Manchurian walnut: planting and care. Manchurian walnut seedlings

Manchurian walnut is a photophilous, wind-resistant, drought-sensitive crop. It tolerates frost and gas contamination. It grows on fertile, drained, moist soil. It feels great in gardens and parks, suitable for group and single plantings.

Walnut Manchurian photo

The Manchurian walnut, whose photo you see, grows naturally in the territory of Northern China, Korea and the Far East in mixed broad-leaved forests, next to Mongolian oak, Far Eastern maple, Korean cedar and Sayan spruce. Prefers low places and riverbanks.

Pure plantations of Manchurian walnut are rare. This plant has been cultivated for a long time, so the geography of its growth is currently very extensive. It is a long-lived, growing 200 years or more. It is appreciated by the taste, nutritious, healing properties of fruits, the strength of wood and decorativeness.

Manchurian walnut, description of the species

This tree is up to thirty meters high with a straight trunk and openwork, spreading crown, like a palm tree. The ends of the branches are crowned with huge, bundled leaves that change color depending on the season. In the summer they are bright green, and in the fall - straw yellow. Leaves appear on a tree in mid-May and fall in late September. They have antibacterial properties, which prevents damage to the tree by pests.

Manchurian walnut planting and care

From the end of May to the first half of June, Manchu nut blossoms. Planting and care are carried out before the growing season. Flowers and leaves appear on the tree at the same time. Small brushes and long earrings represent female and male inflorescences. Fruits of oval-pointed form grow in groups of 3-7 pieces. Harvested in late summer and early fall. On the drupes, deep longitudinal wrinkles are clearly visible. The nut begins to bear fruit in the 7-8th year after planting in the ground. Harvest from a tree is harvested annually. But it is taller every two years.


Manchurian walnut propagated by seed. There are several ways to prepare them for sowing:

  • Seeds are soaked for ten days in water and constantly change it.
  • Pour them for a day with water at room temperature. After that, they stratify for two months, lowering the temperature to 5-7 degrees.
  • The seeds are subjected to this procedure from the fall for thirty days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, after which they are carried out under the snow.

In spring and autumn, you can plant Manchurian walnut. Planting and care are carried out throughout the vegetative period. The best time for sowing seeds is considered autumn. The only drawback is rodents. So that they do not annoy, you need to process the nuts with special kerosene. When sowing in spring, stratification must be done with repeated freezing or soaking of seeds. But this does not help to increase germination. It will be worse than when sown in the fall. You can plant nuts collected 3-4 years ago. They will also germinate, but the strength of the fetus will be weaker.

Seedlings already in the first year grow to such sizes that they are able to grow in a permanent place. They have a fairly developed root system. But Manchurian nut does not like transplants. Therefore, try not to damage the roots so that the plant does not suffer.

Manchurian walnut seedlings

So, this culture is bred by direct planting of a nut on a place of growth or seedlings. When planting plants, well-sprouted fruits pinch the root tip, and the root system is not pruned. And if you plant seedlings, you need to prune the roots, otherwise the tree will slowly grow in height. In order to grow large, with a stronger root system seedlings of Manchurian walnut in the nursery, one year is enough.


It is better to plant Manchurian walnut in the place of constant growth in September or April. To do this, choose a site with moist, fertile soil. Dig a bed to a depth of ten centimeters, add wood ash and loosen. Then you need to outline the holes. A large tree is Manchurian walnut. Landing and care are carried out according to certain rules. So, the distance between the holes should be at least ten meters.

In the event that you decide to grow a tree from a nut, immediately identifying it at a constant place of growth, the depth of planting should be 6-8 cm. Lay the nuts on the edge at the rate of 10-15 pieces per meter. After that, cover them with earth and put mulch from straw or sawdust on top. So moisture will be stored longer in the soil.

And if you thought that Manchurian walnut, the planting of which will be carried out by a seedling, will take root better, the holes should be up to eighty centimeters deep, based on the volume of the root. For better survival in each landing place, throw stones, rubble or fragments of brick. This will be a drainage.

Next is a layer of soil mixed with turf, sand and humus. Only after this, install the seedling in the hole, immediately tie it to the peg, pour it well with water and cover it with earth. Tamp the soil around the root a little and mulch with sawdust and peat in a thick layer so that the seedlings do not die from frost.

Manchurian walnut seedlings


Given that Manchurian walnut is a water-loving plant, in dry years it needs to be watered every week, twenty liters of water for each tree. If there is enough rainfall, then the frequency of irrigation is completely different. Seedlings 2-3 years of life per season are watered seven to eight times, and mature trees four to five.

So that moisture does not stagnate near the trunk, as needed, loosen the soil and weed the weeds. Each time after this, mulch should be applied, it retains moisture and inhibits the growth of grass.

A voluminous, openwork crown has a Manchu nut. Care for such beauty consists in cutting the branches if they are completely dry or damaged by the disease. This should be done with the onset of spring, until the tree is covered with leaves.

This crop tolerates moderate frosts that will not harm adult trees. But seedlings can suffer, especially if there is little snow. Therefore, they must be covered with dry leaves, branches or peat for the winter. And wrap the trunks of young trees with burlap.

Manchurian walnut planting


  • From the fruits of Manchurian walnut get high-quality oil. They contain vitamins, tannins, essential oils, and the leaves contain carotene, ascorbic acid and all that nuts are rich in.
  • They are widely used in the confectionery industry. Due to its taste, Manchurian nut is a favorite treat of children and adults.
  • This breed of wood is valued for its solid, beautiful wood. It produces furniture, plywood and products of various art crafts.

Manchurian walnut care

To obtain fruits and wood, Manchu nut is grown. Planting and care are carried out throughout the vegetative period. With appropriate care, an openwork crown is formed, which gives decorativeness to the whole tree and allows other plants to grow under it. This is understandable. Few cultures can compete for survival under the shade of trees. And through the "lace" of the crown of the Manchurian walnut sun rays pass well, thanks to which perennial plants grow and bloom underneath.

Healing properties

Manchurian walnut, the photo of which you see, is a unique tree that has clearly expressed antimicrobial properties. Everything is valuable in it: fruits, leaves, bark.

Manchurian walnut photo

  • A decoction of leaves is used to stop and purify blood, treat furunculosis, and skin tuberculosis.
  • Dried leaves clean and heal wounds, prevent the appearance of corns, and help treat gum disease.
  • Walnut broth helps to cope with eczema, lichen, purulent rash and many other skin diseases.
  • This plant is a good prophylactic for stomach pathologies, diarrhea, rickets.


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