Black Desert: how to catch a horse? We ride

Today, many players are interested in Black Desert. How to catch a horse in this popular and new MMORPG? It is the study of this issue that we now have to do. It should be noted right away that this is not such an easy task. And if you want to try to understand the task of interest for the sake of it, it is better to leave this idea. After all, such an opportunity in the game is very useful. So, you have to endure competition. Especially at the initial levels of character leveling. Let's try to learn more about taming skills in Black Desert. How to catch a horse?

black desert how to catch a horse

What for

First, find out why we do this kind of business at all. Maybe this will contradict some chosen game principles? The thing is that taming horses is, as has been noticed, an extremely useful activity. And for this reason, huge queues line up in the right locations. All in order to complete the task of taming.

Most often, in the right places you can meet farmers. They use most of the skills in Black Desert. How to catch a horse, and why do it? For example, for breeding or horse racing. Sometimes, all this helps to survive in the game world of MMORPGs. But you can meet on the necessary locations and ordinary players. After all, I don’t really want to pay crazy money for a riding pet at an auction. It’s easier to tame a horse yourself. What will be required to implement the idea?


We began to get acquainted with the very interesting features of Black Desert Online. How to catch a horse in this toy? Have to prepare well. After all, otherwise you simply can not stand the competition. As practice shows, horses in places of occurrence do not last long. They are quickly caught in the lasso by gamers.

black desert where to catch a horse

Well, this means that for the successful completion of the task you will have to find out the time of the rospoon (appearance) and the place of the resurrection of the horses. All these data can be subtracted in special databases devoted to the game Black Desert.

Where to catch a horse? Look for this interactive map on which the exact coordinates of the appearance of animals will be displayed. The appearance time is approximately 2-4 hours. Depending on the breed of the horse.

In addition, you have to stock up on money and the taming skill. It is pumped while riding a donkey. You swing the level of the riding pet - taming also grows with it. To successfully complete the task, you will have to get to the 5th skill level. To do this, as practice shows, is not so difficult.

Here is such a confusing and difficult game - Black Desert. How to catch a horse in it if there is no money, no skills, no time? Perhaps in no way. The only thing that can be advised is to ride a donkey more often.


It is also worth noting that successful taming will also require items. They can be obtained in the game world of Black Desert. Where to catch a horse? This question should not worry you until you are gathered on a trip. What will be required for him?

For example, a lasso. This item is rewarded for some quests or purchased at auction. In addition, you can buy a lasso from the grooms in the cities. Will cost 1,500 silver. A lot of money, but it's worth it.

black desert quest catch a horse

Next, the horse will have to lure something. It will take a piece of brown sugar. It can be prepared using 10 piles of appropriate granulated sugar, as well as 1 jug of cooking water. All the necessary ingredients are bought from chefs in the cities. Be careful - brown sugar is not so cheap. It costs 200 silver coins. Do not confuse it with regular sugar. Ready? Then on the road!


Let's try to do the quest "Catch the Horse" in Black Desert. Lasso and bait in the inventory, taming skill pumped to the desired level, there is money. It remains only to use the interactive map of the game, which will show the exact coordinates of the appearance of the animals and the time of their resurrection.

Found the right point? We set off on the road and wait for the horse. Select the animal with the cursor, and then in the inventory click on the lasso using RMB. The item will be gone. And on the right side of the screen will appear a slider with several areas - blue and red. Move so that the pointer is on the top of the scale. But not too close. And then the horse will get scared and run away. As soon as the animal stops, click on LMB.

You will pop up a mini-game in which you need to have time to click on the space bar at a certain point in time. Namely, when a special slider reaches the middle of the scale. Are you done? Approach the horse slowly. Once she stands on its hind legs, you press the space bar again. The next mini-game will start.

In it you have to quickly press the "Space" key. So that the slider remains in the right (blue) part of the school. 10 seconds - and you won. Slowly approach the animal until the "Saddle" or "Feed" menu appears. Choose the second option. Everything, sit on a horse. The task is completed.

black desert online how to catch a horse

Is it worth it

Here is such a complicated toy, this Black Desert. How to catch a horse? From now on, this issue is not a problem for us. But is it only necessary to suffer so much to get a horse? If you are not involved in horse breeding, then it is better to leave the idea alone.

What should ordinary players do to ride? Refer to the auction. There you will be able to find any breed of horse and buy it for your purposes. Taming in this game is too difficult. And sometimes it’s better to turn to a loan shark than to run around the map in search of one horse.


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