Why does marble skin appear in infants?

Marble skin in infants, according to experts, is currently a fairly common occurrence. It primarily occurs due to the fact that the blood vessels that have not yet been fully formed are very closely adjacent to each other and to the surface of the skin, which is why such an intricate pattern appears. So, some of them gradually become narrower, due to which the skin acquires a bluish tint, while others, on the contrary, expand, which contributes to the appearance of red color. As a result, an ornament is formed that looks outwardly like a mesh. In this article, we will talk in as much detail as possible about why marble skin appears in infants.

marble skin in infants
Top reasons

At present, experts conditionally distinguish several main reasons contributing to this phenomenon. Below we consider them in more detail:

  1. Too long breastfeeding. This kind of phenomenon occurs due to the large amount of milk in the mother. Marble skin in infants is formed due to congestion of blood vessels. The baby eats a lot of milk, his blood vessels lose their former elasticity, as a result, they are easily visible through very thin skin.
  2. Vegetative disturbance, in which, as a rule, there is a change in vascular tone. This condition is typical primarily for those children who were born on the wrong dates.
  3. The result of oxygen starvation in the womb.

marble skin in the baby photo
Marble skin in infants. Treatment

If this ailment is detected, it is most likely that a full examination of the child by a neurologist and cardiologist will be required. As for the latter, the specialist should exclude the possibility of any cardiological diseases. In general, a diagnosis such as marbled skin in a baby is not dangerous. Often the problem disappears on its own when the child is growing up. As soon as the baby grows up, its autonomic system will also undergo age-related changes and will keep vascular tone under full control.

marble skin in a baby
Useful recommendations from specialists

Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as marble skin in infants (the photo can be seen in this article) often takes place by itself, parents still must ensure proper care. Specialists-pediatricians strongly recommend a special massage and some physical exercises, due to which vascular tone will improve. In addition, classes in the pool under the guidance of a qualified doctor are considered a great option. Particular attention should be given to the diet of crumbs. So, in no case is it recommended not to overfeed it.


In conclusion, it should be noted that this kind of problem is encountered quite often today. Parents should never panic ahead of time, they are only required to show the baby on time to the appropriate specialists, and in the future they should strictly follow their recommendations. Be healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35675/

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