An essay on the work of Pushkin. The main theme of creativity

Future great classic A.S. Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799. This is precisely the momentous event that will be imprinted on all Russian literature in the future. Starting to write an essay on Pushkin’s work, it should be noted that the future poet came from impoverished nobles, whose roots went back to the reign of John the Terrible and Peter I. And his great-grandfather was the arap of Peter I Abram Petrovich Hannibal.

an essay on the work of Pushkin

Composition by Pushkin

Pushkin was born in the era of the so-called gallomania, when the entire aristocratic society spoke French, and the children also tried to hire French tutors. Alexander Pushkin was brought up precisely in these manners, and therefore the Frenchman was engaged in his education. However, the most important of his teachers were grandmother M.A. Hannibal and the irreplaceable nanny Arina Rodionovna. In the period from 1805 to 1810, Pushkin spent every summer with them in the suburbs in the village of Zakharov.


The boy grew up very gifted. He began to read early, was fond of philosophical literature, and at 9 years old he read the whole library of his father. His uncle, the famous poet Pushkin, having arrived in Petersburg, noticed the abilities of his nephew through A.I. Turgenev arranged a boy in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. In 1811, Pushkin began to study there, and for 6 years of study, he developed a unique poetic style. Already a 16-year-old poet admired the "old man" Derzhavin himself. Pushkin was included in the literary circle "Arzamas".

Further life and work of Pushkin

After graduating from the Lyceum, in 1817 the poet went to work in the College of Foreign Affairs. But the service is of little interest to him, he is engaged in secular St. Petersburg life, consists in a literary and theatrical society called "The Green Lamp". The themes of Pushkin’s creativity at this time are diverse, include a lot of freedom-loving poetry and sharp epigrams. His largest work was the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila (1820).

Pushkin's life and work

Those in power did not disregard all this and sent Pushkin away from the capital, to the Caucasus. After he goes to Chisinau, Odessa, meets his friends (future Decembrists). Over the years, he writes the works The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1821), The Bakhchisarai Fountain (1823), The Song of the Thing Oleg and The Prisoner, and then starts writing the poetic novel Eugene Onegin.

An essay on Pushkin’s work cannot contain the entire rich creative biography of this great genius, but the most important events are still worth mentioning.

After the southern exile, he is sent into exile in the family estate of Mikhailovskoye (allegedly because of a quarrel with Count M.S. Vorontsov). The poet’s father was instructed to monitor his son, but then a quarrel with his father followed. At this time, Pushkin writes a lot and creates the poem “Gypsies”, the poem “To the Sea”, continues “Eugene Onegin” and begins the tragedy “Boris Godunov”.

Decembrist uprising and meeting with Natalie

An essay on Pushkin’s work should also contain the fact that in December there was a Decembrist uprising. Pushkin is shocked that many of his friends were executed or sent to exile in Siberia. Tsar Nicholas I, after a personal conversation with Pushkin, allows the poet to live wherever he wants, but now the tsar himself has become his personal censor.

In 1928, Pushkin fell in love with Natalie Goncharova and began to seek her hand. In 1830, he nevertheless received her consent, but in the fall he left for Boldino on hereditary matters and was detained there for three months due to quarantine over cholera. During this time, he will write fairy tales and works of Belkin's Tale, Demons, Little Tragedies, etc.

themes of Pushkin

Sad ending

The Pushkin family lived quite poorly. They had four children, and the poet also had to support his wife's sisters. Debts accumulated very quickly, Pushkin was forced to pawn jewelry and a house, resorted to the help of the state and thereby tied himself to duties at court.

In 1835, he is engaged in publishing the journal Sovremennik, dreams of living in a village, but his wife flatly refuses this.

Soon, rumors reached Pushkin about Natalie's favor with Georges Dantes, and the poet, in order to defend his wife's honor, was forced to challenge him to a duel. From the first shot, Pushkin was mortally wounded. He died in his St. Petersburg apartment on February 10, 1837. And he was buried in the Svyatogorsky monastery (5 km from the village of Mikhailovsky in the Pskov region). So quickly and absurdly Pushkin’s life and work ended.


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