Famous monuments of Krasnodar

How often in the bustle of days are parallels drawn between words, does the average person think about the origin and significance of a particular lexeme? A monument is something that is designed to protect memories. And it is not necessary for him to be man-made - enough thoughts and words. Almost daily we pass by monuments, sculptures, memorials, simply ancient or architecturally attractive buildings that exist in any locality. They hid the history of generations, nations, powers in general. For example, such is the monument to Catherine 2 in Krasnodar. Today, not everyone knows that in the past this city was called Ekaterinodar for a long time.

Each locality has a special look, its own charm and charm, alluring attractiveness and some often elusive features, thanks to which it is unmistakably recognized among others. Itā€™s more difficult to preserve individuality in a big city, not to lose yourself in the crazy rhythm of life, becoming faceless. However, it can be noted with confidence that this does not threaten settlements where there are architectural monuments. Krasnodar, for example, boasts a considerable number of them.

Gift of the Empress and Autocrat of the All-Russian

The city of Krasnodar already in its very name contains a clear indication that a gift has taken place in its history. Indeed, these fertile lands with a mild climate and extremely favorable location were a gift from the great empress to the Cossacks, who decided to settle in the Kuban. Over time, this city has acquired great importance for Russia, and the monuments of Krasnodar once again emphasize this.

monument to Catherine 2 in Krasnodar

So, over two centuries of existence on the territory of this settlement, a very significant number of diverse sculptures arose. Monuments amaze, delight, cause a smile or tears, in a word, fill the city with life, and its streets with meaning.

In the wake of the passing ages

The architectural monuments of Krasnodar are not just certain buildings that have a certain cultural, aesthetic value, but also one of the faces of this settlement, which opens to those who can see and read between the lines. There are many structures of various nature that were built in the 19th ā€“ early 20th centuries. They survived the revolution and German occupation, the difficult years of the formation and development of the USSR. There are many sights of the Soviet period. Each era makes its mark in the form of buildings and monuments.

Places of worship

Among the host of structures of various faiths, a large temple in the city deserves special attention - St. Catherineā€™s Cathedral, which was completed a century ago and has preserved its domes, consecrating Krasnodar, through all the hard times. It is also worth paying attention to the military cathedral of Alexander Nevsky, which was nicknamed the white temple for the cleanest stone walls, looking up, to the gold spiers. The unusually rounded shape of the building attracts the attention of the newly built Catholic Cathedral of St. Libor in Krasnodar.

Monuments of Krasnodar belonging to the society

The buildings of the female diocesan school and the Kuban community of sisters of mercy are no less remarkable. In the first case, at the turn of the century, a unique project arose with unusual patterned masonry, chic stucco molding on the facade and stunning stained-glass windows instead of the usual glass. The abode of the community was an example of Art Nouveau, embodied in red brick with a wrought-iron openwork staircase. The Mariinsky College of Noble Maidens, built by the architect Kosyakin and became one of the most beautiful buildings in Krasnodar, was a completely new architectural solution.

monuments of Krasnodar

Hotel "Central" was a real decoration of the pre-revolutionary city, surprising everyone with its lightness, elegance, and special airy beauty. But the house of engineer Batyrbek Shardanov was considered a building with excesses, but how can one look away from stucco moldings and Baroque elements, relief images of winged lionesses and a helmet-shaped dome? Such buildings delight in their attractiveness and attract the eyes of passers-by.

Some local architectural monuments can be called masterpieces. Krasnodar, thanks to them, remains in the thoughts of city guests and tourists for a long time. One can also note the postal and telegraph office built before the revolution. Now in this building is a unique Post Museum and its central office. You can not pass by the complex of buildings of the city ā€‹ā€‹hospital and military almshouse.

Another attraction is the Shukhov Tower. This is a unique design of a water tower. It was built in Krasnodar in the late 30s. It was she who was able to inspire Alexei Tolstoy to a magnificent novel about the hyperboloid of engineer Garin.

Natural beauty

The monuments of Krasnodar are not only sculptures and buildings, but also nature itself. After all, the city is located in a unique area. The abundance of greenery in all its manifestations makes it very attractive for those who like walks in silence and solitude, in harmony with nature. So, the oldest city park named after Gorky is famous for its oaks dating back more than one hundred years, as well as rare plants, such as ginkgo.

Botanical gardens can also count on the title of "Natural Monuments of Krasnodar." For example, a botanical garden belonging to the Kuban State Agrarian University has collected over 1700 plant species from almost all corners of the planet on its almost 4-hectare territory, some of which are included in the Red Book. This is a very quiet and peaceful place with almost hand-made squirrels and aviaries for birds. It is invariably popular with those who can appreciate the natural beauty of flora and fauna.

architectural monuments Krasnodar

The best time to visit the arboretum, which is in charge of Kuban State University, is the time of flowering of rare lotuses, yellow and nut-bearing. In addition, there is a serious basis for scientific research. You can see how pale pink water lilies bloom on a small lake near a small church located on the outskirts of Krasnodar.

In addition, Chistyakovskaya grove with a rope town, a real find for little fidgets, the Solnechny Ostrov park with a private zoo, and the Rozhdestvensky park several years ago with a barbecue area, are of interest.

In memory of the Warrior-Liberator

Both during the years of the Soviet Union and directly in the Russian Federation, the monuments of Krasnodar were replenished with new copies designed to honor those who fell during the fighting or became a victim of terror.

The years of the Second World War are one of the most tragic in the history of the country. You canā€™t forget them, and reminders will be useful. The very first was the obelisk "Heroes of the Battle of the Kuban", which was erected in the last days of the war at the expense of the Cossacks of one of the villages. It is not surprising that the monument is a rider with a saber flying on a horse. On the 20th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis on Victory Square, a monument was erected in honor of the liberators.

monuments of the city of Krasnodar

There was a place for memorial complexes. So, on the territory of Chistyakovskaya Grove for almost 40 years there has been a sculptural composition that embodied the collective image of all Krasnodar tortured by the invaders, the number of which exceeded 13 thousand.

The fraternal military memorial complex, opened in 1985, tells of the thousands of fallen soldiers of the Soviet Union who were buried in the city cemetery of Krasnodar.

White Guard

The years of the Civil War swept a bloody whirlwind across Russia. They did not pass by the Kuban, which was also reflected in the monuments. So, in 1967, a monument was opened in honor of the soldiers of the Red Army, who expelled the White Guard troops from the city.

In those years, the polarity was obvious: red is good, white is bad. However, the Kuban Cossacks never fully supported collectivization and other innovations of the Soviet government. Therefore, among the population there were a lot of dead people who fought on the side of the opponents of the revolution. Of course, they were all forgotten, and it was forbidden to mention their names. Only in modern Russia, in 1998, an obelisk was established as a tribute to all Kuban people who fell victims of the Civil War, regardless of their political convictions.

architectural monuments of Krasnodar

Monuments of Krasnodar dedicated to soldiers who sacrificed their lives away from their homeland

About three hundred residents of the Kuban did not return from Afghanistan alive. And in memory of them, a monument was erected in the city to the Sons of the Kuban who fell in Afghanistan. The basis of his concept was the symbol of the "black tulip", an airplane that returned the dead to their native land. This monument is to this day a gathering place for the "Afghans" who come from all over the Krasnodar Territory to honor their comrades-in-arms.

In addition, there is a memorial complex consisting of the temple chapel of the Holy Great Martyr and patron saint of the soldiers Dimitry of Solunsky, as well as a memorial arch. It is dedicated to the Kuban people who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, in military operations in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. They did not forget about the victims of the terrorist attacks in Moscow, Budennovsk, Dagestan, Volgodonsk, Buinaksk.

Walk of Fame

On the occasion of the bicentennial of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, the opening of the Walk of Fame located in the Mariinsky Square was also timed. It became a tribute to the memory of those heroes who brought Russia victory over France: Kutuzov and Bagration, Barclay de Tolly, Ermolov, Ushakov, Davydov, Vorontsov, Gudovich, Raevsky. The bust of His Grace Prince Grigory Potemkin-Tauride also fit in here organically. His lordship, although not related to World War II, has left an indelible mark on history. There is also a monument to Suvorov in Krasnodar - a bronze bust of the great generalissimo, established back in 2004 on the site of one of the fortification lines. To some extent, this particular monument symbolizes Krasnodar, since Suvorov is credited with the final accession of the Kuban to Russia.


Among the city attractions there are many diverse monuments depicting a particular figure or fictional character. In particular, the figures and busts of V. Kuybyshev, K. Marx, G. Dimitrov, V. Ulyanov-Lenin remained a legacy from the USSR. The latter was especially lucky, since there is an image of the leader of the world proletariat in almost every locality of the Russian Federation. Krasnodar is no exception. The monument to Lenin, erected in the city in the 1920s, is the work of the sculptor K. A. Dietrich. This monument is one of the very first sculptures dedicated to the leader of the proletariat that were made in the USSR.

Krasnodar monument to Lenin

There is also a monument in the city - a tribute to the great poet. The Pushkin Monument in Krasnodar is located near the library of the same name. His installation was timed to coincide with the bicentennial anniversary of the poet's birth, since popular love and respect for him do not weaken. A chased bronze profile, a proud posture - that is how Pushkin appears to the guests and residents of the capital of the Kuban.

The first monument to Catherine 2 in Krasnodar was erected in 1907 and became a kind of gratitude from the Cossacks for the donated land. However, the life of the monument was short-lived: with the advent of the new government already in 1920, the empressā€™s figure was sent for re-melting and safely forgot about its existence. A long journey to recovery was begun at the beginning of the 2000s, and in 2006, the monument to Catherine the Great was again inaugurated. Cast according to old drawings, he portrays the ruler of the wise and truly magnificent, surrounded by the faithful Potemkin and, of course, the chieftains of the Black Sea Cossack army: Anton Golovaty, Zakhary Chepegi and Sidor Bely.

monument in Krasnodar Shurik

Based on movies and paintings

One of the most interesting specimens is the monument in Krasnodar to Shurik and Lidochka. These are the heroes of the popular comedy of the Soviet era. ā€œEternal studentsā€ are called upon to remind students now within the walls of the nearby Kuban Technological University of the importance of education. The great combinator also found his embodiment in bronze - the Krasnodar version of Ostap Bender is located next to the Golden Calf.

The monuments of the city of Krasnodar include another attraction - a sculptural composition of the Cossacks, writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan. It was created based on the painting of I. E. Repin. By the way, there is free space next to the Cossacks, and each guest of the city can sit down and take a picture with the Cossacks.

You can tell and write about the sights of the capital of the Kuban if not an endless story, then a very long one. However, the best solution is not just to read lines written by someone, but to see their embodiment in real time. Visit Krasnodar, take a walk along its green streets, enjoy the beauties of the city. And be sure to go to local museums, do not disregard the picturesque squares, parks and alleys. And, of course, the monuments of the city deserve close attention. In Krasnodar, no one will be bored, there is always where to go and what to see.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3901/

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