Poetess and prose writer Marina Stepnova: books, biography, photo

Marina Stepnova, whose books many people reread several times, is a very interesting woman. Her biography will be presented to the reader in this article. You will also learn about her main works.


Marina Stepnova, whose books are very popular, was born on September 2, 1971 in the small city of Efremov, Tula Region, in the family of a doctor and a military man. The girl was destined to become a poet and author of several books. Marina at birth had the name Rovner. A few years later, namely in 1981, the family moved to Chisinau, where Marina studied at school No. 56, which she graduated in 1988.

Then he enters the Faculty of Philology of Chisinau University and graduates from three courses. After being transferred to the Moscow Gorky Literary Institute , to the Faculty of Translation. In 1994, Marina graduated from the institute and entered the graduate school of the M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, where she got acquainted with the works of A. Sumarokov, the largest representative of 18th-century Russian literature, who created a repertoire for the first Russian theater.

marina stepnova books

Short biography. Post-graduate Activities

Marina Stepnova, whose books today many fans of her work read with pleasure, began her career by writing articles, poems and short stories. In 2000, in the book "Freemasonry and Russian literature of the XVIII - early XIX century." her article was published "Masonic motifs in the transcriptions of the psalms of A. P. Sumarokov."

In her student years, Marina married Arseny Konetsky, who also studied at the Literary Institute.

For 17 years, from 1997 to 2014, she was the chief editor of the glossy magazine XXL. He speaks English and Romanian. Currently lives in Moscow.

Marina Stepnova’s books

The beginning of the creative path

The first poems of Marina Stepnova were written in Chisinau, where she lived with her parents. Later, as a student at the Moscow Literary Institute, she published in several literary publications. Publications were published, signed in different ways: Rovner (girlish) or Konetskaya (for her husband).

Since 2000, the first stories began to appear. Romance was published in the magazine Our Street. A few more stories appeared on the pages of such popular publications as “New World” and “Star”.

Is he a surgeon or ...?

Marina Stepnova began to write books relatively recently. The first novel of the young prose writer "Surgeon" was published in 2005. This work causes a lot of different emotions, sometimes the most controversial, which are difficult to explain. The plot is based on two lines. One is about the Persian Elder of the Mountain, Hassan ibn Sabbah, who created a sect of murderers that brings fear to all of humanity. The second is the life story of plastic surgeon Khripunov, an ordinary provincial boy from a dysfunctional family. A child to whom nobody cared, raised without parental love and care. Having become an adult, successful surgeon, Arkashka Khripunov imagines himself to be almost God. But he lives with the feeling that he has lost solid ground beneath his feet, not noticing that a war is constantly going on inside himself.

There is a lot of cruelty, anger and indifference in the novel, but it will not leave you indifferent.

Stepnova Marina Books Godless Lane

Godless Lane

In 2014, a new book by Marina Stepnova appeared on the shelves of bookstores - “Godless Lane”. In the center is the doctor Ivan Ogarev, an ordinary, unremarkable person. Born and raised in a typical Soviet family. Relations with parents did not work out. Later, becoming a doctor, he seemed to find himself in the profession. Ogarev is talented, for many he literally saves life. But this is only the external side of his life, inside - emptiness, cold.

The character of Ogarev, his inner world has something in common with that time, the era in which he lives. Ordinary worldly things and unsophisticated events occur as if by themselves, Ogarev only takes them for granted. Childish resentment, guilt and tragedy that turned my whole life ... The realization that it turns out that the main thing is freedom, freedom to live. And gaining it after many terrible losses.

The book fascinates with the intricacies of several fates, leads to thoughts about the essence of man, about time, about his chosen path.

Marina Stepnova new book

"Women of Lazarus"

The book of Marina Stepnova “Women of Lazarus” immediately after publication became one of the recognized best sellers. This work, set out in an unusual style, captures, captivates, makes you empathize with its heroes. At the center of the story is the life of a Jewish family from the beginning of the century to the present. Lazar Lindt is a brilliant scientist who realizes his talent in applied science. It is he who is the main figure around whom three women, three fates are united.

Maroussia is the embodiment of an ideal wife, mistress, for whom the main thing is that the house should be clean and comfortable, smell like rich borsch and freshly baked pies. And next - a beloved man, husband. But at the same time, she is an interesting person, a whole person. She sees in Lazar a son she does not have, loves him with all her heart.

Galina, Galochka, Galina Petrovna ... If she became a bitch, then not without the participation of Lazarus. Who will like an old unloved husband, causing only a burning sense of hostility? But she had a loved one.

And finally, Lidochka is an unhappy child who dreams about her home. A gifted orphan girl who is not loved. It was she who inherited the spark of genius, albeit in a different field. Will she be happy?

Three female destinies, each of which is unhappy in its own way, and each has something: children, their own home, the right to freedom, love, finally. Great Love and Great Dislike. Feelings with which you can kill.

book of marina steppe woman lazarus

"Family album"

Another work was written by Marina Stepnova. Family Album is a book that has become a family saga. It is about the life of Soviet scientists in the 50s of the last century. In addition, it is also a confrontation between the two strongest powers - Russia and America, the struggle of political views and parties.

In the center of events is a large friendly family of physicists Kolokoltsevs living in the country, at the dacha of the head of the family - an academician. Kolokoltsev’s son is also a talented successful scientist, he has a beloved wife and two adult daughters. He is fanatically devoted to science, to his beloved work, he cannot imagine his life without it.

Everything is good in this family: settled life, measured, calm life, everyone is busy with his own business. But suddenly, when the younger Kolokoltsev is on the verge of a great discovery in science, misfortune occurs, he suddenly disappears. This is such a shock to everyone that from now on, the family literally before our eyes begins to disintegrate, crumble.

It turns out that the mother-in-law has always been unhappy with her daughter-in-law, and does not want to see her in her house anymore. The eldest daughter is upset about the planned wedding. And the youngest, Katya, is in love with her fiance.

As a result, suffering, resentment, mutual accusations, unwillingness and inability to understand ... Everyone faces a choice and must decide what is more important for him - work, career or love, family, close people.

Stepnova Marina Lvovna, whose books cannot leave the reader indifferent, wrote a script, and the series “Family Album” was shot on it, which was successfully shown on television.

“Somewhere near Grosseto”

Is Marina Stepnova writing now? A new book, Somewhere Near Grosseto, has recently been published. This is a story about people who are not noticed, and they themselves seem to want to be unnoticed. But they have everything like everyone else: joys, sorrows, fear of loneliness and the ability to forgive. In general, this is life with all its manifestations, and it seems that in many characters you can recognize yourself.

Stepnova Marina Lvovna books

Books by Marina Stepnova have been recognized and appreciated by readers in all corners of the world. This is evidenced even by the fact that they are translated into 23 languages. The novel "The Surgeon" won the National Bestseller Prize, and the book "Women of Lazarus" was awarded the third Big Book Prize.

Here is such a talented, interesting personality of Marina Stepnova. The books Godless Lane, Family Album, Somewhere Near Grosseto, and others became real masterpieces in the world of literature. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the work of this wonderful person. And Marina Lvovna would like to wish inspiration!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35659/

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