Extra charges for privacy. Work with information constituting a state secret

Probably everyone knows about the existence of state secrets . Access to it is strictly limited, confidentiality is maintained at the highest level. There are, however, a number of posts and jobs that involve working with documents of increased secrecy. This imposes its obligations on the person, but he also receives a pleasant bonus - allowances for privacy. More on this later.

What is a state secret

The start, probably, is with what lies behind the concept of state secret. In accordance with the legislation of our country, this is the name for certain information from certain areas (foreign policy, the economy, the military sphere, intelligence and counterintelligence, operational-search measures), the disclosure of which may entail serious damage to the country. That is why there is also such a thing as the protection of state secrets. This process takes place in several stages. First, based on the law on state secrets, a special commission draws up a whole list of data that should not be made public for a wide audience. First, the state imposes restrictions on this data. Then, separately in each state authority to which this or that classified information belongs, they impose special degrees of secrecy (a note on how important the document is; there are only three of them, we will return to them later) and take measures to limit the distribution information. According to some reports, now there are more than a hundred items in the list of classified data.

That will never be a state secret

Not all information from the above areas can even be classified. The law on state secrets specifically prescribes those data that will never be and should not be subject to confidentiality. Among them is information about all kinds of disasters, natural disasters, emergency situations of various kinds (and even information about their forecasts!), Since they pose a threat not only to health but also to the life of the population, and people should be warned in advance about impending cataclysms in order to have the opportunity to take care of yourself and your loved ones in advance.

Non-disclosure of information

Also, information that can never be kept secret includes information relating to the ecology of the state and sanitation. Confidential documents will never be data on the state of health care, education and agriculture - that is, areas that play an important, one might even say, vital role in the fate of the population. Information about the situation with crime in the country should not be hidden from the people, because ignorance of these data is indirect, but can affect the life and health of citizens. In the event that human rights and freedoms were violated, this also cannot but become public knowledge, as well as in a situation where a crime of the law by representatives of bodies vested with the highest state power occurred. By the way, about the authorities: the population of the country must be informed about the state of health of senior management, this information should also not be hidden under any circumstances. In addition, the list of information includes data on the size of cash reserves and gold reserves, as well as information on all possible privileges and compensations provided by the state - it does not matter to whom, whether it is an individual citizen or an entire organization. That's all the information that can never be withheld, hiding behind the words about the protection of state secrets, since they are not this secret.

To talk about degrees

It's time to once again recall the notorious degrees of secrecy, which are set separately for each new document. Which degree to choose depends on how important this information is and, accordingly, how large the scale of the tragedy will be if it leaks to the masses. Each degree has its own special stamp of secrecy: "secret", "top secret" and "special importance". You can trace the gradation by the names of these vultures. But how to determine which of the three above categories relates to a particular confidential document? And who should determine this? In fact, everything has long been determined - a government decree adopted twenty-odd years ago. It clearly spells out where to relate what information. So, for example, information under the heading of "special importance" will include all materials from all the above areas (economics, foreign policy and others like them) if their leakage damages these areas throughout the country. This is the most important (so to speak) mode of secrecy.

Secret conversation

The stamp "top secret" is placed on those documents, the disclosure of information on the contents of which will harm the interests of our country's ministries in one or more sectors. And finally, simply “secret” refers to any other information, the disclosure of which will cause considerable harm to the interests of the enterprise or organization in a particular area. Work with classified documents also requires their mandatory marking, which is applied to each document after it has become clear to which category of secrecy it belongs. Among other information indicated on the document, a note is put on it on the date of a possible declassification - or on the conditions necessary for this to happen. In any case, information can be classified as confidential as possible for no more than thirty years. However, sometimes it happens that the term is extended, and sometimes, on the contrary, shortened. So, five years ago, data on oil reserves in the bowels of our country ceased to be a state secret.

Who is admitted to state secret

The regime of secrecy imposed on information constituting a state secret in our country also presupposes a rather limited circle of persons admitted to this information. So, people who have the following posts always have access to it: the chairman of the government, the prosecutor general, the federal minister, the chairman of the central election commission, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber, the head of the presidential administration, the human rights ombudsman, and so on — twenty different posts in all, twenty people. However, there are situations when this circle can be expanded (for example, when a person is required to receive certain information that is "locked up", including if he works at secret facilities, on duty). In exchange for this, however, a person will also acquire some restrictions (about them a little lower). Then we can talk about the form of admission to state secret.

How to access

Like the categories, the above forms are also three. Those who need documents from the category of "special importance" receive the first form; those in need of materials classified as “top secret” - the second; Well, those who need "secret" documents acquire a third. Without a form of access to state secrets, access to it is impossible.

Top secret

What is the above form? In short, this is a written consent to certain restrictions on their rights in various areas of life (we will clarify this issue below), as well as to check by authorities; familiarization with the norms of legislation; definition of social guarantees; permission of the head and so on. The inspection of authorities will also affect not only the applicant for possession of state secrets, but also all his immediate relatives (and the legislation includes mother, father, husband / wife, children, brothers, sisters (including half-bloods), adopted children or adoptive parents ) By the way, those who get access in the third form are exempted from all checks - except when it is considered necessary.

Is it possible to get a refusal of admission

No need to think that any applicant for possession of valuable information for Russia at the first request will receive permission to do so. After thorough checks, after prolonged red tape, a person may be denied access. The reasons why this is possible are the following: firstly, it is the presence of a criminal record for serious crimes. On what specific issue was judged - in this case it does not matter, but the fact that there is a criminal record is important, and how. Secondly, they may be denied access to classified materials if a person applies for access in the first or second form (where verification is necessary), but evades verification activities. In addition, the grounds for refusal are the residence abroad of close relatives or the applicant himself (or the execution of documents by one of them for leaving), recognition of him as legally incompetent and / or the presence of contraindications for such activities due to health reasons.

Castle Information

There are few such contraindications, but nevertheless, do not discount them. These include diseases of the nervous system (in particular, susceptibility to epileptic seizures), as well as such ailments as schizophrenia, affective disorders, mental retardation, deviations in normal behavior and so on. In order to prove the absence of such diseases, the applicant for possession of valuable state information must undergo a medical examination, including a mandatory visit to such doctors as a psychiatrist, narcologist and neurologist. They will write their conclusion in the certificate, which will be valid for exactly one year - so if a person renews the contract for work with confidential state information in a year, he will have to go through the examination again.


Perhaps the most common restriction that “happy” owners of information constituting a state secret are subjected to is the ban on leaving our country. Of course, it is not imposed for life, but at the time of admission to state secrets, a person becomes restricted to travel abroad. Other “bonuses” that can be obtained in exchange for ownership of information are restrictions on privacy, the dissemination of information, and the use of discoveries and inventions.

What else to know about state secrets

If you are admitted to state secrets, you take on a huge responsibility - you undertake to keep the state in secret all that it, the state that is, has trusted you. And if you cope with this daunting task, you are well done. And if suddenly not? And - intentionally not? If it happened that the information subject to the strictest secret suddenly leaked, became public, not only: foreign public - then what? Then in the first place they will look for those responsible. And when they find it, we will talk about another definition, which is called high treason.

This term refers to the issuance of information, which is a state secret of Russia, to other states. The guilty party will inevitably be judged by Russian laws, and the punishment for such a crime is rather strict - according to the corresponding article of the Criminal Code, from the penalty, they will not only require compensation for the damage in material terms, but they will also be imprisoned - and not at all for a short time. The period of imprisonment provides for a period of twelve to twenty years, depending on the severity of the damage caused to the state by revealing its secrets. As for the fine, its size varies: it is either five hundred thousand rubles, or the wages of the guilty for a three-year period. There appears to be little arrest under this article, but this is by no means the case. Statistics say that between 2009 and 2013 - that is, in just a four-year period, twenty-five people were convicted of treason in our country. However, the law also provides for another scenario: if the authorities are voluntarily and promptly notified and thereby help prevent further damage, the person’s arrest will not be affected.

Court hearing

You must also understand the difference between the two definitions - high treason and the disclosure of state secrets. The first is always done consciously: a person understands what he’s going to, realizes that by his actions he will harm his own country, he presents possible consequences. The one who divulges state secrets, does it unintentionally, not understanding what his talkativeness can lead to. As a rule, the latter applies to people who want to show themselves better than others, boast, make an impression, and all that sort of thing.

By the way, high treason qualifies not only the transfer of confidential information to foreign representatives, but also the provision of advisory assistance to them. So, there was a case when a scientist from Nizhny Novgorod, who read a report on the development of explosives on a business trip abroad, was accused of treason. And a few years ago, another scientist involved in arms control was convicted for a fifteen-year term.

Secrecy Bonuses

As mentioned above, working with confidential information, in addition to the obvious difficulties and inconveniences, brings a definite plus - additional money (there is hardly anyone who will not be happy about this). The order of this income is fixed in special rules governing payments to specialists working with confidential information. At the same time, even the amount of payments itself differs depending on the category of secrecy with which a person interacts, everyone receives it every month. The amount of this monthly bonus for secrecy is determined by the percentage of the basic salary. For the category of "special importance", the additional payment is from fifty to seventy-five percent of the salary, for "top secret" - from thirty to fifty, and, finally, comrades who have access to "simply classified" information can apply for an additional ten - fifteen or five to ten percent (depending on whether the check was conducted or not).

This is not the only factor affecting the size of premiums for state secrets. So, when determining the final amount that a person will receive additionally, two more points are taken into account: firstly, what is the amount of information available for a given employee, and secondly, how long and for how long classified materials will be kept relevant.

A separate category of citizens - employees of specialized units that are engaged in the protection of state secrets - also receive allowances, moreover, they are also charged an additional amount for work experience in such organizations. It also grows depending on the number of years of service. For a period of one to five years, ten percent of the salary is paid, from five to ten - fifteen. The maximum is twenty percent, and you can get them if you work in this area for more than ten years.

All payments, by the way, are from the approved payroll fund. However, all of the above is only a general procedure for paying state secrets; one of the articles of the law on state secrets states that the federal bodies themselves can determine the amount of monthly allowances at enterprises and organizations within their department. For example, civilian personnel receive payments according to the decree of the Minister of Defense. For the sixteenth year, the size of the secrecy allowances for civilian personnel, as indicated in the decree, has been an amount directly dependent on the degree of importance of the material. It ranges from ten percent for the most “insignificant” information to twenty-five for “special importance”. Nowadays, workers of the municipality do not differ in huge percentages. The secrecy allowance for municipal employees is exactly the same as above.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

An interesting situation has developed in the Ministry of the Interior. Ordinary, ordinary employees who, on duty, encounter documents classified as state secrets, receive an additional ten, twenty, or twenty-five percent, depending on the category of secrecy, of course. As for the bosses, the leadership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they have a higher security bonus - for example, the heads of departments and staffs interacting with materials marked "of special importance" additionally have sixty percent of their military salary.

Who doesn’t get paid

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35661/

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