Mortar for paving slabs: proportions with plasticizer

A solution for paving slabs, the proportions of which will be presented in the article, you can prepare yourself. A need of this kind may arise after you complete the construction of the house and begin to equip the surrounding area. You can make paving slabs without using expensive equipment, in addition, you will not have to attract additional labor, and not so much will be spent on your own labor.

Preparatory work before mixing the mixture

mortar for paving slabs proportions

In order to prepare a solution for paving slabs, the proportions of which will be described in the article, you need to do some preparatory work, which consists in taking care of the availability of the entire set of tools and materials. Thus, a concrete mixer is useful, but if necessary, it can be replaced by a tank and a shovel. Among other things, useful:

  • modifier;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • plasticizer;
  • coloring pigment of the required color.

Solution recommendations

mortar for paving slabs of proportion with plasticizer

In order to achieve a positive result, it will be necessary to follow the recommendations. It must be remembered that the quality of the cured concrete largely depends on correctly selected components, in addition, there is a need to strictly observe the proportions. For this reason, you have to buy Portland cement brand M500, which should not be extraneous additives. Requirements for crushed stone are also expressed in fractions within 5-10 mm. In addition, crushed stone should be washed. As for sand, it should be coarse river. In order for the tile to have color, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality pigment dye. A plasticizer will be needed. But mixing should be done using exclusively pure water.

Concrete composition

paving slabs proportion of mortar

The solution for paving slabs, the proportions for which the master must know before starting mixing, must correspond to the qualities of frost resistance. It is not worth replacing Portland cement of the M500 brand with M400, since the first of them belongs to the group of cements, which are characterized by significant strength and early setting, if we compare with concrete M400. Cement M500 may contain mineral additives, the volume of which does not exceed 20% of the total amount, but sometimes even such a quantity is not contained in cement. Thus, PC II / A-Sh 500 has mineral fillers, but PC I-500 has a clean composition, and products made from it are able to withstand a load that reaches 500 kg / cm 2 .

The solution for paving slabs, the proportions for which it is important to observe, must be prepared using crushed stone with abrasion resistance in the minimum limits equal to M800, this implies the strength of a high or normal level. It is important to pay attention to the frost resistance index, which should be within the range of F300-400, while this material will correspond to the characteristics of granite crushed stone. In the sand there should be no impurities greater than 3%.

Additional components

mortar for laying paving slabs proportions

The use of plasticizers, as well as superplasticizers, allows the manufacture of products which, after casting in molds, do not need to be subjected to vibration. If you reduce the volume of water in the composition, you can get a solution that will differ in the qualities of self-sealing, in addition, it will be characterized by high strength. In order to obtain the product of the desired shade, iron oxide pigments should be used , which perfectly resist the effects of ultraviolet radiation, water and high temperatures. Concrete can be strengthened with reinforcing polypropylene fiber, which can replace metal reinforcement.

Proportions of the mixture for the preparation of paving slabs

what proportion of mortar for paving slabs

Mortar for paving slabs, the proportions with a plasticizer for which are presented on the packaging of the last ingredient, can be used during work. So, for mixing it is possible to apply the following proportion: 1: 2: 2 (the first component is water, the second is cement, the third is crushed stone). Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the necessary amount of cement. So, if you take 50 kg of a non-additive mixture, then it will require 15-20 liters of water, which is approximately two buckets. The liquid must be poured into the concrete mixer. The plasticizer should be dissolved in a small amount of water, the temperature of which should not exceed 50 Β° C. After the mixture has to be added to the concrete mixer and mix well.

Paving slabs, the composition of the solution, the proportions for the preparation of which are mentioned above, is made quite simply. At the next stage, it is necessary to fill in the pigments, which should be used based on the norm prescribed by the manufacturer. Now crushed stone comes into play, it must be used for the above volume of the components of the solution in the amount of three buckets per 12 liters. Paste crushed stone into the mixer. Now you can add a bag of cement, the volume of which is 50 kg. It is necessary to make the addition of buckets, mixing thoroughly after each. Then you can add another bucket of rubble and knead. After that, four buckets of sand can be added to the mixer and mixed. In conclusion, it is necessary to add another bucket of crushed stone, mix the mass well and pour into molds.

Proportional Recommendations

proportions of mortar for paving slabs

The solution for laying paving slabs, the proportions of which allow you to get durable products, must be closed according to the recommendations presented here. In order to prepare a plasticizer solution, it is necessary to use the composition in dry form in a volume equal to 0.7% by weight of cement. Dissolving water should be warm. After the plasticizer, a pigment dye can be added to the composition, it should be used in a volume equal to 2-5% of the total cement mass.

Change the proportion to increase the strength of concrete

If you wondered what proportion of mortar for paving slabs is needed, then you will probably be interested in the fact that you can add alkali-resistant glass or polypropylene fibers to the composition, which are necessary to increase the durability of the product, in addition, if you add similar ingredients, the tile will have the qualities of impact resistance and wear resistance, which is very important. It is necessary to choose fibers whose length varies from 10 to 20 mm, while the diameter should be equal to 10-40 microns. It is necessary to use them in an amount of 0.8-1 kg per cubic meter of concrete mix. If you apply such reinforcement, then you can increase the strength properties of the finished product.


If the proportions of the mortar for the manufacture of paving slabs were chosen correctly, then after cooking the mortar will be held by a slide on the working surface of the trowel, but if it is easy to shake it, the mixture will immediately blur. In the absence of a concrete mixer, you may not achieve the desired effect, in addition, you will have to spend much more time mixing the composition, but in individual construction this approach is advisable to use.


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