Voronezh, Youth House: address, photos and reviews

One of the largest cultural and industrial centers of Russia is the city of Voronezh. Youth House makes a significant contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, providing everyone with a lot of opportunities for revealing talents.

Everywhere we hold young people

Caring for children and youth is one of the priorities of the state’s internal policy. The developed program for working with the young generation is being implemented in many cities, and Voronezh was no exception. Youth House is a center where many organizations function. Their work is focused on educating a new, progressive generation.

The regional center was opened in December 1999, the organization is financed by the state, and the field of activity is the city of Voronezh. The Youth House takes measures to implement state policy in the field of education, enlightenment, self-determination and education of the city’s younger residents.

The institution provides support to youth organizations of the Voronezh region, holds joint actions with representatives of government agencies, business and the media.

Voronezh Youth House Revolution Avenue 22 photos

Organization Departments

Voronezh is interesting for many events. The youth house works in several areas, the structure of the organization includes departments:

  • On work and cooperation with youth organizations (state, initiative groups, public, etc.).
  • On work with child care facilities and organizations.
  • Department of organizing and conducting public events.
  • Public Relations and Media.
  • On work with bodies of the youth self-government movement.
  • Control and monitoring programs for the organization of recreation for children and youth.

Voronezh Youth House

Department activities

During the year, each of the departments holds its own events, which fully reveals the creative potential of employees and participants. With each new event, the circle of people involved in the processes expands, friendly relations are established, and comprehensive contacts are established between different groups of the population. The place of interesting events was Voronezh.

Youth House helps to unleash the potential of each member or group of enthusiasts. In order to realize its ideas, the organization provides premises for free workshops, classes, club meetings or other socially useful events.

Public organizations

The main task of youth policy is to form a worthy and useful member of society. One of the centers of active work with the younger generation is Voronezh. Youth House supports the work of numerous public organizations. Their activities are aimed at working with children and youth, where the main goal is the comprehensive development of the personality, the disclosure of the talents and potential of each participant.

Voronezh Youth House Revolution Avenue 22

The policy of organizations includes the formation of a healthy generation, personnel reserve, and informing the public about the opportunities provided in each new project. Much attention is paid to city-wide and regional programs, volunteer initiatives, the field of activity of which is Voronezh.

Youth House cooperates with such organizations:

  • The “Commonwealth of Children's Organizations” holds events throughout the year aimed at educating a children's audience. Vivid events are the Fair of Good Deeds, the contest Social Advertising through the Eyes of Children, the festival Childhood Without Borders, and many others. For those wishing to engage in social activities in the future, the leader’s correspondence school is always open.
  • The “Russian Student Squad” suggests realizing an active life position and taking part in an interesting creative work, where like-minded people come together in groups. You can choose to participate in the construction, social, agricultural, pedagogical and other groups.
  • Iskra (a children's organization) holds events among schoolchildren, such as the Reporter Press Festival, the ongoing projects Together, Youth Changes the World, and many others. This is interesting for both younger and older students.

The field for the activities of public initiatives is the region and the city of Voronezh. The Youth House welcomes every participant who wishes to contribute to the common cause.

Voronezh youth house

Interest Clubs

Residents of the city love their Voronezh. The Youth House (Revolution Avenue, 22) has recently moved to a new building located on the same avenue, at No. 32. On the third floor there are spacious rooms where various clubs conduct classes. A rich program, interesting events unite like-minded people.

Everyone can sign up for one or more clubs. Today there are thirty organizations with completely different areas of activity. For example, a club of lovers of practical psychology, a dance studio, a theater club, a club of literature lovers and many others.

Opportunities for everyone

Most of the mass events do not take place without the participation of youth organizations, which Voronezh is proud of. The Youth House hospitably opens its doors for initiative people and invites to open new clubs, studios, initiate events that are interesting not only to a limited circle of people, but also to the entire city community.

To get this opportunity, you need to contact the administration, fill out the form and start acting. Perhaps one of the available directions will be interesting, such as dance groups, environmental clubs, educational classes in psychology, theater studios and much more.

Voronezh youth house where is located

Areas of work

Most of the townspeople were born and live in the city, and for many, Voronezh became the new homeland. The Youth House distributes photos and reports on events held among the younger generation, attracting new members of clubs and events to its walls. The main activities are:

  • Patriotic education.
  • Rosmolodezh (nationwide movement).
  • The student body.
  • Youth media.
  • Youth business in the Voronezh region.
  • Coworking Center (free open for all from 09:30 to 17:00).
  • A library with a large collection of literature.
  • Club work.
  • Organization of cultural events and events.

In the life of every city there are changes, and Voronezh is no exception. The youth house, where most of the youth public and state organizations are located, in 2017, as already mentioned, moved to a new location at 32 Revolution Avenue. As the administration hopes, it will be more convenient to work and hold events in the new building.

Voronezh youth house how to get there


One of the brightest annual events is the regional youth forum "Molgorod". Hundreds of active young people gather in Voronezh. The Youth House, where the initiative center is located, organizes the forum in one of the country camps. This event in 2016 brought together more than 400 participants aged 18 to 30 years.

The forum’s work takes place at several venues, the ones that are traditionally the most lively are those where discussions, new projects or creative ideas are offered. So, the platform “New Horizon” united those who make short films. Of great interest was the space "Entertaining Science", focused on the school audience. Fun and laughter accompanied the work on the KVN site, and a thoughtful and careful attitude to the city was generated in space to solve urban problems.

The main goal of the forum is to promote ideas and projects born among young people. For young teachers, the most interesting and useful project was the Pedagogical Train. The idea is that educators with long experience can share their experiences with younger colleagues, and give them the opportunity to learn the secrets of the profession.

Feedback from participants tells about the creative atmosphere that prevailed at each site. Many liked the opportunity to exchange views and experiences. The practical benefit was the generation of a large array of new ideas that can subsequently be applied in daily work. Most of the participants expressed a desire to come to the next forum to meet new friends and colleagues. Voronezh, Youth House becomes the center of youth initiatives (the address of the new location is indicated above).

Voronezh Youth House photo

Helpful information

Not only citizens, but also guests like Voronezh. The Youth House (22 Revolution Avenue), whose photo of the building is stored in many family albums, is known as a historical and architectural heritage, as well as a memorial place where it was pleasant and useful.

In 2017, the Voronezh Youth House from an old mansion was transferred to another room. Why did the resettlement take place, the administration of the institution does not comment, today the organization is settling in a new place.

Often interested in those who want to visit Voronezh, Youth House: how to get to the place by public transport? You can get to the stop "House of Officers" on buses No. 70a, 50, 1ks, 3, 5, 52, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35709/

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