Sterilized Cat Food

Those who decide to sterilize their cat know that this decision is not easy. This stress is not only for the pet, but also for the owner.

Despite the psychological barrier, if a cat does not belong to a pedigree breed and does not lead a free lifestyle, it is better to sterilize it, since reproductive unrealized needs can pose a risk to its health.

However, after the operation, you should not relax. In order for the cat to remain active and healthy, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, especially regarding its feeding.

Today, according to statistics, about 75% of domestic cats are sterilized in our country . And although this operation is beneficial and lengthens the life of domestic animals, however, this only happens if certain adjustments are made to their routine, concerning nutrition.

Food for sterilized cats should consist of natural or industrial processed products that are suitable in composition. The diet should have a lot of minerals. At the same time, products that include magnesium and phosphorus should be minimized, since they lead to the appearance of urolithiasis.

It should be borne in mind that now an animal that will lead a much less active lifestyle will need less food. Food for sterilized cats should not be the only entertainment, so you need to communicate and play with them more.

Sometimes too caring owners make sure that the cat's bowl is always full of food. However, in doing so, they render the animal a โ€œbear serviceโ€, because with such a diet, he will soon gain excess weight.

Therefore, it is not necessary to constantly add food for sterilized cats to the dishes, but clean and fresh water, on the contrary, must be added very often.

The specific nutritional advice for these furry pets depends on what they eat. You can give them both natural food and sterilized cat food sold in the store.

If a cat eats homemade food, then it can be given beef or any bird, various milk porridges, sour-milk products, vegetables. It will be very useful to include beef and chicken heart, stomachs, and liver in the diet. Due to the high content of phosphorus and magnesium, sterilized cats are not recommended to give fish to fish.

Some owners are reinsured and begin to feed cats only diet food intended for the treatment of urolithiasis. However, if the animal has no signs of this ailment, he does not need such food, there will be no benefit from it.

In the event that it is convenient for the owners to take food in the store, then after the operation it is better to buy cat food Origen, Premium, Akana. The package must indicate that this product is suitable for a sterilized animal.

Some manufacturers today produce special food for pregnant cats, animals of various breeds; There are separate series for kittens, adult cats, etc.

It is necessary to monitor the weight of the cat all the time. Do not panic if after the operation the indicator of her weight is slightly increased. But in the event of signs of obesity, measures must be taken.

It is possible to determine whether an excess weight has appeared in a sterilized cat as follows: you need to draw a palm along the hips and back of the animal. If the weight is normal, then the bones are felt to the touch.

In no case should a cat be given food from the table, no matter how much she meows or asks. Any fatty, fried, sweet and spicy foods can cause irreparable harm to the kidneys and liver of an animal, especially a sterilized one.

At the same time, you need to know that for a cat who has gained weight, one should not limit the number of feedings, it is better to reduce portions.


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