Oil seal for washing machines: purpose, selection criteria, alternatives

Like most household appliances, the operation of the washing machine is aimed at facilitating human labor and performing everyday tasks. The device is powered by electricity and uses water. However, some details necessary for the high-quality performance of the specified operations, in principle, should not come into contact with moisture. In order to prevent water from entering some parts of the washing machine and it would last for a long time, special devices were designed - seals and cuffs.

grease for oil seals for washing machines

Like other parts of the device, they require proper care. Grease for oil seals for washing machines increases the service life of bearings, preventing water and moisture from entering them. Why is it needed, how to properly and when to lubricate?

What is an oil seal?

This is a dense technical material located at the joints of parts. It is it that prevents water from entering the technical departments and protects the internal structure of the machine. In fact, no model of a washing machine can do without it, regardless of the manufacturer. The only difference that may be is the shape and size of the seal.

what grease to use for the washing machine oil seal

The specific properties and characteristics of the device directly depend on what material is used to make the gland. As a rule, they are made of silicone rubber or rubber. In the manufacturing process, a special metal insert is most often used, thanks to which the product in the future retains the desired shape and does not lend itself to deformation.

If we talk about the frontal types of washing machines, then in them the drum is mounted on an arm with several special paws. A semi-axis is mounted next to it, which helps to fix the entire structure. In addition, it retains its mobility, due to which the drum begins to spin during operation. The seals are initially located on the sleeve. In tandem, they do not leak. Complete safety for other mechanisms is provided. In the absence of any damage, the entire structure, including the bearings, is as if in a waterproof valve. If moisture gets on the bearings, then after a while they begin to rust, quickly stop doing their job.

waterproof grease for washing machine oil seals

Why is it necessary to lubricate the oil seal on time?

In the process, the shaft is constantly in contact with the inner surface of this part. Grease for oil seals for washing machines slows down the process of wear of parts, providing free sliding. If you neglect the composition to reduce friction, the joint sealing part will dry out over time and begin to pass water. This will lead to a forced premature replacement of both the packing and bearings.

What grease to use for the washing machine oil seal?

After replacement, the sealing device needs to be processed. Ideal - waterproof grease for oil seals of washing machines. It is purchased in specialized stores where components for the repair of household appliances are sold. In addition to water resistance, grease for oil seals for washing machines should have the following characteristics:

  • It should not contain chemicals that can corrode rubber or soften it (as a rule, sealing parts are made of this material). An inappropriate grease will not fulfill the functions assigned to it, but will only reduce the life of the packing.
  • The increased heat resistance. The specificity of the gland is such that during the operation of the washing machine it contacts the shaft, during friction and exposure to hot water, the temperature of the parts rises. Therefore, the composition, which will soften the slip, must withstand temperatures. High-quality grease for oil seals for washing machines can withstand temperatures up to 180 - 200 degrees.
  • Dense composition. This is an important indicator of good lubrication. Since in the process, the liquid solution simply spills out.

grease for oil seal washing machine than replace

If the owner of the home appliance does the repair himself, and he has a question about which lubricant is better for the gland of the washing machine, then you need to choose it according to the above criteria, and not according to the manufacturer's company. In any case, in any normal specialized store, sellers will advise the necessary composition, it is only necessary to explain its purpose.

Grease for the oil seal of the washing machine: what to replace?

The best option would be to use those substances that have been recommended by the manufacturer of the washing machine. Many manufacturers produce branded lubricants, which, according to them, are suitable for a particular model of household appliances. But in fact, these are standard compositions that are suitable for any oil seal. Unfortunately, even such lubricants may not be affordable for everyone, since this pleasure is not cheap.

As alternative good alternatives, you can choose the following types of lubricants intended for machine maintenance:

  1. Litol-24.
  2. Tsiatim-221.
  3. Azmol-Alumin.
  4. Ambligon

Of course, there are many similar options, but the above listed compounds have already been tested more than once on a wide variety of washing machine models and have shown good results in the process of use.

Is it worth replacing?

According to the masters, any alternative contributes to the softening of the part, which shortens its life. After a couple of years, the replacement will have to be done again. Therefore, the best option today is those lubricants that are recommended by manufacturers of washing machines.

what lubricant for the oil seal of the washing machine


An oil seal in a washing machine is a component that seals and seals a joint, which has an important purpose. Thanks to it, the bearings are protected from moisture, extending their service life, and the normal operation of the washing machine. But in order for them to perform the functions assigned to them, they must be lubricated with special compounds that reduce friction and increase the service life of the parts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35725/

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