Polo Lacoste: original or fake?

Many customers, before purchasing a branded item, ask themselves: โ€œIs this the original exactly?โ€ Now there are many online stores that give out fakes for products of famous brands. So what are the differences between the original polo from Lacoste and the replica?

Brief description of products "Lacoste"

Men's polo lacoste original

Recognizable features are small sleeves with elasticated cuffs and a two-button collar. Men's polos (original from Lacoste) are made only from 100% cotton. This is what provides an excellent and long wear, pleasant tactile sensations and freedom of movement.

The fabric of the brand "Lacoste" consists of complex filamentous plexuses that form the silhouettes of honeycombs. This material is called "pique", it is durable and stretchable, but at the same time light and thin.

polo lacoste original how to distinguish
What should I look for?

To know how to distinguish the original "Lacoste" from the replica, it is necessary to take into account several important points.

One of the main differences between the original product and the fake is the point of sale, a company store where only a real brand is provided to customers. However, do not forget that there are shops that conclude an agreement with well-known brands. They also sell the original product. It is clear that looking for the original Lacoste polo, for example, is not worth it on the market.

You should also be especially careful about online shopping. Most often they can give out replicas and fakes for the original Lacoste polo. Unscrupulous owners of such resources take advantage of the fact that they can make big profits by issuing a replica as a brand. This happens for the simple reason that many consumers today prefer to order almost everything via the Internet.

What should be the logo?

The second important point when choosing the original Lacoste polo is the logo. Most often it is green, but may be of a different color. It depends on the collection. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the quality of sewing the logo, and not to its style.

polo lacoste original how to distinguish

Crocodile should be clear. Carefully consider the details of the logo, such as claws and teeth. The official logo is a reptile of deep dark green color, with clearly visible teeth and claws. The upper jaw is smaller than the lower and is directed upward. The tail of the crocodile should be rounded and strive to the same place as the jaw, but not on the body. The eyes should also look more slit than rounded.

The buyer must make sure that the logo is on a white background (patch), its weak outline is visible from the inside, and the outlines of the crocodile itself should be barely noticeable, without any colored threads or obvious machine lines.

It should be remembered that the logo is located under the second button of the collar. The crocodile will be exactly in the middle of the left side of the shirt. It should be between the second button and the bottom line on the collar. When creating low-quality fakes, manufacturers often align the crocodile with the bottom line. It may also appear crooked.

Button difference

There are two buttons on the original Lacoste polo. One is located at the top, and the second is below. They should be completely identical and not have differences. Each button should have only two holes with a thread running through them.

To know how to distinguish the original Lacoste polo from a fake, you need to pay attention to the material itself, from which the buttons are made. At Lacoste, they are pearlescent and flicker when viewed from afar. They are produced in series and they look the same, but there should not be any inscriptions on them.

how to distinguish an original lacoste from a fake polo

To verify the authenticity, you can try knocking buttons or even try on the tooth - pearlescent will be more rigid and dense, unlike plastic and fake ones.

Examining a shirt label

The required number of tags (labels) is two. On one is the name of the brand and the logo is depicted, and on the second - the rules of care, material and also the country of origin. It can be Turkey, Morocco or Peru. Original Lacoste polos made in France are very rare.

To find the label with the washing instructions, you need to look into the lower inner edge of the polo, where the inscription โ€œ100% cottonโ€ must be printed in seven languages. The seam should not overlap the letters on the label.

Forewarned is forearmed. In order not to stumble on a fake and not to be disappointed in your purchase, you need to be careful when ordering things from unverified manufacturers, and buy products of famous brands only in company stores.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35718/

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