruit can cause diarrhea, impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system, pancreatitis.

In the article, we found out that bananas are nutritious and, without a doubt, will benefit the pet if they are not overfed. We hope you find this information helpful.


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