Hyde: Kindred (League of Legends)

First, let's clarify some points. Officially, "Riot" refers to Kindred as "They," that is, in the plural. This is due to a well-thought-out story and two heroes (Wolf and Sheep), which combine, complement and generally synergize with each other. In the game itself, we see quite a normal AD hero with a beautiful and expressive animation. Therefore, we will refer to them as “he,” that is, a champion.

Guide Kindred

Kindred is indicated in the general category of heroes as a shooter, but for the online phase on botlein he is of little use, because all his skills are aimed at successfully cleaning the forest and, accordingly, the gank. It makes no sense to consider the game on another line, so we present to your attention the hero Kindred (forest) - a guide for the champion: skills, assembly, runes, talents and behavior in the forest.


All the abilities of the hero spend mana, so at the first levels you do not need to spam skills to pick up forest monsters. Sometimes it’s enough to competently carry out auto attacks, dodging and avoiding mobs.

Kindred Sign (Passive)

This ability is one of the main chips of the champion. Something similar can be seen in Garen, but it is presented there in too simple a form - otherwise it’s a rather original passive, which will make any champion in League of Legends cautiously enter the line.

Kindred Guide Season 6

Kindred (a guide for the 6th season) marks one of the selected enemy heroes and, in case of a successful hunt for him, will forever increase the bonus damage from auto-attacks. That is, each attack of the champion will additionally rob the enemy of health, depending on his current supply.

For example, if you insist on a passive ability of up to 10 charges, then each auto attack will further reduce the enemy’s health by 12.5%. We should also pay attention to the fact that the damage is calculated from the calculation of the current life indicator of the enemy champion, which, accordingly, will decrease as the struggle.

Passive charges can be gained by killing marked heroes or similar monsters in the forest. A wolf makes notes on forest mobs depending on the number of stacks: a shy crab and a sharp-edged beak - from 0 to 2, a thunderbolt and a wolf - from 3 to 4, a blue and red buff, an Abyss herald or elemental dragons - from 5 to 7, an elder dragon or Baron Nashor - more than 7 stacks. You will quickly get accustomed to this scatter of marks with due experience of playing in the "Gorge of Summoners" ("League of Legends"). Hyde to Kindred recommends that you first collect stacks from forest mobs, and only then go to the ganks for the marked champions.

Arrow Dance (Q)

This ability allows you to more or less quickly clean the forest, and also gives additional mobility to the champion. The jump in this case is not as large as we would like, but it still allows us to overcome small obstacles and catch up with the enemy, somewhere cutting off the path, or to escape from a group of enemies.

Kindred Forest Guide

One of the features of the skill is a combo with the ability of “Wolf Rage”. If you use your Q in the field of view of the wolf (activated W), then the recharge of “Dance of Arrows” will be reduced to 2 seconds. That is, during the battle, Kindred can jump every two seconds, which is indispensable in difficult team fights and unequal fights. For Kerry champions, the ability to quickly move around the battlefield and position yourself correctly is very important, so the Kindred (LOL) guide recommends not using Q separately from W in difficult and contentious moments.

Wolf rabies (W)

This ability allows you to summon a wolf on the battlefield that will attack Kindred’s enemies. The passive side of the skill depends on the charged charges of the Sign of Kindred: the more they are, the better. You can deal up to 40% additional damage with a fully charged passive.

Hyde Kindred Lol

During ganks it is better to use the "Wolf Rabies" in the direction of the enemy (retreating or attacking), which will allow you to use the "Dance of Arrows" more often and not leave the enemy any chance of escape. An ideal option would be an attack from the back, that is, from the side of the enemy tower, and not from the river. The only thing you need to remember is that as soon as you leave the area of ​​the skill, the wolf will disappear, so keep an eye on the radius of the activated ability. Hyde (Kindred, Season 6) recommends immediately turning on W when approaching the camp - this will greatly simplify the cleaning of the forest: mobs will not run away anywhere, and combos with Q will allow you to quickly get fed.

All-consuming Horror (E)

The ability operates very simply: first, the enemy slows down in the radius of the skill, and then the third auto attack on the enemy causes pretty decent bonus damage. At its core, “All-consuming horror” is the same passive as Wayne or Gnar.

Of the minuses of the skill, a small area of ​​the cast and a bit strange animation can be noted. The rest is a great tool to attack Kindred’s opponents. Hyde (Season 6) recommends starting the ganks precisely with "All-consuming horror" in order to slow down the enemy, and only then to cast other skills.

Grace of the Lamb (R)

The champion’s absolute skill is extremely variable in use and very interesting. The hero creates a small area around himself for four seconds, where any champion becomes invulnerable. A cast occurs only around Kindred, but both his and enemy heroes can enter the circle. Thus, the use of an absolute skill places a great responsibility on the champion, because you can dramatically change the situation in team fights not only in a good, but also in a bad way.

league of legends Kindred Guide

Hyde (Kindred in the sixth season) in this case recommends using third-party programs to communicate with AP or AD-kerry (skype, riderkell, etc.), then the likelihood that your ultimate will go nowhere will be much lower.

Champion build

Summoner spells are standard for Forest Champions - Leap and Cara. It’s not worth taking something exotic instead of “Jump” like “Exhaustion” or “Ignition”, because “Dance of Arrows” alone is too small for mobility, so the guide (Kindred in season 6) recommends stopping at classic spells.

Skill upgrade

First of all, we pump up our main ability for attack - Q. Then "Wolf Rabies". And last but not least - "All-consuming horror." The absolute skill of the champion maxim, naturally, is out of turn.

Runes and Talents

We take a set of runes as for a regular carry on a bot: in fifths the attack speed, in marks - damage, the rest - on resistance to magic and physical damage. We distribute talents in the same way: “The heat of battle” in the first branch and “Dangerous game” in the second. The only thing we do not forget to put in the middle branch "Runic Superiority" for a more lasting effect of forest monsters.


Hyde (Kindred in Season Six) recommends using the usual set of forester for the first purchase: Machete, three health potions and a ward. Alternatively, you can replace the three bottles with “Refillable Potion” if you are not sure that you will clean the forest without loss. As an enchantment for “Kara,” it is better to dwell on the “Warrior”, which will allow more efficient use of the champion’s passive skill.

League of Legends Kindred Guide

Next, you can buy the default artifacts: “Blade of the Ruined King”, “Infinity Edge” / “Triple Alliance”, something for piercing armor (“Lord Dominik's Regards”, “Mortal Reminder”, “Youmu”) and an item for protection ( “Guardian angel”, “Spirit vestments”). At first, you need to play very carefully: carefully go out on the ganks and do not forget to stack the marked forest mobs. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not to leave the forest at all until you get an absolute skill. After the sixth level, your gank potential increases significantly (dives under the tower, unequal battle, etc.).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35695/

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