Why does a bear suck its paw and sleep in winter?

People have long been interested in the question of why a bear sucks a paw. This statement arose in antiquity. Over time, the expression "suck paw" began to mean starving life and was firmly rooted in our vocabulary. Today, this phrase can be heard everywhere. Why did it cause such an association in people? And all because bears do not eat in winter. And earlier, people, constantly watching them, were sure that it was from hunger that animals suck their paws when they fell into hibernation.

Why does a bear suck a paw while sleeping?

Bears living in temperate to arctic climates fall asleep in winter. This is the distinguishing ability of these animals. This happens because snow shelters a lot of food from the bears. And animals are fed not only meat. Their main food is roots, berries, and generally everything that can be used for food.

As you know, bears do not eat during hibernation. And in order not to starve to death, they suck their paw, as it contains a lot of fat. This is the most common version among the people. Bears really fall asleep, covering their faces with their front paws. Often they find themselves in the mouth. And in the spring, when the bears leave their den, their paws are all in rags of old skin. Apparently, that's why people have this opinion.

why a bear sucks a paw


Scientists have long found out how a bear sleeps in a den and why a bear sucks a paw. As it turned out, he just does not do the latter. Bears fall asleep, because in winter they can’t feed themselves. The weight of an adult beast is from 150 to 700 kilograms. Before winter, the bears manage to walk a lot of fat. It is consumed in the winter in a dream.

In this state, the bear’s body switches to an economical mode of existence - suspended animation. The breathing and heart rate of the beast greatly slows down. And often from the outside it may seem that he is not breathing at all. But this is only an appearance. The state of suspended animation helps the bears to use oxygen reasonably, which saves subcutaneous fat. Namely, he feeds the sleeping beast in winter.

why a bear sucks a paw in winter

Does the bear really suck its paw?

Bears really suck their paw. But only those that grow in captivity. And mostly bear cubs. But such a habit can remain with an adult beast. The reason is that cubs, having been born, feed on mother’s milk for a very long time. And if their birth coincided with the mother’s hibernation, then for several months the babies practically do not remove their nipples from their mouths. Moreover, the latter are located in the groin and armpits of the dipper.

At the same time, the cubs sleep on soft maternal skin, and do nothing but feeding. Bear milk is very nutritious and oily. Therefore, the cubs have enough for several months. Occasionally, maternal nipples fall out of the mouth. Sensitive receptors signaling loss are located throughout the body of the cubs. Therefore, babies do not remain hungry.

how a bear sleeps in a den and why a bear sucks a paw

The cubs automatically poke into the body of the parent until they again find the nipple. In captivity, the cubs lack such maternal warmth, and they replenish it by sucking on their own paw. Apparently, this is associated with a maternal nipple surrounded by hair. Moreover, the cubs spend several months in the arms of the parent. And in zoos attention to them is not round-the-clock. And often they have to feel their loneliness.

Why are the paws of bears after winter in tattered skin?

Why does a bear suck a paw in winter? More truly, the animal nibbles her. On the feet of a bear incredibly strong skin. And this is understandable, since their weight is on average 350 kilograms. During spring, summer and autumn, the skin manages to become very rough. This allows the bears to quickly move on any surface without injuring their paws. But when the animals hibernate in winter, the skin begins to renew.

Does the bear suck paw

The formation of a new layer causes severe itching. And the bears automatically begin to nibble their paws, peeling off old skin and releasing new ones. If animals didn’t do this, they could feel such great discomfort that they could wake up. And since food in the right amount cannot be obtained, the bears in the awakened state become evil and dangerous. Therefore, nibbling paws laid in them by nature for a quiet sleep.

How sensitive is the bear’s dream ?

Since ancient times, people have been wondering why a bear sleeps in winter. Why sucks a paw at this time? Bear sleep is very sensitive. If noise arises next to its den, even a wolf howl, then the animal may wake up. Bears do not suck their paws, but since their sleep is a bit, they feel the itching and discomfort that occurs during molting.

Most of all this is reflected on the paws. And then the bears half asleep bite over the old skin, releasing the new one. But at the same time they do not wake up. And at the time of nibbling, the limb is partially located in the beast's mouth. Therefore, people have a question about why a bear sucks a paw.

why a bear sleeps in winter why sucks a paw

Do all bears sleep in their dens?

Not all bears sleep in cozy lairs, sheltered from the snow. You can meet animals lying directly on the ground. Hunters, if they manage to take a picture, post photos on the Internet in which the body of the bears is partially outside the den or even on even snow. But even in this state, often their paws are in the mouth.

Perhaps these moments make people wonder why the bear sucks its paw. But in the lair or outside it, molting and natural reflexes in animals are firmly rooted. Therefore, even during the most sound sleep, bears gnaw old skin from their paws to avoid itching and discomfort.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35707/

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