Moscow dragon dog: standards, origin history, prices

Moscow dragon was bred on the basis of indigenous dogs. They first learned about it in the late 1980s, and by 1999 the official breed standard was approved. A year later, the Moscow Dragon Club (RKF) was officially created. The total number of such dogs is low, in total about a hundred individuals are registered.

Moscow dragon breed: history of occurrence

The biologist Zoya Kostynina began breeding work with this breed in 1988. From the very beginning, a small number of manufacturers have been used. After which, after analyzing the data obtained, it turned out that such dogs are quite common in the capital of Russia, Moscow, as well as in the region. Very often, owners of the Moscow dragon are persuaded to send a pet to participate in breeding.

dog Moscow dragon

There were cases that representatives of this breed (and very beautiful ones) were picked up on the street. In 1999, an exhibition was held called the Golden Dog-99. At this event, a dog named Fenya received the title of KRC and took second place in the Best-In-Show under the judging of A. S. Ivanov. A year later, at the EURASIA-2000 exhibition, the male Barabashka received the first titles in this breed champion of the RKF and CAC. Soon both dogs became the first Moscow dragons - champions of Russia.

In 2004, the Moscow Dragon section of the Kemerovo Dog Breeding Club became a member of the National Breed Club.


This is a small dog of a strong, dry physique. Weight ranges from 1.5 to 4.5 kilograms (the best indicator is the weight of two to three kg). The color of the "little dragons" can be any, but spotted and white individuals should have pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids.
The coat is straight, well adjacent to the body of the animal, short by gods, and longer and coarser on the tail and along the ridge. A clutch is formed on the neck of such a dog. The undercoat is present, and it can be either short or long.

The head is slightly rounded, narrow between the ears, with not lowered and not upturned muzzle and developed chin. A rather deep transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced.

Small, wide-set, oval dark eyes.
The ears are thin, long, can be erect or semi-erect. Very expressive and mobile.

The front legs are small, straight, parallel, the elbows are directed back, and the hind legs are widely set, with distinct articulation angles.
The tail is set high in a semicircle, ring or sickle. Keeps above the back or throws on it.

breed Moscow dragon

Nature and content

Since these dogs have a โ€œbeardโ€ and โ€œmustacheโ€ on their faces, they really look like little dragons in profile. But such a name did not arise because of this similarity, but because they have a strong and rather complicated character.

Such a dog is very devoted to the owner. If necessary, the Moscow Dragon dog will boldly protect its owner. Although this animal weighs only two kilograms (on average), it, like a dragon, will protect its treasure from all who encroach on it. To strangers, the representative of this breed is incredulous.
Unlike many other decorative dogs, the Moscow dragon is a dog that does not tend to bark in vain. Due to the fact that she behaves quietly, she can be kept in city apartments without any problems.

As for relations with other animals, the Moscow dragon dog can be aggressive towards unfamiliar dogs, not paying any attention to the difference in weight categories. Therefore, when walking, the pet should not be let down from the leash, for its own safety and peace of mind of the owner.

dog breed Moscow dragon


From a very early age, you need to raise a dog, otherwise it, despite its miniature size, can become a "master" in the house. Such animals need proper training. They are very smart and active, so they need both intellectual and physical activity. Moscow dragon - a dog whose photo you saw in our article - can take part in mini-agility. In addition, such a dog can be enrolled in an OKD course.

Caring for the Moscow dragon

moscow dragon dog Price
Representatives of the breed are unpretentious and do not need special care. You only need to clean your eyes, ears and teeth daily. Claws should be trimmed as necessary with a special clipper.

But! This dog needs daily walks, and in any weather. Of course, a pet can also be accustomed to defecate in a tray. Naturally, training should be carried out from childhood, so that subsequently there are no "surprises".

It is necessary to bathe the dog as it gets dirty. You must also be accustomed to taking water procedures from a puppy's age, so that in the future there will be no problems with this occupation.

So that the Moscow dragon dog is not afraid of water, you need to put it in an still unfilled bath. When the animal calms down, it is necessary to open the tap with water. As the bathtub fills up gradually, the animal will get used to it without stress.

When bathing, use a special shampoo for dogs - this product is designed specifically for these animals, it foams well and gently cleanses the coat.

The health of the pets in question is excellent, probably due to their origin from purebred dogs that do not require complicated grooming. To make your dogโ€™s coat beautiful, comb it once a week. In nutrition, the Moscow dragon dog is unpretentious, does not suffer from allergies, that is, the animal is devoid of all the shortcomings inherent in many other decorative breeds. Therefore, it is not surprising that these dogs are gradually becoming more popular.


Moscow dragon dog photo
Of course, you need to touch on nutrition. Some owners feed the dogs from the table, but this is not the best option. It is advisable to purchase canned food, ready-made dry food for your pets or, if all of the above is unacceptable to you, to cook separately.

Representatives of this breed need a complete diet rich in essential minerals and fiber. Therefore, feed your dog with cereals, vegetables and fresh meat (preferably buying beef) - all this is necessary for the body of a small creature. And one more important point. If you choose natural food, then the animal needs special vitamins. It is best to consult a veterinarian in this matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include a truly "draconian" character, courage, excellent health, independence, a stable psyche and devotion to its owner.

The only drawback is that such dogs can be a little aggressive towards their brethren.


Now you know what the Moscow dragon dog breed is, how to care for its representatives, and also how to feed them. We hope that our information will help you.

Moscow dragon dog

Finally, we consider another issue of cost. You can buy such a handsome one already for $ 100 (without a pedigree). And the average cost of a dog with documents is 300 US dollars. However, we note that the Moscow dragon is a dog, the price of which is not so important, because, as they say, friends are priceless. And such a pet can become a truly loyal friend of both adults and children.


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