Methods of teaching a preschooler reading at home

Being a parent seems harder than ever. Society demands more and more from children, and in order to meet the priorities of the new time, family people have to work a lot. They need to fully engage in the full development of their child. It is important to spend enough time and effort on this, approach the learning process in a scientifically sound, and at the same time childishly playful way. Having a baby through the sleeves is like not having to do it at all. Indeed, in this subtle issue, not only the result itself is important, but also the learning process, its comfort for the child, the individual interest of the baby in the mechanism of play and learning.

One of the most important stages in the development of any preschooler is the formation of reading skills. Today, there are many techniques that help teach this child. For example, there is a teaching technique for reading a preschooler in 15 lessons. Of course, to believe or not to believe that it is possible to teach him to read effectively and not traumatically for the psyche of a child in just two weeks is up to you. However, the existence of many qualitative methods is confirmed by practice. In this article we will consider some of them.

a method for teaching preschoolers to read

Traditional technique

This teaching methodology is still one of the most common today. With its help, most of the current adults got the reading skill. Also, it is precisely this technique that is now used in absolutely all schools - it is universal.

According to this theory, learning should be done in stages: first letters, then syllables, later words, and so on. Awareness of the scheme of combining sounds into whole phrases comes to the child gradually, some require more time than others.

Also, much depends on the literal age of the child. A one-year-old baby is quite able to remember letters, but he will not be able to master the reading skill. To do this, you must be able to understand the patterns inherent in this process, which is so incapable of such a small child.

It takes patience. Children often forget what they just read. The process is new, and sometimes the child sets the pace of classes himself.

The main advantage of this method is its reliability. Regardless of the child’s abilities, he will learn to read anyway.

teaching children to read

Cubes of Zaitsev

The technique under consideration helps to learn reading through the perception of syllables. It actively uses a variety of cubes, as well as colorful tables. According to some reviews, many parents have some difficulties. They are connected with the fact that not everyone is able to determine how it would be correct to use all these manuals for training. Practice has shown that this technique achieves its greatest effectiveness only when interacting in a group. Thus, classes with the help of Zaitsev cubes in kindergartens and various development centers will help to get the maximum result in the minimum time.

teaching technique for preschooler reading in 15 lessons

Glenn Doman's Technique

The considered method of teaching a preschooler to read at home implies the skill of perceiving a whole word, and not any of its parts. In the Russian Federation, such a method became known only in the nineties of the last century. Pre-schoolers are taught this method by using special benefits for the development of the child (cards) and as frequent and high-quality communication with the baby as possible.

Advantages of the Doman technique:

  • Suitable for children of any age, even the smallest.
  • Learning to read preschoolers takes place during the game, which allows them to enjoy the attention of their parents and gain new knowledge.
  • The system effectively develops memory, provides valuable encyclopedic knowledge.
  • Many Nobel laureates were raised using this technique.
  • Such learning to read preschoolers develops them very versatile.

The disadvantages of the technique of Glen Doman

Like any method of teaching a preschooler to read, the Doman method has its drawbacks. They are as follows:

  • A huge number of different cards are required to achieve the desired effect. It is extremely difficult and time consuming if the parents decide to make them on their own. Or you can purchase a ready-made kit, which can be somewhat expensive.
  • Such cards recommend teaching the preschooler to read the kid every day and more than once. Moreover, cards that the child has already seen should be replaced promptly and correctly. If you do not do this or do it irregularly, the effectiveness of the technique can significantly decrease. This becomes a problem if the parents are full-time workers and, accordingly, have other responsibilities, as well as if the family has several children.
  • All children are different. It is difficult for many to sit in one place for a sufficient amount of time. Some children simply do not respond to any cards or quickly forget what they learned yesterday. Toddlers may try to take away the demo material, chew and spoil it. In such cases, this method of teaching preschoolers to read does not work.
  • In elementary school, difficulties may arise in relations with the teacher. This often happens with those children who are not learning using traditional technologies.
  • This is perhaps the main drawback. The kid is not an active participant in the process. Only one child’s sensory system is involved: only the visual. Although the baby receives knowledge, he does not learn to reason and analyze. This method of teaching preschoolers to read should be combined with other, more creative ones.

Phased Learning

Consistent reading instruction for children requires considerable time and effort. It would be reasonable to divide it into a number of stages, which will facilitate the process of forming a new skill for the child. You will have to go through the following steps: the process of learning and remembering individual letters; development of the ability to read syllables, regardless of their size and complexity; learn to understand the meaning of individual words; be able to understand the meaning of the text as a whole.

teaching methods for reading preschool children Zhukov

Memorization of letters

At the very beginning, the traditional method of teaching preschoolers to read is based on memorization of letters. To begin with, it is important to learn to distinguish among themselves and recognize among other designations. The next step is their reading.

The methodology of teaching a preschooler to read at home recommends that the child name the consonants in the way they are pronounced (that is, sounds), and not in the way they are presented in specialized books. This will speed up the process of perception and help the baby understand how to use this information in practice.

Teaching children to read at this stage involves concentrating the child's attention on new material. To do this, you can post the image of letters and the objects associated with them in the room of the preschooler and in the whole house as a whole. It is also effective to pay attention to familiar signs in the names of signs during walks.

teaching methodology for preschooler reading beetle

Reading syllables of varying difficulty

This stage fully reflects the methodology of teaching preschoolers to read according to Zhukova. It is based on the perception of an individual syllable as a minimum unit. This helps to recognize and remember the connections that exist between the various syllables and how they should be pronounced. At this stage, the baby, as a rule, has many difficulties. In order to help him cope with them, it is necessary to consciously make this level of training as clear as possible.

It would be most preferable to slowly and clearly, while uttering the most correct words and asking the child to repeat everything after you. Then the baby will get used to the right reading option.

In no case should you teach a child to pronounce syllables separately or to himself, and only then combine them into a single whole. Unfortunately, such a habit can gain a foothold in the mind for a long time, and getting rid of it will be extremely difficult. This is an important nuance of the method of teaching reading to preschoolers. Zhukova also emphasizes this in her writings.

Understanding the meaning of the word read

This stage is the basis of teaching synthetic reading. Its base is the assimilation of meaning. This is the basis for teaching methods for reading preschoolers in Starzhinskaya. The considered method is extremely effective and even necessary. Indeed, it is the understanding of the meaning of what is read that becomes the key to fluent reading in the future. By the time of transition to this stage, the child has enough skills to effectively absorb the meaning of words.

It is important that now everything is read at approximately the same pace with which it is pronounced in ordinary everyday speech. If this time is too long, then it becomes incredibly difficult for a child to guess or feel the meaning.

You need to start slowly, gradually accelerating the pace. Each time it is necessary to clarify with the baby, the meanings of which words are not clear to him, what should be explained.

preschool reading teaching methodology

Learning to understand the meaning of the whole text

This stage completes the traditional method of teaching preschoolers. Now it's time to learn to synchronously understand the meaning of everything that a child reads. This requires a lot of time, so parents should be patient and not require too much from the baby. Understanding the content is a long and complex process.

Sometimes a child is able to read each word of a sentence absolutely correctly, but cannot understand its meaning. This is due to the presence in the phrase of a complex combination, which fully captured all the attention of the baby. And sometimes a preschooler is simply not able to keep in mind all parts of the sentence at the same time to form its meaning. This difficulty can be overcome by re-reading this text.

Another difficulty is trying to guess the meaning of the proposal for the first association. And other children begin to constantly skip or replace letters in words. This is due to the fact that the preschooler perceives some general image of the word, applying it to other similar language units.

You should not force your child to read one text over and over again. This forms the wrong associative chain, creating an aggressive negative attitude of the baby to this process.

It is important to carefully work out each step. This directly depends on how the child will read in the future and how competently write.

teaching technique for reading preschoolers in the old


The development of your children is completely in your hands. Of course, today it is not so easy to find time to spend it with a child in a quality manner, but for parents there should be nothing more important. Therefore, the process of research and finding the right teaching method for your child to read should be given enough time and attention.

Sometimes failures will happen. They are inevitable. This happened to every child, and to you too. This does not mean that your baby is developing worse than others or will never learn to fluently read and clearly understand the texts. These failures only indicate that the wrong choice of the method was made, either the parents pay insufficient attention to the process, or the classes are not regular, or the essence of the method does not contribute to the concentration of attention of this particular child. In any case, one should not be angry with the baby, his absolutely no fault in this. Be restrained, patient, friendly. It is important to be with the child at the same time. If you are one team, victory is near.

Today, many people prefer to choose traditional teaching methods that combine the methods of Zhukova and Starzhinskaya, and in general imply a phased formation of skills. Such techniques have collected a huge amount of positive feedback, they are simple and reliable. Each child will be able to master reading with their help. Only the time necessary for this can differ.

Newer techniques, such as the Zaitsev cubes and the Doman method, are not suitable for every child, but this in no way diminishes their effectiveness. To implement each of them, a certain amount of props is necessary, for example, a certain number of cards, cubes, tables. They are used as visual material for a better perception of new information. As a rule, such learning methods are positively perceived by children, since the game element is obvious in them. The child does not get tired so quickly and is easily involved in the process. A special effect can be achieved if training takes place in a group. The success of others motivates the child much more than a simple personal interest in this process.

It may not be possible to choose the appropriate technique the first time. Failures are inevitable. However, do not despair. The well-being of your child deserves any of your efforts!


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