Norwich Terrier: breed description

The Norwich Terrier is a breed of small hunting dogs native to the UK. It got its name from the city of Norwich, which was bred in the seventies of the XIX century. When breeding, black-tinted, red and black-tan English terriers were crossed. Due to this, an excellent hunter for rodents and predators was obtained. This dog can be called one of the smallest terriers.

norwich terrier


The Norwich Terrier, whose price today varies from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles, appeared in the seventies of the XIX century in East Anglia. The breed came from different types of terriers, which were the ancestors of the Irish and Yorkshire terriers. In addition, among their ancestors there could be the now extinct Trampington Terrier.

It is worth noting that the Norwich Terrier also has common roots with the Norfolk Terrier. Previously, these two dogs were one breed with a great shape for the ears. Only in 1964, the English Kennel Club divided the Norfolk Terrier and the Norwich Terrier into 2 breeds, and after 15 years, the American Kennel Club also followed suit. The Norwich had small protruding ears, while the Norfolk had hanging ears.

The Norwich Terrier was actively used for hunting foxes, hares and rodents. In some countries it is still actively used as a hunter, although for the most part the owners still keep it as a companion.


The Norwich Terrier is a small, medium-sized dog reaching 26 cm at the withers and weighing 5 kg. This is a stocky, dense, firmly built dog of compact physique with short limbs and back, long chest, developed muscles.

The animal has an elongated wedge-shaped muzzle, almond-shaped dark eyes. The tail can be stopped by two-thirds.

norwich terrier Price

The coat color can be wheat, gray, red, black and grizzly, according to the standard. White marks are a disadvantage, and the scars that were obtained on the hunt are acceptable. The hair on the dog’s body is stiff. On the head and ears, it is short and smooth, while on the neck and shoulders it forms a neat collar.

Character and temperament

The Norwich Terrier is a terrific companion. This is an energetic, active, loyal, curious and friendly dog. This breed has an incredibly light character, at the same time it gets along well with young children and will be a great friend for them. But a Norwich terrier, the price of which is not so low, is still better for a family with school-age children who already understand how to handle a dog better.

This is an alert and brave breed that barks quite a lot. At the same time, the dog is completely not aggressive, she loves everyone around, therefore, although your pet will be a great guard, a guard will not come out of it.

The Norwich Terrier easily finds a common language with other dogs, while it can even live with a cat (in the conditions of true socialization). At the same time, do not forget that this hunting breed will constantly chase small animals, including hamsters, rats or unfamiliar cats.


In general, this is a fairly healthy breed. Norwich terriers live up to 16 years, although, like other breeds, are prone to some diseases. Mostly, representatives of this breed have brachycephalic syndrome (soft elongated palate), tracheal collapse, and also epilepsy.

Care and maintenance

The dog can be kept in a fenced area in the countryside, as well as in an apartment or house, where the Norwich Terrier will also be comfortable. Nurseries often offer already vaccinated puppies, so at the very beginning of this issue you can not touch.

Norwich Terrier Kennels

This dog is quite simple to care for. It is enough to comb it once a week, and during molting - every day. Living at home, the dog does not become heavily polluted, and its hair does not get tangled, therefore, it can be bathed as necessary, although not more than once every 2 months.

Keeping your pet clean will allow a very useful procedure called trimming (this is pulling out dead hair). The coat of the dog after it remains for a long time in a tidy and well-groomed condition.

Trimming is best done in the cabin, as for an independent procedure you need to learn from a specialist.

Since Norwich Terriers are incredibly energetic dogs, they need to create suitable conditions for active spending time, to deal with them a lot and walk for a long time in the fresh air.


It should be noted that such puppies are very amenable to training. The Norwich Terrier is very smart, although he likes to please the owner. But such an independent dog can still be stubborn. In order for the training to be successful, it is important to be consistent and patient. This puppy needs a strong leader, able to control the situation and establish clear rules.

puppies norwich terrier

The Norwich terrier needs early socialization: constantly invite friends, introduce the dog to neighbors, various life situations and animals, walk in the parks. With a loving and attentive owner, the dog will grow up to be a magnificent and well-mannered companion for the whole family.

This mischievous animal is often called "a huge dog in a small volume": in fact, it is not inferior to its large brothers in anything, while in some ways it even surpasses them. This is a true friend with a selflessly loving and courageous heart!


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