"Sera Baktopur" - a drug for the treatment of external diseases of aquarium fish. Composition, instructions for use

German preparations for the treatment of aquarium fish have long and firmly occupied a niche in the Russian market. Among these is the "Sulfur Bactopur" - a medicine against bacterial diseases of aquarium inhabitants.

What helps the drug, how to use it? Read about it in the material.

Aquarium fish

What is it used for?

Sera baktopur is an excellent helper in the fight against fin rot, dropsy and other bacterial diseases in fish. Suitable for use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.

Fin rot

We are talking about a medicine, but we are ignoring the mention of diseases, and this is wrong. Readers should be able to distinguish the appearance of a disease by external signs.

We begin our story with one of the most common diseases among aquarium inhabitants. It is called fin rot, and "Sulfur Bactopur" successfully copes with the symptoms of this disease.

What is fin rot? A bluish-white coating appears at the edges of the tail and fins. The ends of the fins look like they were plucked. And if the spread of the disease is not prevented, then it will cover the whole body of the fish.

Sometimes you can see how red stripes or spots appear on the fins. This is one type of rot, then these stripes will turn into ulcers.

A characteristic feature of the disease is clouding of the eyeballs in fish.

Fin rot


Ichthyophthyroidism - white spots on fish, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the condition of underwater residents. The body of the fish is covered with a uniform white coating, similar in appearance to semolina. And the pets themselves become lethargic, refuse food and frantically grab air. It seems that the fish suffocates in the water.

Ichthyophthyroidism is treated with Sulfur Bactopur. It should be borne in mind that the disease is progressing rapidly, and the use of the drug is necessary immediately, as the owner noticed changes in the behavior and appearance of the fish.

The initial stage of ichthyophthyroidism


The second name for this disease is the erosion of scales. Most young individuals are most susceptible to it, as well as fish that did not go through quarantine after acquisition. They not only catch the infection themselves, but also infect the entire aquarium.

If you do not intervene with treatment in time, then sick fish are doomed to death. Therefore, as soon as the owner noticed signs of the onset of the disease, urgently goes to the store, buys "Sera Bactopur", begins the course of treatment.

What are the symptoms visible to the human eye that indicate a disease? These include:

  1. First, scales are raised in some places on the body of the fish. The aquarium resident herself becomes restless, she rubs against stones and soil, because itching is very annoying.
  2. The disease progresses slowly, the heavier its shape, the stronger the scales fall out. In the end, it almost completely dies, the fish lose their body cover and die.


This disease affects not only people and animals, but also fish. It is not always contagious to the rest of the aquarium inhabitants, if it was found in one of them. But it’s not worth the risk, it is advisable to put the patient in a separate tank, and clean the main aquarium for prevention, change the water and rinse the equipment. The “patient” is treated with the help of “Sulfur Bactopur”.

The main signs of dropsy:

  1. Swollen belly in fish, just do not confuse the disease with banal overfeeding or pregnancy.
  2. The aquarium dweller has rapid breathing, which can be seen from the unnatural bloating of the gills.
  3. Sick fish is sluggish, it rests on the surface of the water, closer to the back wall, avoiding contact with other aquarium inhabitants. Her fins are down.
  4. Fish refuses food, if you see its excrement, then they are mucous.
  5. The color becomes cloudy, the brightness disappears.
  6. The scales are raised, sticking out unnaturally, and the body of the underwater resident looks very round, because it is swollen.
Dropsy in golden fish

Fish care

How to care for fish in an aquarium to avoid the occurrence of dangerous diseases? It is worth starting by keeping the tank clean. Water change once a week in the amount of 30% of the total, mandatory cleaning of the soil using a siphon, cleaning dead plants from growths from aquarium glasses.

Avoid overfeeding pets, because it provokes illnesses, and the remaining food settles to the bottom of the aquarium, where it decomposes, if you do not remove it in time.

When buying new fish, do not plant them with old-timers right away. Let two or three days quarantine in a separate aquarium.

We see from this subsection that the answer to the question of how to care for fish in an aquarium is not so complicated. The key to their health is cleanliness in the tank.

Aquarium with sick fish

Aquarium selection

Another important criterion for the maintenance and care of aquarium inhabitants is the choice of capacity. If the future fish owner does not want to constantly buy "Sulfur Bactopur", then it is necessary to choose the right tank, based on simple rules.

The most basic of them says: from 3 to 5 liters of water per one centimeter of the body of the fish. If we are talking about guppy crumbs, then choosing an aquarium for them, you can take three liters per centimeter as a basis. Want to get larger pets, then take the minimum number of five.

For example, five guppies need at least 15 liters of water. And this means that you will have to choose an aquarium with a margin: from 18 to 20 liters.

Back to the cure

We examined fish diseases that can be eliminated with Bactopur treatment. Now let's talk about the composition of “Sera Bactopur”:

  1. In the first place is acriflavine. Almost 210 mg per 100 grams of the drug.
  2. The second line is methylene blue. Its content is 5 mg.
  3. Phenyl glycol is contained in the medicine in a volume of 0.6 grams.
  4. And finally, distilled water as a diluent.

When can you not use the medicine?

This may seem strange to someone, but treating aquarium fish with Bactopur is not always appropriate. For example, if the owner has already begun to use other means, then in combination with this German drug, it is unacceptable to use it. This will not only not help sick pets, but will aggravate the situation even more.

You can not apply the drug to fish that are bred for consumption.

If the drug has expired, it is sent to the bin, and not to the aquarium for the treatment of diseased inhabitants.

Volumes of medicine

How to apply?

Instructions for use "Bactopur" is quite simple. It is in every box with the drug, and in several languages. But for those who want to familiarize themselves with the method of treatment with this drug in advance, we tell in detail:

  1. Before you start using the medicine, you need to shake it well.
  2. Remember, for every 20 liters of water we use 1 ml of the drug. Count 22 drops, this is the necessary dosage.
  3. On the first day, the medicine is introduced into the aquarium.
  4. On the second day, you do not need to use it.
  5. On the third day, the treatment is repeated in the volumes stated above.
  6. In especially severe cases, Bactopur is added to aquarium water on the 5th and 7th days.

After treatment, a water change of 50% of the total is carried out.

Volume 100 ml

Can the drug not help?

If the instructions for use are followed, then Bactopur may not help only if the disease is too neglected. Therefore, it must be used in the early stages of the development of the disease.

Reviews about the drug

In fact, there are quite a lot of them, and each aquarist has his own opinion on the use of Bactopur. He helped someone, but someone considers the medicine unreasonably expensive and stupid.

We have collected positive and negative reviews, based on which we can draw conclusions about the tool.

Positive reviews

Aquarists, first of all, note the effectiveness of the drug "Sulfur Bactopur". It "works" efficiently and quickly.

Here's what people write in their reviews:

  1. The medicine saved the aquarium. The fish after him are alive and active, no one died.
  2. The result exceeded expectations. Fin rot disappeared very quickly, and the pet gained an appetite.
  3. The drug is expensive, but for such an effective remedy, the price does not seem overpriced.

Negative reviews

They are few. Basically, people grumble for the high cost of funds, in small cities it is difficult to find, it does not always help in the treatment of dropsy. In very advanced forms, other diseases can also fail.


Is it worth it to purchase "Sulfur Bactopur" or limited to a cheaper medicine, the owner of the aquarium should decide. In our opinion, the drug copes with its task perfectly, and the price category does not seem too high, it is worth seeing the consequences of treatment with it.

The only point that can be attributed to the shortcomings is a draft medicine. It does not always turn out to be effective, therefore it is better to buy a small vial, packed in a cardboard company box.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35656/

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