How to get Bulgarian citizenship to a Russian citizen?

Between Turkey and Romania in the past is the communist country of Bulgaria. The state became a member of the European Union back in 2007. In terms of economy and standard of living of citizens, the country is in last place among the successful neighbors of the European Union. But, despite this, Bulgaria attracts great attention of Russians and Ukrainians who want to move to Europe for permanent residence.

How to get Bulgarian citizenship

A Bulgarian passport allows you to travel without visas to all EU countries, as well as to Japan, Korea, and to visit almost all Latin American countries and New Zealand. Australia to the Bulgarians provides a quick way to get a visa online. The United States gives citizens a multiple-entry visa for ten years.

Bulgarian citizenship

It is noteworthy that it is possible to obtain Bulgarian citizenship without even living in this country. After all, it gives great advantages, since citizens can not only travel, but also work in all European powers.

Bulgarian citizenship can be obtained by naturalization, in the presence of merit to the state or on ethnic grounds. You can also get it under the investment program. To do this, you just need to make an investment, the size of which depends on the necessary process of paperwork.

Citizens who can obtain a second citizenship

Not everyone can acquire a second citizenship of Bulgaria and not renounce their first citizenship. Groups of persons having this opportunity:

  • foreign residents who are married to Bulgarian citizens;
  • residents of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation;
  • residents of states with which Bulgaria has signed a cooperation agreement.

Dual citizenship of Russia (Bulgaria and Russian citizens)

Can a citizen of the Russian Federation have a second citizenship? This answer can be found in Art. 62 laws. Paragraphs of the article:

  • Russian citizens can have dual citizenship under the law of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of a second passport does not exempt from obligations to the Russian Federation, nor does it reduce the rights and freedoms.

Dual citizenship is fully legal and legal in the case of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

Bulgarian citizenship for citizens of the Russian Federation

Bulgaria attracts Russians with EU membership and close proximity to Russia. Therefore, the issue of how to obtain Bulgarian citizenship to a Russian citizen is very relevant for Russians.

Bulgaria in 2016 made a hardened form for Russian residents to enter the country. Starting from January 1, 2016, the cost of a visa began to be 10 euros, and before that it was 35 euros. A visa is issued free of charge to persons under 16 years of age. For Russia, the conditions for fingerprints at border crossings were removed. But citizenship can be obtained for Russians on the same conditions as for citizens of other countries.

How to get Bulgarian citizenship

Conditions for acquiring citizenship through naturalization

In Art. 12 of the Bulgarian law provides for citizenship on the basis of naturalization. For 2-3 years, the authorities have been considering the application on this basis. Terms of receipt:

  • adulthood;
  • for 5 years there was a residence permit in the country;
  • there were no convictions or problems with the law in Bulgaria;
  • the presence of constant income in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
  • fluency in the official language;
  • renunciation of citizenship of the country where the person was born.

Ethnic Bulgarians who live outside the country

The application is considered as long as during naturalization, i.e. about three years. The decision is being delayed due to the large number of people wishing to obtain Bulgarian citizenship and another passport. A very large number of applications are accepted from residents living in the territory of Moldova. This is due to the fact that most of the ethnic Bulgarians live in Moldova.

Bulgarian citizenship for Russians

Ethnic migrants who have proven their identity can get a D-category visa for 180 days, in the future it can be extended for another year. Most Russians and Ukrainians on a D visa go to Europe, Switzerland or Austria.

By origin or birth

A child who was born on Bulgarian territory is automatically assigned the status of a citizen of the state. This also applies to children who were found in Bulgaria when the status and citizenship of their parents is unknown.

Bulgarian citizenship by origin for children is possible when at least one parent is a citizen of the country. This right is also enjoyed by children adopted by Bulgarian parents. In order to get the Russians a passport of origin, you need to collect the following documents:

  • internal passport, a photocopy of it:
  • foreign passport and its copy;
  • a statement certified by a notary public where the name of the applicant is indicated, an explanation of the situation for obtaining citizenship and place of residence;
  • applicant's autobiography;
  • certificate of the presence of Bulgarian roots;
  • birth certificate;
  • if one of the parents is (was) a Bulgarian citizen, then his birth certificate must also be provided;
  • 4 passport photos.

The applicant must also submit a marriage application and birth certificate if he has children. You will also need to show a criminal record and medical certificates:

  • negative tests for sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS;
  • a document that confirms mental balance;
  • certificate from the doctor about the general physical health of the applicant.

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship to a Russian citizen is possible without renouncing Russian citizenship.


You can become a subject of Bulgaria after the marriage was concluded between a foreigner and a citizen of Belarus. There are six requirements that directly concern Russians:

  • marriage must exist for more than three years;
  • three years before writing an application for citizenship, the foreign spouse must receive a permanent stay in the state;
  • age of the applicant;
  • lack of problems with the law of Belarus;
  • good command of the Bulgarian language.

Bulgarian citizenship when buying real estate

Spouse or spouse has the right not to give up their initial citizenship.

Obtaining citizenship through parents

There are also additional ways for Russians to obtain citizenship. Production Options:

  1. A passport of the Republic of Belarus is issued for services to the country in the economic sphere, culture, science and so on.
  2. Under 18 years of age, children can obtain citizenship without problems:
  • whose parents acquire citizenship;
  • if one parent is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, and the other submits documents for citizenship.

How to get Bulgarian citizenship when buying real estate?

The country has an excellent geographical location: warm climate, Black Sea and ski resort. Today, a greater number of compatriots are resting on the territory of Bulgaria or want to move to the state. Being in a country with a residence permit issued on the basis of real estate acquisition is the main unifying factor of living near the sea and acquiring citizenship.

According to statistics, about 250 thousand Slavic residents (Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians) live in Bulgaria. According to the census, in 2011, about 15 thousand Slavic immigrants manage their own real estate in Bulgaria. For such a small country, this is quite an impressive figure.

Bulgaria is an inexpensive country with low tariffs for utilities and food. If in Italy or France apartments by the sea cost about 150 thousand euros, then in Bulgaria you can buy housing three times cheaper.

Investing in the economy of the state is one of the best options for acquiring citizen status. Citizenship in Bulgaria when buying real estate can be obtained by a resident of any country, but not immediately. The law was passed by the authorities that a person who has acquired property worth about 300 thousand euros, can first get only temporary residence (residence permit). This makes it possible to live and work on the territory of the state throughout the year. After this period, you must submit documents to extend the permit. At the time of obtaining temporary residence, a property owner can write a citizenship application.

Bulgarian citizenship by origin

Citizenship through investment

There are two investment options in the EU - according to the accelerated and ordinary procedure. In order to obtain Bulgarian citizenship for Russians according to the usual procedure, it is necessary to invest at least 512 thousand euros in state assets of the country. After five years, the amount will be returned to the owner, and the interest on the amount will remain at the disposal of the state. Six months after the investment, the investor can obtain a permanent residence, and after another five years, you can write a citizenship application. The rights of the investor extend to his family.

According to the accelerated procedure, the investor needs to contribute at least 1 million 24 thousand euros to the country's assets. And if the investor has the status of a permanent resident already within a year, then in two years you can apply for a Bulgarian passport. Bulgarian citizenship through investment makes it possible to have two passports, while there is no need to permanently reside in the country.

Basic requirements for investors:

  • adulthood;
  • acquisition of investment money in a legal way;
  • good conduct;
  • five years, the investor must have the status of a permanent resident, for an expedited procedure - one year;
  • passing a medical examination in the state where the investor resides.

dual citizenship russia bulgaria

Documents for obtaining a Bulgarian passport

For each method of issuing a passport, documents may vary slightly. The main list of required documents:

  1. An application that should be submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, which will indicate the data of the person who wants to obtain citizenship, address of residence and an explanation of the reasons for becoming a citizen of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Applicant's autobiography.
  3. Photo.
  4. Declaration made in accordance with form 2. The Declaration must indicate the education, marital status and other data.
  5. A certificate that confirms the knowledge of the Bulgarian language at a sufficient level.
  6. Conviction.
  7. A supporting document from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on residence on the territory for at least five years.
  8. Certificate from the prosecutor's office on non-violation of the legal order (for those who reside permanently in the country).
  9. Certificate of income from the tax authority, certificate of employment.
  10. A medical certificate that confirms the applicantโ€™s normal state of health.
  11. State duty payment receipt.

How to obtain Bulgarian citizenship when buying real estate

All documents must be translated into Bulgarian and notarized. In order to receive a passport, the decree must first be signed by the President of Bulgaria, and after that the Ministry of Justice transfers the applicant a certificate of citizenship.


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